The Great White Cowboy

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Well-known member
Jul 12, 2004
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Baker County, Oregon
The Great White Cowboy (snow) has been at work this week. Cows who were hid out in the hills are marching down. These 4 pairs weren't slowly wandering down the road. They were picking them up and laying them down. They know where the hay stack is and they are headed that direction.

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The Great White Cowboy (snow) has been at work this week. Cows who were hid out in the hills are marching down. These 4 pairs weren't slowly wandering down the road. They were picking them up and laying them down. They know where the hay stack is and they are headed that direction.

View attachment 23476
Is that a paved road?
My gawd, can u imagine sledding cows....
Did you ever get the rest of your one and dones accounted for? I know you said you lost a cow, but that there were a couple that you weren't sure where they were????
Is that a paved road?
My gawd, can u imagine sledding cows....
No it is gravel under that compact snow and ice.

Did you ever get the rest of your one and dones accounted for? I know you said you lost a cow, but that there were a couple that you weren't sure where they were????
No there is still 3 out. One was last seen headed toward Rye Valley. I know the guy who runs cows over there. I let him know. She will show with his cows. We think the other 2 went east. They should show up down along the river. One of the issues with big rough pastures is there are some that you just never see again. Some time before the first of the year B will go for a plane ride looking for cows.
Looks like a pretty good grade downhill.
Ever seen any do a penguin impression?

Love your pics!
It is pretty much flat except for one little up hill place down near the other end. I went back and looked at the picture. It is an optical illusion that makes it appear like a slope. The road is flat there.
The Great White Cowboy shifted into a higher gear this morning. It was snowing pretty hard when I went out to feed the calves. They were all looking like Charolais. The tracks I made walking to the corral where almost filled in by the time I walked back to the house.

View attachment 23504
We are having a second blue sky day today.
Looks like a pretty good grade downhill.
Ever seen any do a penguin impression?

Love your pics!
We had an ice storm in NW Arkansas and I had a little bull standing out in the pasture for three days, same spot, bawling more each day. There was a slight rise, hardly noticeable, where he was standing and he couldn't get off the rise without falling so he was stuck.
The fourth day I came home and he was at the feed bunk. No noticeable bruises.
It was a bad ice storm. 4 to 6 inches of ice. Cattle sliding down into hollows where they couldn't get out for a month. People driving their pick-ups out to feed the trapped animals and the pick-up would slide down into the hollow. There was a golf course near by and they sold a lot of golf shoes. A couple of people slid into the lakes when they went out for a walk. I had a friend that borrowed a Wagoneer and when he brought it back he got out and slammed the door... and the Jeep slid sideways for almost half a mile into the lake.
We had an ice storm in NW Arkansas and I had a little bull standing out in the pasture for three days, same spot, bawling more each day. There was a slight rise, hardly noticeable, where he was standing and he couldn't get off the rise without falling so he was stuck.
The fourth day I came home and he was at the feed bunk. No noticeable bruises.
It was a bad ice storm. 4 to 6 inches of ice. Cattle sliding down into hollows where they couldn't get out for a month. People driving their pick-ups out to feed the trapped animals and the pick-up would slide down into the hollow. There was a golf course near by and they sold a lot of golf shoes. A couple of people slid into the lakes when they went out for a walk. I had a friend that borrowed a Wagoneer and when he brought it back he got out and slammed the door... and the Jeep slid sideways for almost half a mile into the lake.
I don't mind snow but I hate the ice storms. NW Arkansas gets way more winter weather than the rest of Arkansas.
I'm like Murray, I thought they were walking down hill.
This picture was taken from the field (obviously not today) of cows on the same road. The cows on the snowy road would be to the left of center in the picture. You can see the road is pretty flat. Off the road either up hill or down and flat don't happen.

Did you ever get the rest of your one and dones accounted for? I know you said you lost a cow, but that there were a couple that you weren't sure where they were????
The Great White Cowboy got some things done. Those 2 pairs we thought went east showed up yesterday. They are a tad spooky but they have nice calves. They will go to the sale tomorrow. The calves will get weaned when sorted off the cows at the sale. One left to go. She was headed toward Rye Valley when last seen. The snow will chase her down into there eventually. There is still a far number of cows in the hills. Everyone is beginning to get serious about finding them.

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