These riots ain't right

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IMHO You lose credibility when you start claiming members of one party are more honest and moral than members of the opposing party. 90% of both parties only care about getting reelected. I had high hopes for our current leader but he is just as bad or worse than the rest of them.
It would not surprise me if George Floyd becomes a holiday. Every years they get their day to burn down the city.

House Dems introduce policing reform bill named for George Floyd
ChrisB2 said:
IMHO You lose credibility when you start claiming members of one party are more honest and moral than members of the opposing party. 90% of both parties only care about getting reelected. I had high hopes for our current leader but he is just as bad or worse than the rest of them.

My dad used to say the Democrats want to enslave you and the Republican wants to make you an indentured servant.
Nesikep said:
TennesseeTuxedo said:
Nesikep said:
I remember just over 3 years ago you guys were all gung ho for Mattis being appointed as SoD

We were wrong about him.

You play follow the leader exceptionally well

You're a hard guy to agree with. Not surprised you got beaten up a lot as a kid.
Not sure how many of you may know lil wayne....

He is a black rapper/gang banger, he has been cornered before on his thoughts of these political issues, his frank honest off the cuff answer I saw at the time stuck in my head,.... do not read or look for interview if cussing offends you :)
See an interesting quote below from the Reverend Al Sharpton.

"George Floyd's story has been the story of black folks. Because ever since 401 years ago, the reason we could never be who we wanted and dreamed of being is you kept your knee on our neck." Later, with the crowd rising, he added, "It's time for us to stand up in George's name and say, 'Get your knee off our necks.'"

I've always thought these kinds of statements are a disservice to America's African American communities. Let me rephrase Rev. Sharpton's quote, and tell you what he is really saying.

We black people are unable to be who we want, and we are unable to accomplish anything significant. We are relegated to the lower class and are not likely to succeed. The reason for this is white people who will not allow it.

Our condition is the result of myriad circumstances, many beyond our control.


There is a sense of empowerment when we choose to accept responsibility for our condition.

There is a sense of helplessness and hopelessness when we lay responsibility for our condition on another.
Socio-economic status does play a HUGE role, but nothing is insurmountable..
Here's a good example.. Thomas Sowell
And Neil Degrasse Tyson was similar
There are special looting hours for seniors. They are between 5:00 and 7:00 AM. The regular looters are all asleep.

I have also noted that is was a lot harder to pack off a color TV during the 1968 riots. Those suckers had to weigh 500 pounds back then.
C.b , glad this guy is a hero, his own kids didn't even know that this had happened, but now he is a hero, guess I didn't know that it it takes so little to be a hero today, not sure were it comes from but every over educated dumb a*s does, look at Drew breese that has done so much for the city of New Orleans, hung out to dry for his beliefs about his beliefs in the American flag, you can never fix stupid.
sstterry said:
haase said:
This thread doesn't even touch the real problem that are the heart of the matter, take a good look of the city's and states that have these riots.

You are right. We need new leadership in Washington DC. The guy there now is incompetent.
Did you really miss the point that bad, blame it on Washington, why do you vote for your local leaders to take care of your own state, guess I see were your coming from, if the dumb a** running my state cant do it blame it on the federal government, makes perfect sense to me. Only if you're blind, but hey keep voting them in.
They had black lives matter protest in Sydney today, only guy arrested and shown, had an all lives matter placard.....

Could hear him trying to explain his placard was not

Maybe they were saving him.....
The esteemed Dr. Fauci says these riots could spell trouble with the virus. Maybe it'll thin the herd a little.

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