Still change clothes for "town run"?

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Well-known member
Oct 7, 2013
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West Central Highlands of Va
I was reading about things people from the Great Depression did on FB.
It made me think about another thing we did growing up and I still do.
Dad always wore JCPenney work suits until they went away from them.Khaki shirt and pants when I was little then later a green suit.He always kept one fairly new set in readiness for when he went into town to the stockyard,co op,or machinery dealers. Usually wore a newer pair of boots,too.They weren't mirror shined but weren't dirty and scuffed,either.
I find myself doing the same today although different type of clothes.Usually jeans and a plaid shirt with newer boots.

I wonder how many still do.I know a lot of folks are farming widely separated locations and there are some who are too busy to go home before heading to town.
But, for those who are working close to home,what do you do?
I change clothes and shower once a week.
Weather I need it or not!

But seriously, usually not. Unless I'm going to town for dinner or something like that. I usually run what I been working the farm in. Unless I'm covered in it, ya know...
I always change to go into town. I wear my oldest stuff on the farm and usually look like a hobo while working, and if I'm doing anything at all, I'm usually dirty and possibly bleeding.
JW IN VA said:
I was reading about things people from the Great Depression did on FB.
It made me think about another thing we did growing up and I still do.
Dad always wore JCPenney work suits until they went away from them.Khaki shirt and pants when I was little then later a green suit.He always kept one fairly new set in readiness for when he went into town to the stockyard,co op,or machinery dealers. Usually wore a newer pair of boots,too.They weren't mirror shined but weren't dirty and scuffed,either.
I find myself doing the same today although different type of clothes.Usually jeans and a plaid shirt with newer boots.

I wonder how many still do.I know a lot of folks are farming widely separated locations and there are some who are too busy to go home before heading to town.
But, for those who are working close to home,what do you do?

Still wear khakis. Khaki shirt is everyday attire with blue jeans or khaki pants.
Probably go in what I am wearing 75% of the time. But my change is just into cleaner, newer version of what I wear all the time. Wrangler cowboy cut jeans, shirt will vary depending on season and weather, boots. Change depends on where in town I am going.

Closest Walmart is about 60 miles. I never go there so there is no need to own any pajamas Although I do have a pair of house slippers.
I'm with Dave.. New, cleaner version of what I wear around here, and if I'm lucky I don't have to stop and get dirty on the way.
I try to clean up some as you never know who you might run into.... a little dirt on somebody out in public is not bad, but there is a difference between dirty and nasty. It seems people are getting less concerned about hygiene.
I try to clean up before going to town but it's generally what I wear on the ranch except I do wear my "good" cowboy boots. Wedding ring/jewelry comes off as soon as I get home. This is a small town so muck boots at Wal Mart are not uncommon. That said, I am currently sporting my slippers in public, the result of a broken & bloody big toe - in the wrong place at the wrong time when 2 of my fatties were fighting. Yowza!!
Majority of the time it's jeans and boots..but I wear my pajamas and house shoes to Walmart ..

Let me guess, fuzzy pink slippers with striped fur cuffs and a leopard print onesy? :shock:
I live in an area that is where the country butts up to the suburbs. I wear khakis and a collared shirt every day for my "day job" but when I'm doing farm work and have to run to town I never change my clothes. Even if I'm covered in it. Something about seeing the yuppies face when they look at me. Reminds me of why I love cattle/farming.
It depends on what I'm doing. If I'm working and need to run to farm store I usually don't change unless it's real bad. To go other places I will just wear a clean version of what I wear any given day blue jeans or bib overalls and t shirt or flannel depending on season.
I may just be ocd but going some places in town make me feel like I need to change clothes and take a bath when I get home.
Majority of the time it's jeans and boots..but I wear my pajamas and house shoes to Walmart ..
Is that you?

I always shower and change clothes before going to town, those city girls can't handle the smell of a real man.
Drives them mad, and I end up having to run for my life.
This is an interesting posts... probably because I have been thinking the same thing. My typical routine is to wake up and get dressed to feed and check cows which usually consist of old jeans, sweatshirt, coveralls, etc.. Depending on what I have scheduled for the day will dictate if I change into something nicer (like jeans and a button-up shirt). I own a Feed Store so I have the luxury of wearing what I want to on the days that I show up there. If I have to go to town or have any planned meetings, then yes I will wear the nicer jeans and such.

I am on my 4th outfit so far today.

4am Gym outfit
6 am Farm outfit
8 am Business outfit
10am City outfit when I am done for the day

I live in the city and work in the country. For 6 more months. Will be interesting to see if my attire goes down once I move out to the country full time. I'll see far less people.

This reminds me of how people used to dress up to fly. Now when I travel I am just grateful the person next to me is wearing shoes.
Good to know I am not alone in knowing that people used to dress nice to fly.
My grandpa and daddy even dressed well to go to a high school football game.
So you go to the gym at 4 am? If I tried to work out at 4am they would find body parts all over the floor.
What time do you go to bed to get any sleep at all?

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