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Well-known member
Feb 27, 2018
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central Kentucky
I have been offline since Friday afternoon. Since January we have been getting a wind event about every six days. This past Friday topped them all. A calm morning turned gusty by 3:00 PM. Soon the wing was gusting to over 60 mph. Some places recorded gusts over 75 mph. From Lincoln and Boyle county, through Garrard and Mercer counties, and on through Woodford and Fayette, the damage was severe and widespread. These gusts continued till past midnight, they would seem to calm down, only to come roaring back.
The result was one of the three worst electrical outages ever seen in this area. Several barns lost their roof or had structural damage. Down trees caused the most problems, taking down power lines and fiber optic cable.
A one hundred foot Shagbark Hickory fell across our drive, blocking our only way out. I tried to cut it up during the wind but soon decided the better part of valor was to wait it out.
With trees down across fences and roads, I went to down Saturday and purchased a new chainsaw.

What a strange winter. Outside of a cold snap at Christmas, we have had no snow and little cold weather. Trees are budding and flowers blooming about 2 or 3 weeks sooner than normal. We have had lots of rain but the winds soon dry the ground out and feeding has been much more convenient.
Been a crazy winter for us also . You described our weather exactly. Think it's the wettest winter I can remember also . Told someone the other day I was getting worried; my mud was drying out !
It sounds like the wind event on Friday was quite severe and caused a lot of damage in your area. I'm sorry to hear about the electrical outages and the loss of barns and trees. It's fortunate that you were able to wait out the fallen tree and purchase a new chainsaw to clear any damage. It's also interesting to note the changes in weather patterns this winter, with the lack of snow and earlier blooming of trees and flowers. It's important to stay prepared for any unexpected weather events and to take precautions to ensure safety.
We get plenty of wind around here, and sometimes some hail, but nothing like that. If that hit you on the head it would kill you. Most of what I have seen is pea size, nothing any bigger.
We're a little ways northeast of @Logan52 i think, it's been several wind events for sure. I guess we've been fortunate just to have some tin blown up on barn roofs and to get it screwed back down. I went along one day before a wind event and nailed down what I could reach without getting on a roof.
Lots of trees down on fences, and water gaps damaged from heavy rains. Spent day before yesterday cleaning out debris and patching water gaps. Still have some trees that need we need to get off fences from the last wind. Like him I'm about to need another saw after all this.
It got down in 30's a couple nights and now mid 40's lows and 60's for highs. Starting Sunday for few days 50's for highs and another wind day.
Crazy thing is, it's been wet but dries out, they recently had a fire burn around 100 acres in a fairly nearby state park said to have been arson.
I'm down in San Antonio right now and last night was very interesting and exciting but short-lived. Hail, high winds, a good spat of heavy rain that didn't last too long. Nothing too crazy. Some of the hail was good sized.
We had some pretty good wind Thursday. It was pretty nice here yesterday. I worked on the corrugator while I had a local company replacing our septic tank. That was an expense I was not expecting. Dang near six grand plus the cost of the permit and pumping out the old tank. Going to make getting to the end of the year a little harder. I wont have that buffer I was hoping for. Our old septic tank was just to concrete culverts, and each time it would be opened a little bit of dirt would sluff off into the tank. I think it was half full of dirt. I have some risers on the new tank, won't have to worry about dirt getting into the tank anymore.
1 1/2"+ friday evening with lots of wind and some hail. April showers bring May flowers and it's been a wet April for sure but someone here told me that May was always the wet month here. the rain and hail beat down some flowering plants wife had me plant last week..not a bloom left on hem either.
1 1/2"+ friday evening with lots of wind and some hail. April showers bring May flowers and it's been a wet April for sure but someone here told me that May was always the wet month here. the rain and hail beat down some flowering plants wife had me plant last week..not a bloom left on hem either.
In our case April snows bring may flowers. There is still to much snow out on the desert to check fences. Of course the ranch sits pretty close to 7000 feet. I have enough hay to get me to about 10 days into June. It's going take a bit before the grass starts growing. With all that snow they got along I-80 we should have some good grass, and the watering holes should be filled up. I summer my cows about 25 miles west of Rawlins. My uncle was just up there the other day, and said there is no way we could get in there to check fences. With all that snow there is probably some fences that are down. They had some pretty big drifts there this winter.

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