Virus in KY

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Well-known member
Dec 28, 2011
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For those of you in Ky, how long do you predict we will be shut down here in Ky as we currently are? For now, schools and such are closed until the end of April. The date has been moved up a couple of times, and the Governor is getting more firm about the restrictions, although he is not currently making predictions beyond the end of April, but he keeps showing a chart that predicts what could happen with three months of social distancing.

Some people are getting restless and feel we will start easing the restrictions and probably open schools back up at the first of May. I heard one principle say he was really optimistic about opening May 4th. I realize officials don't want to set the date too far out and are moving it as we go, but personally, I don't see it. I think this will linger at least into the summer. What are some thoughts here?
kenny thomas said:
VA has already closed schools for the year. Not sure if that will make any difference in what KY does.

It possibly could make a difference.

Just to be clear, I'm referring to the shutdown as a whole: schools, businesses, churches, social distancing. Schools are a big chunk of it, so I just used it as an example.
Here, I think they will have trouble holding people back. Too many will break the restrictions. In the cities people are becoming bored. They don't have much of a back yard any more. They rely on outside entertainment like sport, the beach shopping and dining out to amuse themselves. They can't handle being at home.

I can't imagine what people do in big city's. Me and my wife have been off Saturday and Sunday. The only place we have been is to SS this morning to get a load of fertilizer. We have been so busy around the farm and outside in the yard and garden we haven't had time to even think about this virus. People that are stuck inside and watch the crazy media all day are going to go crazier than they already are
herofan said:
kenny thomas said:
VA has already closed schools for the year. Not sure if that will make any difference in what KY does.

It possibly could make a difference.

Just to be clear, I'm referring to the shutdown as a whole: schools, businesses, churches, social distancing. Schools are a big chunk of it, so I just used it as an example.
We have lots of Essential businesses still working. I can't imagine how some of them are considered essential.
I really can't tell much difference in the traffic. Trucks still hauling logs, coal, gravel every day.
Here in Alberta they shut down almost everything except for essential businesses also. Schools, rec centers, theaters, ect have been shut down without any clue as when they would open again. But with everything being shutdown like this, People are still traveling no matter what. I know some probably are bored but then you have the ones that just don't care. Sadly its those people that are making it worse for the rest of us. From what I heard yesterday, we had another 100 some more cases and another death of a young 20 something girl. (not too sure of exact details)
I am sorry, but this will be new normal for at least 6 more months to a year. A virus just does not disappear with summer. Everyone now needs to prepare for the long haul.
sstterry said:
I am sorry, but this will be new normal for at least 6 more months to a year. A virus just does not disappear with summer. Everyone now needs to prepare for the long haul.
Until there's a vaccine for it or everyone on the planet has been infected with it, whichever comes first. said:
sstterry said:
I am sorry, but this will be new normal for at least 6 more months to a year. A virus just does not disappear with summer. Everyone now needs to prepare for the long haul.
Until there's a vaccine for it or everyone on the planet has been infected with it, whichever comes first.

And a vaccine is at least 10 months away (at least in the US).
sstterry said:
I am sorry, but this will be new normal for at least 6 more months to a year. A virus just does not disappear with summer. Everyone now needs to prepare for the long haul.

I will bet you a hamburger it's not.
Our society can not stand or will not tolerate it that long.
It will be Americans killing Americans before then IMO. With 33% unemployment things will get ugly fast.
Hero, I think schools will be the last to back. Shoulder to shoulder, tons of flat surfaces, eating together........It's the trifecta of virus transfer.
kenny thomas said:
herofan said:
kenny thomas said:
VA has already closed schools for the year. Not sure if that will make any difference in what KY does.

It possibly could make a difference.

Just to be clear, I'm referring to the shutdown as a whole: schools, businesses, churches, social distancing. Schools are a big chunk of it, so I just used it as an example.
We have lots of Essential businesses still working. I can't imagine how some of them are considered essential.
I really can't tell much difference in the traffic. Trucks still hauling logs, coal, gravel every day.
Trucking is a low-risk job anyhow though, especially raw materials like logs, coal and gravel
Caustic Burno said:
sstterry said:
I am sorry, but this will be new normal for at least 6 more months to a year. A virus just does not disappear with summer. Everyone now needs to prepare for the long haul.

I will bet you a hamburger it's not.
Our society can not stand or will not tolerate it that long.
It will be Americans killing Americans before then IMO. With 33% unemployment things will get ugly fast.

You are on, getting ugly does not mean this damn virus will be gone. This is real and in October you and the wife have to come to Tennessee and I will grill you a hamburger!
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