To much much hay???

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I tried to PM you Warren, but sorry to hear about your Dad. Yes, sounds like he had a good run. Never is easy though. Hope your Mom handles him being gone.
Thanks. Jeanne. Momma will be alright. She told us after the funeral that she wanted everyone to go home and leave her by herself a while. She said she left my grandparent's house and went to college and lived in a dorm. When she graduated and started teaching, the school had dorms for the teachers to live in. She moved out when she met Daddy and they got married 67 years ago. She said she wanted to see what it is like to live alone, at least for a while. She was the last of her friends in the community that wasn't a widow. Now, she can get out and do things with them again. he is very strong. With my brother and me, 6 grandkids, 20 great grandkids, and 3 great-great grandkids....all there when he died....all there at the funeral...Momma and me were the only ones that never shed a tear. But, we were, and are, as sad as the rest of them.
Where do they live, Mark?
They Live in Indiana About 9 hour drive from where I am. I really need more than just the weekend to see them or even 3 days. Wife won't take a day off work so at most I only ever have a 3 day weekend to visit. When this happens, she wants to also visit her parents which are about 8 hours from here in the same direction and our parents are 3 and a half hours apart. I can't drive 20 hours out of 72 hours, sleep another 16 hours, adjust to a time change and spend any quality amount of time with two families that want to bring together all their kids and grandkids. It might give about 12 hours per family (parents) of which time I am completely exhausted. It's a logistical nightmare when I try it. I can't get my wife to see that. Add in I need 8 hours of sleep at home and some time to get ready and recover before and after the trip.
If you have followed my posts much you have seen i drive way way more than that. And often. I drove 17 hours 2 days last week. 7 hours sleep is enough. Dont make excuses not to visit either parents. Both my parents died 12 years ago last week. Dont look back and say you should have. If your wife wont take off work take the kids and leave her working. I bet the next trip she will go too.
If you have followed my posts much you have seen i drive way way more than that. And often. I drove 17 hours 2 days last week. 7 hours sleep is enough. Dont make excuses not to visit either parents. Both my parents died 12 years ago last week. Dont look back and say you should have. If your wife wont take off work take the kids and leave her working. I bet the next trip she will go too.
I hear what you are saying. Different people react differently to different physical stresses. I used to be able to do this (what you are saying). 2.5 or 3.5 (can't remember) years ago I did take off on my own to do just that, visit my parents on my own. My car broke down 5 hours away from home on the interstate and required hours of repair. It was the coldest day of the year. I ended up dialing 911 to have the popo come get me before I turned into a popsicle. Everything turned out fine, but I'm gunshy about trying that again. I did call my wife when I broke down and she did drive the 5 hours to get me at that point in case my car couldn't be repaired or repaired in a timely manner.
Sounds like a lot of excuses. My folks live 9 hours away (12+ in the winter). Couple of times a year the wife and I pack 2 small kids (6 and 2) in the car and make the trip.

Do I dread the trip and hate it with a passion? Absolutely.

Will I ever regret taking that trip to see my folks after they are gone? Absolutely Not.
Rent a car to take any kind of long trip like that anymore... If it breaks down, they are responsible to come get it and get you a new one. I am far from rich, and renting a car is a PITA... but I am not worrying about my vehicle and the age/wear and tear/ or anything else...
My parents were not especially happy when I moved south... but I did make the 12 hour trip up to NH after they retired there from CT (7-8 hours away that I went up at least once a year or more)... a couple times. My son made it at least once or twice a year... he was closer to them in alot of ways...
My sister lived 4 hours south and made all sorts of excuses when they were alive because she had issue with her brother... who was their primary care giver through the winter months when he was not on the water in his charter fishing boat... yet was critical of so much... some warranted, but much not warranted .... and she did nothing to "help out" or even just go visit...even during the summer months when he wasn't there...
I hear what you are saying. Different people react differently to different physical stresses. I used to be able to do this (what you are saying). 2.5 or 3.5 (can't remember) years ago I did take off on my own to do just that, visit my parents on my own. My car broke down 5 hours away from home on the interstate and required hours of repair. It was the coldest day of the year. I ended up dialing 911 to have the popo come get me before I turned into a popsicle. Everything turned out fine, but I'm gunshy about trying that again. I did call my wife when I broke down and she did drive the 5 hours to get me at that point in case my car couldn't be repaired or repaired in a timely manner.
Both my parents are still alive buy I know from other family members passing you never remember those hassels. You only regret not being there more. Sadly, it's always too late before you realize it.

I can't tell you how many times my son and I have been loaded up to go hunt, or fish, or knock out a task that needs to be done and my parents call for us to come eat supper with them. 99% of the time we go no matter the hassle. Work and other things will always be there tomorrow.

Hope things start turning more towards your favor to make it a little easier.
Sorry for you loss Warren Allison. It seems to go fast once they go into Hospice. For mom it didn't take long, a bit longer than a month; I think it was for the best. I would rather see them go fast than suffer for an extended amount of time.
Fescue mix hay all rolled 4x5s Mr Allison. 2,050 so far this year and still rolling.
Gonna try to buy some pairs tomorrow at Athens Tn, if I can get a going, I work nite shift tonite.