Two bodies, one mind

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Sep 30, 2020
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Alabama Twins born ,raised and lived in the same home together for over 90 + years..never married slept in the same bed together their whole lives every thing they did was alike of them died and the remaining sister would still talk to her constantly member said ,she told them she was still there with her..till the day she passed ……..
Alabama Twins
Probably not a search term you want to use looking for more information on these 2 sisters....

On twins tho....... I'll tell ya something you may find hard to digest. I found it strange myself, at first..

Most here know I lost my identical twin brother in 2017 to cancer. We were VERY close and had big plans for our old age years together. I told him on his deathbed that November night, maybe 30 minutes before he passed and he and I both knew the end was very near "I'll try to live enough for both of us."
5 years later, I still miss him terribly, but see him my dreams. He is by far the most frequent visitor to my nocturnal journeys. It's odd. He'll show up, in his red F150 just like he always did in life, dressed as usual and we'll do things normally. I've (in my dreams) mentioned to him "You know you're dead....right?" and he says "Yep, but nothing's really changed except now I can go anywhere I want any time I want to." And they always end the same, He'll say something like "I'll see you next time", I'm going to Oklahoma (or Nebraska or Florida or New York) " get in his truck and drive off and a few nights later, he's back again. He chided me pretty hard about selling my place and becoming a city slicker but
When he visits, I always wake up with a good feeling and probably a smile on my face.
Probably not a search term you want to use looking for more information on these 2 sisters....

On twins tho....... I'll tell ya something you may find hard to digest. I found it strange myself, at first..

Most here know I lost my identical twin brother in 2017 to cancer. We were VERY close and had big plans for our old age years together. I told him on his deathbed that November night, maybe 30 minutes before he passed and he and I both knew the end was very near "I'll try to live enough for both of us."
5 years later, I still miss him terribly, but see him my dreams. He is by far the most frequent visitor to my nocturnal journeys. It's odd. He'll show up, in his red F150 just like he always did in life, dressed as usual and we'll do things normally. I've (in my dreams) mentioned to him "You know you're dead....right?" and he says "Yep, but nothing's really changed except now I can go anywhere I want any time I want to." And they always end the same, He'll say something like "I'll see you next time", I'm going to Oklahoma (or Nebraska or Florida or New York) " get in his truck and drive off and a few nights later, he's back again. He chided me pretty hard about selling my place and becoming a city slicker but
When he visits, I always wake up with a good feeling and probably a smile on my face.
I feel very similar about a few folks as mentioned in your getting old thread. They never leave.

"Do not sit by my grave and cry, I am not here, I have not died"
Probably not a search term you want to use looking for more information on these 2 sisters....

On twins tho....... I'll tell ya something you may find hard to digest. I found it strange myself, at first..

Most here know I lost my identical twin brother in 2017 to cancer. We were VERY close and had big plans for our old age years together. I told him on his deathbed that November night, maybe 30 minutes before he passed and he and I both knew the end was very near "I'll try to live enough for both of us."
5 years later, I still miss him terribly, but see him my dreams. He is by far the most frequent visitor to my nocturnal journeys. It's odd. He'll show up, in his red F150 just like he always did in life, dressed as usual and we'll do things normally. I've (in my dreams) mentioned to him "You know you're dead....right?" and he says "Yep, but nothing's really changed except now I can go anywhere I want any time I want to." And they always end the same, He'll say something like "I'll see you next time", I'm going to Oklahoma (or Nebraska or Florida or New York) " get in his truck and drive off and a few nights later, he's back again. He chided me pretty hard about selling my place and becoming a city slicker but
When he visits, I always wake up with a good feeling and probably a smile on my face.
lady Shared this about her aunts on another site…had an older photo of them to I wish I'd copied..
Probably not a search term you want to use looking for more information on these 2 sisters....

On twins tho....... I'll tell ya something you may find hard to digest. I found it strange myself, at first..

Most here know I lost my identical twin brother in 2017 to cancer. We were VERY close and had big plans for our old age years together. I told him on his deathbed that November night, maybe 30 minutes before he passed and he and I both knew the end was very near "I'll try to live enough for both of us."
5 years later, I still miss him terribly, but see him my dreams. He is by far the most frequent visitor to my nocturnal journeys. It's odd. He'll show up, in his red F150 just like he always did in life, dressed as usual and we'll do things normally. I've (in my dreams) mentioned to him "You know you're dead....right?" and he says "Yep, but nothing's really changed except now I can go anywhere I want any time I want to." And they always end the same, He'll say something like "I'll see you next time", I'm going to Oklahoma (or Nebraska or Florida or New York) " get in his truck and drive off and a few nights later, he's back again. He chided me pretty hard about selling my place and becoming a city slicker but
When he visits, I always wake up with a good feeling and probably a smile on my face.
I've got a neighbor who's Dad and Uncle were identical twins but had a falling out and didn't talk for something like 20 yrs. Some of the stories he told me about them are kinda crazy and erie at the same time, for people that didn't talk anyway. He always stayed in touch with his Uncle and actually took care of him until the Aunt and Uncle both passed. He recently told me he cleaned out his Dads house when he passed and now that he's going through his Uncle's stuff and the similarities for people that didn't talk are pretty wild. Twins have got to have a special bond.
Probably not a search term you want to use looking for more information on these 2 sisters....

On twins tho....... I'll tell ya something you may find hard to digest. I found it strange myself, at first..

Most here know I lost my identical twin brother in 2017 to cancer. We were VERY close and had big plans for our old age years together. I told him on his deathbed that November night, maybe 30 minutes before he passed and he and I both knew the end was very near "I'll try to live enough for both of us."
5 years later, I still miss him terribly, but see him my dreams. He is by far the most frequent visitor to my nocturnal journeys. It's odd. He'll show up, in his red F150 just like he always did in life, dressed as usual and we'll do things normally. I've (in my dreams) mentioned to him "You know you're dead....right?" and he says "Yep, but nothing's really changed except now I can go anywhere I want any time I want to." And they always end the same, He'll say something like "I'll see you next time", I'm going to Oklahoma (or Nebraska or Florida or New York) " get in his truck and drive off and a few nights later, he's back again. He chided me pretty hard about selling my place and becoming a city slicker but
When he visits, I always wake up with a good feeling and probably a smile on my face.

I don't find it hard to digest. I was very close to my father, who I lost in 2007. I dreamed of him often for a number of years, and still do occasionally (though there was only one where I remembered that he was gone before I woke up).

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