Update on a couple of my threads

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Aug 9, 2020
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NW Georgia
Well, we are NOT going to try to BBQ that steer whole at our Labor Day dove shoot. he will be weaned in July, and we are giving him to this boy to raise. There is an elderly black lady, Miss Mattie, that lives in a house on Scott's family's place. I bet she is in her 80's. Her late husband worked on the farm for Scott;s grand pa and dad, and when he died, Miss Mattie just stayed on in the house. This happens a lot with farmers in the rural south. Scott's family has always taken care of her, too..,makes sure she has food, medicine, ride to the doctor and to town, etc. She has no utility bills..Scott pays them. She has a grandson ( though we suspect it is really a great-grandson) that lives with her. He is about 17 and has Down's Syndrone but is highly-functioning. Probably about 9-10 yrs old emotionally and intellectually. The boy has a heart of gold, and is freakishly strong. I am talking if he wanted to play a joke on you, he might pick up the back of your truck and set it over in a ditch! :) But the boy wouldn't fight for any reason, and got picked on a lot by other kids because of that. (And remember this because it is a part of the next thread I am gonna post ). Anytime Scott goes to do something Ezekiel..we call him Zeke..is right there wanting to go with him and help. And he is good help. You give him something to do...make sure he understands...and you never have to check on him again. Scott and I pay him to feed our bird dogs and beagles. The pens and kennels are always clean and have fresh water in them. And I suspect our dogs get a lot of petting and grooming and loving that most hunting dogs don't get. Every time I go down there, I drive slow by their place honk the horn and here he comes on his bicycle down to the Kudzu field. He jumps up on the trailer to see what horses i brought. And I always saddle something and let him ride it around our corral whenever I come down and we aren't using the corral. .

Any way, several weeks ago Zeke and Miss Mattie had something horrible happen. Miss Mattie ended up with a broke hip and Zeke was roughed up pretty bad. So, me and Scott are gonna pay Zeke to feed this steer out for a year. and we will buy the feed, then we gonna process it and put it in the freezer for Zeke and Miss Mattie. In back of their house is about a 4-acre. fenced in, grown up, old milk cow pasture. Scott and Zeke repaired what needed to be fixed on that old fence today, actually.

Also, the 2 Corriente cows, bred to the black MFB, that I kept out of that last bunch I got from Mexico, have calved. Both had black heifer calves. And we had one bull calf from the blue roan Corr I got in that first load of 100. And his sire is a black Mexican fighting bull. He is about 3 months old now, and you can tell the difference in him and the pure Corr calves. He is not as beefy as our Corr x Brangus calves, but a little heavier built than the pure Corrs. So, we are thinking 1/2 Corr x 1/2 Mexican fighting bull might wean a better , heavier calf, with no more inputs than the Corrs. We will be tickled to death if the horns on these are Mexican fighting bull shaped vs Corr. We didn't cut that bull calf, and at weaning we gonna take him and these 2 heifers to Zeke to raise too. Gonna pay him more, of course, and these will end up being the gentlest, brokest, half Mexican fighting cattle there is. with Zeke raising them. We will use them to breed more like them, And use this bull instead of a pure Corr bull for clean-up. I hate to wait 2 years to see how calves from these half and halves bred to our Ultrablacks or Brangus will work for us vs the Corr x Brangus/Ultrablacks. I told George today, when he called needing some mor Chi bulls, to go ahead and find me 25 half Corr-half MFB cows, bred or open, and get 10 of them black. Doesn't matter about the color on the other 15. I will sell the 10 black ones to the guy that bought the black ones out of the last 2 loads, for more than enough to cover what all 25 cost and transportation. Then I could have some of those calves from our black bulls in as little as 10 months...maybe 9.
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Sounds good, everything you're doing for Zeke and Miss Mattie!
"Probably about 9-10 yrs old emotionally and intellectually"
I know you said he is big old tough one but is Zeke fully capable of feeding out the steer? Even a steer can get pushy.
That's a nice story about the woman and the boy. Lots of people wouldn't do all that. Yall are good folks.
That is just how us southern redneck "racists" roll. About the first of the year...probably Jan 3rd when she got her check, a nephew of Miss Mattie broke in on her and Zeke. Actually it was her sisters grandson. He was a known thug and crack addict. He roughed up Miss Mattie pretty bad, broke her hip some facial bones, and some fingers. and just beat the ever-loving sh*t out of Zeke. After it got daylight, she sent him to Scott's house for help. He called me and told me when he got to her house and was waiting on an ambulance. I made the 3 hour drive down there in a hair over 2 hours. A sob that would do that to an old woman needs killing...and no jury down here would convict a man for it. But, when I saw what he did to Zeke. emotionally as well as physically, I wanted that MF'er . Bad.
I have told about the local MC that comes to our dove shoot for the Saturday night feast and -party, and pays full price though they don't come to the shoot. They just do it to support the kids that we do this for. This is a true MC, and their center piece of their cut looks almost identical to my profile pic. When I got to the hospital, the VP was there, along with a member of a local all-black 1% MC. They both know Miss Mattie well. These 2 clubs support each other for their respective charity rides and events, as well as other things that arise in the MC world. So much for southern racism, huh? The number one rule of the biker community is respect. You are judged on your character and how you handle yourself and others. Yes, most MCs are white only, and there are black MCs and Latino MCs. But, they all show each other respect as long as respect is earned. Race has nothing to do with it.
Anyhow, I was outside smoking and trying to cool down, and HogBear and the black biker were out there smoking too. I told HogBear I wished I could get the sob before the cops did...if the popo even could. He told me "We ( both clubs) are already on it." 3 days later he told me they had got him.

Me and Scott decided we needed to put a ramp on Mattie's house before she got home, and put in a walk-in shower cause we knew she would probably be wheel-chair bound from now on. I called Hog Bear, who is a drywall contractor that buys it by the truckload, and keeps it in a warehouse. He also buys lumber and other materials in bulk, and sells some of this, mostly dry wall to other contractors. I went to the house, drew up plans for what we wanted to do, and made a bill of materials. I told HogBear what all we needed, and asked him to price it for me. He asked when we were planning on doing it, and I said that coming Saturday. He said he would have it their at daylight Saturday morning. Never mentioned price.

That Saturday morning he came rolling up with the materials on his trailer, and his crew. Mostly his MC members, and that black MC member. Damn, it looked like a NASCAR pit crew working on that house! Scott and I were talking, and he mentioned the very first thing she would want to do when she got home would be go to church. It is a small , poor coumtrey church. most of the members elderly, and more women than men, given the ages. It is a small, one room frame structure, over 100 years old. It has a bathroom added to the back, in a space the size of a closet. A sink and commode. concrete block steps, 5 high, to get in. No rails or any thing. We deided we needed to put a ramp om tje front and one on the bathroom and put a wider door on the bathroom. Things were going good on the house, so HogBear took a couple of his guys and the black biker, and rode over to measure and lay oput some plans. When they rolled up, some members were there doing some yard work, and I am sure they were shocked to see these bikers pull up with their rebel flag cuts! LOl. But, the black MC member explained who they were and what they were here for.

The next Saturday, just last month, HogBear and his crew rolled up to the church, and began work. The members, mostly old women, showed up and announced they were going to " fix these boys some dinner" Down here we don't do breakfast, lunch and dinner. We eat breakfast, dinner and supper. Fired catfish, chicken and porkchops. Fried squash and okra, fried potatoes fried right..in lard! Black eyed peas and fried corn ( Yankees and others call it cream corn). Corn bread, biscuits and all kind of cake and pie. When, they got there and saw the members, HogBear told the crew to leave the beer in the cooler and don't smoke anything that isn't tobacco. Like I said, the Biker community is all about respect. I wish I had a video to show all of these woke libtards. A bunch of outlaw bikers, sitting under the picnic shed with their rebel flag cuts, being served by all of these old black women ,who served as many hugs ad "thank you's" as they did food. One of them had asked HogBear reckon what this would cost, And HogBear said " Are you kidding me?! After a meal like this WE owe YOU!" :)

As I have said in my post about grilling the whole steer for the dove shoot, this MC is sending some prospects to help me cook for 2 days and nights. Well, this year, we gonna buy the stuff, and these church ladies are gonna cook all the sides, and come help us serve! The man we get the porta potties from, has some self-contained, heated and air conditioned, bathroom trailers that are handicapped accessible. He told me since we had power at the pole barn now, he was gonna bring one out and set it up for those ladies. Said it would be too hot for them to be going in those hot, stinky porta potties, especially since Miss Matie said she was gonna be there to help, too. He said that after the dove shoot, he was just gonna pull it over to the church, and wire and plumb it in permanently.:) It will be the ladies' restroom, and the men's will be the one on back of the church.:) So much for southern racism, huh? And the MC stereo type you see on SOA and these "outlaw biker" documentaries.

Oh, and Zeke went home from the hospital that day with Scott, and has been staying with him ever since. Miss Mattie is out of the hospital and in a rehab facility for a couple of more weeks. Doctors say she ought to go to a nursing home, but Medicaid and Medicare pays for some at home nursing, and I am going to pay for someone when they aren't there.
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Be leery with some of those doctors. If they ever find out an elderly person doesn't have someone at home full time to take care of them, the doctors will not release them to go home and Medicare will force them directly into long term care (nursing home) taking all their SS and assets to pay for it and it's rare those will ever even see their homes again.
I was sitting at a bar in Galveston, Tx several years back and noticed nearly everyone around us had a MC 1% patch on their vest. We was just having a few beers and one of the guys with us was shooting pool. I kinda got to thinking about it and thought this might not be good. I text my son who has been a cop in a big city for 12 yrs and ask if we should leave. He said the bikers are the best group to be around as long as you show them some respect. He said he'd rather be in a bar full of bikers than any other bar around there. He also said the bikers are generally the best group that they deal with. We ended up having a great time. The biker shooting pool against our buddy was hilarious and full of wild tales. Rough looking bunch though. I'd just never been around that many bikers before.
Sounds good, everything you're doing for Zeke and Miss Mattie!
"Probably about 9-10 yrs old emotionally and intellectually"
I know you said he is big old tough one but is Zeke fully capable of feeding out the steer? Even a steer can get pushy.
Oh, yeah. He is probably more advanced than that intellectually. He is what they call highly functioning. He can read on a 6th grade level and can write. Does simple math, can count change, read a tape measure, measure out feed, etc. He feeds our hunting dogs, takes them out for runs etc. He just gets his feelings hurt easily, and doesn't understand people being mean. This past hunting season I kept the mule team, a SSH and a gaited riding mule in the corral at the Kudzu place and he'd ride his bike over there every day to check on the water and hay. You did not have to worry about him trying to ride or get them out or anything, because I told him not to unless Scott or I was there. It's gonna be a little rough on him when it is time to process thje steer next year. He cries when a puppy dies, or when they kill a chicken or a hog to eat. With the puppies. Miss Mattie will tell him "Well there was a little girl (or boy) in heaven that was scared and lonely, so God decided He would give her a puppy for a friend." He will stop crying and start smiling, then.
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Be leery with some of those doctors. If they ever find out an elderly person doesn't have someone at home full time to take care of them, the doctors will not release them to go home and Medicare will force them directly into long term care (nursing home) taking all their SS and assets to pay for it and it's rare those will ever even see their homes again.
Her doctor knws her well. she was his baby sitter many years ago. And he knows Scott, too.
That is just how us southern redneck "racists" roll. About the firs of the year...probably Jan 3rd when she got her check, a nephew of Miss Mattie broke in on her and Zeke. Actually it was her sisters grandson. He was a known thug and crack addict. He roughed up Miss Mattie pretty bad, broke her hip some facial bones, and some fingers. and just beat the ever-loving sh*t out of Zeke. After it got daylight, she sent him to Scott's house for help. He called me ad told me when he got to her house and was waiting on an ambulance. I made the 3 hour drive down there in a hair over 2 hours. A sob that would do that to an old woman needs killing...and no jury down here would convict a man for it. But, when I saw what he did to Zeke. emotionally as well as physically, I wanted that MF'er . Bad.
I have told about the local MC that comes to our dove shoot for the Saturday night feast and -party, and pays full price though they don;t come to the shoot. They just do it to support the kids that we do this for. This is a true MC, and their center piece of their cut looks almost identical to my profile pic. When I got to the hospital, the VP was there, along with a member of a local all-black 1% MC. They both know Miss Mattie well. These 2 clubs support each other for their respective charity rides and events, as well as other things that arise in the MC world. So much for southern racism, huh? The number one rule of the biker community is respect. You are judged on your character and how you handle yourself and others. Yes, most Mcs are white only, an thjeir are blak MCs and LAtin Mcs. But, thjey all show each other res-pect as long as res-ect is earned. Race has nothing to do with it.\
Anyhow, I was outside smoking and trying to cool down, and HogBear and the black biker were out there smoking too. I told HogBear I wished I could get the sob before the cops did..if they even could. He told me " We ( both clubs) are already on it." 3 days later he told me they had got him.

Me and Scott decided we needed to put a ramp on Mattie's house before she got home, and put in a walk-in shower cause we knew she would probably be wheel-chair bound from now on. I called Hog Bear, who is a drywall contractor that buys it by the truckload, and keeps it in a warehouse. He also buys lumber and other materials in bulk, and sells some of this, mostly dry wall to other contractors. I went to the house, drew up plans for what we wanted to do, and made a bill of materials. I told HogBear what all we needed, and asked him to price it for me. He asked when we were planning on doing it, and I said that coming Saturday. He said he would have it their at daylight Saturday morning. Never mentioned price.
That Saturday morning he came rolling up with the materials on his trailer, and his crew. Mostly his MC members, and that black MC member. Damn, it looked like a Nascar pit crew working on that house! Scott and I were talking, and he mentioned the very first thing she would want to do when she got home would be go to church. It is a small , poor coumtrey church. most of the members elderly, and more women than men, given the ages. It is a small, one room frame structure, over 100 years old. It has a bathroom added to the back, in a space the size of a closet. A sink and commode. concrete block steps, 5 high, to get in. No rails or any thing. We deided we needed to put a ramp om tje front and one on the bathroom and put a wider door on the bathroom. Things were going good on the house, so HogBear took a couple of his guys and the black biker, and rode over to measure and lay oput some plans. When they rolled up, some members were there doing some yard work, and I am sure they were shocked to see these bikers pull up with their rebel flag cuts! LOl. But, the black MC member explained who they were and what they were here for.

The next Saturday, just last month, HogBear and his crew rolled up to the church, and began work. The members, mostly old women, showed up and announced they were going to " fix these boys some dinner" Down here we don't do breakfast, lunch and dinner. We eat breakfast, dinner and supper. Fired catfish, chicken and porkchops. Fried squash and okra, foed potatoes fried right..in lard! Black eyed peas and fried corn ( Yankees and others call it cream corn). Corn bread, biscuits and all kind of cake and pie. When, they got there and saw the members, HogBear told the crew to leave the beer in the cooler and don't smoke anything that isn;t tobacco. Like I said, the Biker community is all about respect. I wish I had a video to show all of these woke libtards. A bunch of outlaw bikers, sitting under the picnic shed with their rebel flag cuts, being served by all of these old black women ,who served as many hugs ad "thank you's" as they did food. One of them had asked HogBear reckon what this would cost, And HogBear said " Are you kidding me?! After a meal like this WE owe YOU!" :)

As I have said in my post about grilling the whole steer for the dove shoot, this MC is sending some prospects to help me cook for 2 days and nights. Well, this year, we gonna buy the stuff, and these church ladies are gonna cook all the sides, and come help us serve! The man we get the porta potties from, has some self-conatined, heaated at air coditioned, bathroom trailers that are handicapped accessible. He told me since we had power at the pole barn now, he was gonna bring one out and set it up for those ladies. Said it would be too hot for them to be going in those hot, stinky porta potties. especially since Miss Matie said she was gonna be there to help, too. He said that after the dove shoot, he was just gonna pull it over to the church, and wire ad plumb it in permanantly.:) It will be the ladies's restroom, and the men's the one on back of the chuch.:) So much for southern racism, huh? And the MC stereo type you see on SOA and these " outlaw biker" documentaries.

Oh, and Zeke went home from the hospital that day with Scott, and has been staying with him ever since. Miss Mattie is out of the hospital and in a rehab facility for a couple of more weeks. Doctors say she ought to go to a nursing home, but Medicaid and Medicare pays for some at home nursing, and I am going to pay for someone when they aren't there.
At a time when so many are doing much to sow division, the majority aren't like that. You and your group of "rednecks" especially. As I work through yet another blizzard, Thanks so much for the pick me up.
I was sitting at a bar in Galveston, Tx several years back and noticed nearly everyone around us had a MC 1% patch on their vest. We was just having a few beers and one of the guys with us was shooting pool. I kinda got to thinking about it and thought this might not be good. I text my son who has been a cop in a big city for 12 yrs and ask if we should leave. He said the bikers are the best group to be around as long as you show them some respect. He said he'd rather be in a bar full of bikers than any other bar around there. He also said the bikers are generally the best group that they deal with. We ended up having a great time. The biker shooting pool against our buddy was hilarious and full of wild tales. Rough looking bunch though. I'd just never been around that many bikers before.
A few years back, I was on a Chamber committee, and we were attending a presentation by a group, introduced a program called Safe Places for kids. They were promoting giving us a program for rec departments and schools. It was designed to teach kids what to do if they were being harrassed or followed or worse by someone, to help keep them from being abducted. traffikked etc They had posters and slides of the county deputies, city police from all 4 cities. Same with the firemen and EMTs, to teach them if they were in a situation and saw any of these men, to run to them and tell them what was happening. They hade the same for places....pictures and slides of our fire and police stations...and vehicles, as well as other places like city hall, courthouse, I think the hospital, and a snow cone vendor's trucks that have been certified as viable safe places They had signs to put in front of the buildings with the Safe Place logo, and stickers for the doors and front windows, etc, and magnetic signs for the vehicles including the snow cone trucks . At the lunch break I went to my office a block away and brought back some pictures. When we convened, I passed around the pics to the other 4 committee members and the people doing the presentation. It was different pics of bikers... several different MCs. I told them: "Teach these kids to recognize them, too. Tell them to run to a biker/bikers if they are in a situation like that. Not only would the kids be safer than at a police station or car, but more than likely when the bikers called the popo to tell them where to come get the kids, they would most likely find the assailant layed out on the ground by them as well. " The presenters snorted and scoffed at me, and told me "Please, this is a serious matter, sir. Not a joke. Half these gang fmembers look like hey are child molstors!" The police chief of the smallest city in the county was on our committee, and rode as well. He looked over at me ( he knew that dude was about to go to the ER and I to jail. and he mouthed to me "Stand down" He then stood up and told them I was right and he whole-heartedly agreed. He said " I have seen a child molestor or what was left of him, when he was caught in the act by some bikers." He said "next month is when the local US Military Vets MC does their annual toy run to the 3 shelters and the orphanage. Bring your kids to the Harley dealership, (where they always staged to ride out of each year) and let them meet about 500 of US. and let them see what WE do for kids."

One day when y'all have some time. Google B.A.C.A. which I have been a member of since 2011 when I founded our north GA chapter. And Google BURN, Bikers Urban Response Needed. I have ran 3 missions with them since 2012. BURN has a 100% nation wide success rate, which no LE department anywhere can claim.
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At a time when so many are doing much to sow division, the majority aren't like that. You and your group of "rednecks" especially. As I work through yet another blizzard, Thanks so much for the pick me up.
Thanks, Jet. Miss Mattie and her church have called us a blessing, but we all feel it is really us who received the blessings by doing this. The way I look at it, is we really didn't do anything, it was just God using us to answer these people's prayers.
George has found 21 heavy bred 1/2 Corr 1/2 black Mexican Fighting cows, bred back to a Black MFB. $350 each. $7350. I got him 2 more Chianina 18 mos bulls to trade at $2000 each, $4k off that $7350, so I will pay him $3350 for the cows. The bulls cost me $2500, so I will have $3200 in the herd.. The man is getting the bulls vetted today and getting the paper work needed to take them to the border at El Paso for George to cross. Clay and his GF are going to pick them up Sunday morning and head to El Paso. His truck and my trailer. I am paying him $2500, so I am back up to $5800. There are 7 solid black cows in the bunch. and the man who bought the blacks out of the other 2 loads wants them at $800 each. $5600. So I will end up with 14 cows for $200. These 14 ought to do it for me...gives us a total of 102 cows that we will end up with about $15-$20 a head in them. I am done with restoring our Kudzu herd now. I just got to get Wayne those Brahmas and I am DONE. My plan is to do nothing but fish and fool with horses this spring!!!

I got my 1st job at 14, putting together new Kawasaki motorcycles. I have been working for 52 years now. Mostly enjoyed every minute of it til the last year or so. I used to work as much as 24-36 hours til I dropped, and after a night's sleep, be ready to do it again the next day, feeling none the worse for it. Now, it takes days to recover, like it did with that marathon El Paso trip. I have to try slowing down, easing up, and quit stressing so much. Dunno how that will work, but I have to give it a try.
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Warren, men like you reassure me a lot that the kind of men that raised me aren't gone yet and are making more. I'm so glad you've done what you have for these folks and for what your buddy's done too. We used to hire a lot of bikers, they are typically good men and you get from them what you put to them, the way all men once were. As far as that guy, anybody who puts the hands and boots to a good woman, an old person, or a kid better just hope we don't get alone, and I hope whoever of yours got him made it bad.
Edited to add; I left a zero off the calculations. I subtracted $150 instead of $1500! So I will have $1850 in the herd not $3200. After paying Clay to haul I will have $4350 in them, not $5800 (which should have said $5700). So, when I sell the blacks for $5600, I will not have $200 (should have said $100) in the herd, but will clear them and make $1250! There's the first month for Miss Mattie's home health care!
Well, I guess I will use that $1250 profit to buy Gail!!! LOLO. At least we won't have to come out of pocket!
Warren, men like you reassure me a lot that the kind of men that raised me aren't gone yet and are making more. I'm so glad you've done what you have for these folks and for what your buddy's done too. We used to hire a lot of bikers, they are typically good men and you get from them what you put to them, the way all men once were. As far as that guy, anybody who puts the hands and boots to a good woman, an old person, or a kid better just hope we don't get alone, and I hope whoever of yours got him made it bad.
Can' t say much about it. You don't talk club business around someone who isn't in the club. and those not in a club don't talk club business at all. But the official stance of the Sheriff's office, is they suspect he has fled the state and is a fugitive. He won't be found.

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