Upon 'getting old'

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Jul 5, 2012
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Copperas Cove Tx
I am not sure when it happened, but it is at last upon me. Old age.
Around 2009, my last aunt died out in Sweetwater Texas and I, my twin, and my 2 older sisters traveled 1/2way across Texas from East Texas out to her funeral. After the burial service, there was a meal served at the little community center in Nolan and we were sitting around with the deceased oldest son, and a thought came to me which I expressed to them. "You know what this means don't you? We are 'the old folks now'.

It was true, tho it didn't really feel like it at the time, but it has in the last few years as when my own immediate family gathers for a holiday, it's strikingly obvious that I and my 2 sisters are by far, the oldest present. Lots of folks there, but all younger than I, and I have to acknowledge that this last Thanksgiving, I didn't know who some of them were as all the nephews and nieces now have their spouses there and their kids. Some of those 'kids' have kids of their own and I can't begin to keep who belongs to who and also hits me that I have little or nothing in common with most of them. None have gone into the military, none farm, most don't have blue collar jobs, none have 'had it hard'. I'm 2-3 generations removed in most cases and they all sit around on their phones most of the time anyway, my own sons being the exception on the rare occasion they make the lengthy trip to join in. (all but 1 lives out of state). X,Z, millennials and gen alphas ......... just 3 of us old boomers.
Absent are my own parents, my uncles and aunts and many of my own cousins, all deceased and of course my twin brother.

Even today tho, it's odd. I don't 'feel' old. I still have plans to do this and that and go on about my life as I did back when I was 50 or 60 but in that family scenario, it stands out where I really am in my short tenure on this mortal coil. I do not worry on it, but I do realize that someday soon I too will be gone and not long afterwards the world will little care nor long remember I was even here.
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I mentioned to my wife recently, that a lot of the people that we were raised by and around were born in the 1800's. She gave me a strange look and said ''you are weird''o_O
My wife thinks it's neat that one of my grandfathers was born in the 1800's. My other 3 grandparents were born within the first 5 years of the 1900's.
All of my grandparents were born in the 1890's. In a thread yesterday I mentioned Ben Snipes who was a cattle baron in Washington from the 1850's through 1890's. My wife had a great uncle who cowboyed for him in the 1880's. He lived a long life and died when she was still a little girl.
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Yep. My paternal grandparents were born in 1887; maternal grandparents in 1902.
l have an aunt on each side of the family, still surviving all their other siblings. Dad's baby sister is 94... worked until she was well into her 80s... currently helping my cousin (68, still working full-time) who has adopted and is raising her 15y.o. granddaughter. she still drives, mows her own lawn, tends her own garden - has all her wits about her, and is as spry and handsome as she was 40 years ago. Mom's baby sister is 85.
After those two go to their reward, my cousins and I will be 'the old folks'... but we're spread out over an age range from 52 to 80. I pretty much know all my first cousin's kids, but not many of those kids' kids... and some of those have kids of their own whom I would never recognize.
I am not sure when it happened, but it is at last upon me. Old age.
Around 2009, my last aunt died out in Sweetwater Texas and I, my twin, and my 2 older sisters traveled 1/2way across Texas from East Texas out to her funeral. After the burial service, there was a meal served at the little community center in Nolan and we were sitting around with the deceased oldest son, and a thought came to me which I expressed to them. "You know what this means don't you? We are 'the old folks now'.

It was true, tho it didn't really feel like it at the time, but it has in the last few years as when my own immediate family gathers for a holiday, it's strikingly obvious that I and my 2 sisters are by far, the oldest present. Lots of folks there, but all younger than I, and I have to acknowledge that this last Thanksgiving, I didn't know who some of them were as all the nephews and nieces now have their spouses there and their kids. Some of those 'kids' have kids of their own and I can't begin to keep who belongs to who and also hits me that I have little or nothing in common with most of them. None have gone into the military, none farm, most don't have blue collar jobs, none have 'had it hard'. I'm 2-3 generations removed in most cases and they all sit around on their phones most of the time anyway, my own sons being the exception on the rare occasion they make the lengthy trip to join in. (all but 1 lives out of state). X,Z, millennials and gen alphas ......... just 3 of us old boomers.
Absent are my own parents, my uncles and aunts and many of my own cousins, all deceased and of course my twin brother.

Even today tho, it's odd. I don't 'feel' old. I still have plans to do this and that and go on about my life as I did back when I was 50 or 60 but in that family scenario, it stands out where I really am in my short tenure on this mortal coil. I do not worry on it, but I do realize that someday soon I too will be gone and not long afterwards the world will little care nor long remember I was even here.
Worry not about what this world remembers as it is passing away in due time.
Rest assured He who watches Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps.
I hope all your days are secure in the knowledge of eternal blessing.
My wife thinks it's neat that one of my grandfathers was born in the 1800's. My other 3 grandparents were born within the first 5 years of the 1900's.
All of my grandparents were born between 1871 and 1893 so 152 years between one grandpa and myself right now. Interesting enough, we share the same birth date.
Greybeard, just don't go to anymore of these 'family gatherings' with a bunch of useless cell phone dwellers. They don't know who you are either. Those family members that seek you out, those are gold.
Greybeard, just don't go to anymore of these 'family gatherings' with a bunch of useless cell phone dwellers. They don't know who you are either. Those family members that seek you out, those are gold.
They think if they stalk you on FB it still counts. 🤬

I miss my grandparents. My family lost their mind when they weren't there to keep them in check.
I have outlived my momma, the old man, and 1 grandpa, got several years to go before I catch both grandma's and 1 grandpa.
I'm the oldest of my family, got my 1st cousin beat my 10 years. and I only been drawing SS 6 years, maybe 7.
And I feel like sh:censored:, And I got to go feed them damn cows, Bye :)
@Lannie Beat me to it!

U won't be forgotten my friend.

And I'll add my little take on this aging thing....

Some of ya'll may have noticed I have not been as active here lately, on the forum anyway. I have a way of keeping busy when things like this happen. Lots of salebarns. Tree clean up. Fence repairs. Bottle calves etc... anything to keep me going!

Some time back, I was visiting my 90-some yr old grandmother in the hospital. She had a hernia repaired and was flat miserable about it. I've had one repaired myself. I can't imagine having it done at her age. She swore she wasn't gonna eat. (Under heavy drugs and a great deal of pain) but she pulled thru. Now in a nursing home and not getting around real well. Makes me very sad.

While I was visiting my poor grandmother, I got word my youngest brother was checking on our mother and found her dead in her bed.

Few weeks later, Thanksgiving was miserable for me. Really really missed them.

Anyway, this thread has made me consider what your saying. I'm entering the generation that's left. Still got my dad tho!

Thanks @greybeard for letting me feel like I'm not alone. Appreciate you!
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You wax poetic, but damn it, you ain't gone yet! Any one of us could be hit by a bus tomorrow. Keep living to the fullest every single day. We will all be forgotten at some point. But, I can assure you, you will not be forgotten anytime soon. We will be cussing and calling you names for years to come, regardless of what happens in the future ;).
I was wondering about you @MurraysMutts ... in fact looked up to see when you had last been "seen", wondering if I had just missed your posts. I am truly sorry for the family pain and difficulties the last few months.
I lost both my parents in 2021... mom's was a blessing with total dementia, non-communicative. Dad I think just didn't want to live. Had my knees both replaced shortly after. Taking more time to "get going" than I like.
My father's brother is still alive but we have no real contact. My mom's sister is still alive but she withdrew from the family years ago and had not been close since I was a teenager. So I am now in the "older generation" ; have a sister and 2 brothers and there is so much dissension, especially since my parents passing that I don't think there will be much contact in the future. Very sad since as kids we were pretty tight.

Many of the younger generation is too wound up with their electronic toys, having life easier, and just don't understand the whole direction this world is moving towards and there will be a loss of our freedoms and rights and it will be nearly impossible to get it back.
My wife thinks it's neat that one of my grandfathers was born in the 1800's. My other 3 grandparents were born within the first 5 years of the 1900's.
All my grandparents were born in the 1870's and 80's. Both my parents were the youngest born 1914/15.
I know what GB is getting at, I am the youngest of seven only three left.
I recently went to HS reunion, after looking around I thought what happened to this bunch.
Those that weren't dead looked like they had a foot on a banana peel. I left feeling pretty good.