Weird Dreams

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Nov 12, 2021
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Riverton Wyoming
Over the last month or so I have been having some interesting dreams. One night I dreamed about an ex girlfriend, then the following night about a teacher I had in high school, I guess I had to prove to my teacher that I did do my homework all these years later. Then the next night I dreamed about my ex wife, or maybe that could be considered a nightmare, probably should. Then after my ex wife a special lady friend of mine.

The other night I had a dream where I was up in the forest and had a cow that had to be hauled right then. All I had was the pickup, so I built a stock rack out of some pine trees and tied them together with willows. I woke up before I could get that cow home.
were these possibly wet dreams about your old girl freind, a special lady, and teacher? maybe they will all show up tonight to help get that cow home.
I've got some stomach meds I take and it gives me some wild dreams too. Just crazy off the wall dreams. Doc told me yesterday not to take them anymore as he doesn't think I need taking anything new 🤷
When you are dreaming like that, you are getting deep sleep. I always think it is amazing how our brains can give us a movie and we can see it; and we are the star of it, but where does the arrangement for the scenes come from? Really off the wall stuff. Often in my dreams, the people do not have faces, but I know who they are. Then sometimes there will be faces. I know I have had a dream in color too as I dreamed about a red truck. But can never remember if the other dreams were in color or not. I always like the dreams of people that have passed on and the dream is nice. I wake up and feel like I saw them again. I remember one time I thought, if I think hard enough before I go to sleep about Grandaddy Carl, he had the twin dairy calves, that I would dream about him. I did that for a long time and did not dream about him, then tried it again, and did dream that I was with him. They say if you go into a deep sleep, you dream, but often you don't remember it.

A couple of times, I will be somewhere, and I see something or a place and then remember that I dreamed it and wonder if I have been there before? What I see was in the dream. That has not happened in a long time.
@CowboyRam, Sounds like you better stick to dreaming about women and then you won't have to work too hard moving cattle. :ROFLMAO:
I would like to have seen a picture of your Pine trees and willow ties on your truck. Too bad we can't hook a camera up and take pictures of what we are seeing in dreams . I bet it is some crazy stuff if we did.

Might cause some divorces too. :p
If I eat spicy Mexican food, I have really wild dreams, the type of dreams that you remember for a very long time. Then something will happen sometimes years after that gives a me feeling of deja vu and I will remember a dream that I had about it. I've had some terrible dreams as well that I have prayed that they never come true.
Funny, I was just discussing with my wife right before I opened this thread about how I dream almost nightly and she rarely dreams. I have some weird of the wall dreams but also have a lot of dreams about the past and loved ones that have passed on, especially my papaw and my mom. I dream of my son when he was little a lot and about places I've worked as well as my current job. I have worked all night in my dreams and woke up just wore out. I rarely have what I would call a nightmare.
I've never understood how I can dream about people who's faces I have never actually known or even seen. Not vague or blank faces,... detailed and very real.
God communicates with us in our thoughts; as it seems to come from nowhere with deep communication. He also communicates with people in dreams. He did so in the Bible. Often when I dream of a loved one that has passed, and it is a real dream, I am thankful for it.
Funny, I was just discussing with my wife right before I opened this thread about how I dream almost nightly and she rarely dreams. I have some weird of the wall dreams but also have a lot of dreams about the past and loved ones that have passed on, especially my papaw and my mom. I dream of my son when he was little a lot and about places I've worked as well as my current job. I have worked all night in my dreams and woke up just wore out. I rarely have what I would call a nightmare.
Been almost 19 years since I "retired" and left the paycheck world. The recurring dream from that has been I went back to work to help out because they were short handed. Then I get put on a job where one by one everyone gets called out to other important matters. Soon I'm the only one left on the job having to do all the work. This went on for quite a long time but eventually I was able to curb them. I would wake up saying "screw" this, I'm not doing this anymore!

I still have a version of the dream. It's not focused on the work so much but come payday I never get a paycheck.....something about turning in paperwork and timesheets to get paid. But then, isn't that the way the cattle business feels sometime?
It has been over 20 years since I worked at a water treatment facility, I was the superintendent. This job often required long stints by oneself, often at night, responsible for the quality of water going out all over the county.
A recurring nightmare is that I fall asleep and am awaken by alarms going off, filters run dry, and general mayhem at the treatment plant. It is always a relief when I realize it is only a dream.

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