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Refrigerator-Sized Chunk of Ice Crushes Car in Florida

Sunday, January 28, 2007

TAMPA — It's a bird, it's a plane, it's... a refrigerator-sized chunk of ice?

A Hillsborough County resident's Ford Mustang was destroyed by just that Sunday, when a large slab of ice fell from the clear Florida sky directly onto the automobile, WTVT reports.

Click here to view WTVT's video coverage of the incident.

A neighbor of the resident who's now down a car told the local FOX affiliate that there was whooshing sound around 9 a.m. EST. Just moments later, he saw the car get crushed by ice.

Neighbors speculated the block of ice weighed at least 50 pounds.

No injuries were reported, and the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office said it is investigating.

Federal Aviation Administration and local airport officials told WTVT they are unsure if a plane could be faulted for the incident.
too bad! that is terrible! we all think we are safe, but large chunks of ice come falling out of the sky...to crush our vehicles... ;-)
As if I didn't have enough to worry about!
Reckon this is one of those accidental 'flushes' that airliners have been known to do?
What if you found this two days later when the ice had melted and dried up? Then what would you tell the agent?