Sudan Grass again

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Well-known member
Apr 17, 2006
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Not where you are
Bought this stuff through Pennington seed, so I thought, dealer got it from someone else. "same stuff"???? :roll:

Either way I can't find cutting recomendations on this stuff for dry hay, reading a lot about sorghum, etc. some say every 24" with 4" stubble height and N after each cut. With 4" stubble and running across it a few times wouldn't it weaken the stand? Would I be better letting it get to 4' then cutting it once or should I go for the three cut thing???.
Plenty of rain here the last few days and it's several inches tall already.
When we have put out sudan grass, the first cutting was in the 4-5 foot tall range, we cut it before it started heading out to keep it from being too stalky. The second and third cutting were shorter, depending on how much rain we had. The second and third cutting would head out at a shorter height, so we cut it just as it started to head out and then would turn in and pasture after the 3rd cutting. The neighbors that use it for their milk cows and beef cows do it the same way.