Spooky field

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Lazy M

Well-known member
Jan 4, 2013
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No matter what time of year it seems every evening a big screen of fog rises up around this big old abandoned farm house. The house is over 100 years old and the old gentleman that I bought this farm from told me that his grandparents built it in either 1915 or 16. He was actually born in the house and his grandmother lived their until the late 60's when she passed away. The house has sat vacant since. He worked the farm until I bought it.. and claimed after her death that he'd often catch glimpses of his grandmother from a distance through the windows of the house but there was always nothing there when he'd get closer..
Now I'm a grown man and don't believe in any foolishness like ghosts.. but I'll admit that I always run a the tractor a few RPMs faster and don't linger when it's getting late and the fog starts creeping.20210905_202403.jpg20210905_201358.jpg
My grandma used to tell us a story of a leased property they used to have; allegedly my grandpa would not work the ground after dark cuz it got creepy or wat hav ya. Thats why they no longer leased it. Come to find out, he had to haul water to that lease to run cattle.LOL
I've bought 4 different pieces of property at my current place all of which connect now. While cleaning the places back up I've found a couple old home places I didn't know were there and an old road or two. There's also 2 old home sites that we knew were there but the houses are long gone now. It would be really interesting to know what these old places looked like in their prime and how well the neighbors got along.
I just bought a piece of land with a cave. It is 30 ft straight down to the bottom. Inside is a small water catch basin with a metal pipe leaving it and following the wall probably 50 ft then through the wall and probably 300 ft downhill it drains into a concrete water trough. Would love to know the history of it.
I just bought a piece of land with a cave. It is 30 ft straight down to the bottom. Inside is a small water catch basin with a metal pipe leaving it and following the wall probably 50 ft then through the wall and probably 300 ft downhill it drains into a concrete water trough. Would love to know the history of it.
I want to know how you know all of this?? Did you go down in there?
It looks a little spooky around my place tonight too.


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I just bought a piece of land with a cave. It is 30 ft straight down to the bottom. Inside is a small water catch basin with a metal pipe leaving it and following the wall probably 50 ft then through the wall and probably 300 ft downhill it drains into a concrete water trough. Would love to know the history of it.
The water pipe, just how deep was it under ground? I mean did the cave come closer to the surface where it went through the cave wall??
The pipe started out probably 25ft under ground as the cavern went uphill from the entrance. It came through the wall at probably 15 ft. They had taken a backhoe or something to dig down and drill through the wall of the cave. The water trough is probably 20 ft lower than the catch basin inside the cave.
I just bought a piece of land with a cave. It is 30 ft straight down to the bottom. Inside is a small water catch basin with a metal pipe leaving it and following the wall probably 50 ft then through the wall and probably 300 ft downhill it drains into a concrete water trough. Would love to know the history of it.

A few years ago an old dug well appeared at my rent pasture. I assume at some point someone had plugged or covered it and it finally opened back up. I asked several people about it who were in their 80's and had lived in the area all their lives, and none of them remembered there ever being a well there.
The pipe started out probably 25ft under ground as the cavern went uphill from the entrance. It came through the wall at probably 15 ft. They had taken a backhoe or something to dig down and drill through the wall of the cave. The water trough is probably 20 ft lower than the catch basin inside the cave.
15 ft that's a little over the max of a reg 580 hoe, extendahoe would be couple of feet more..
Our dog at night likes to stand on the back deck and face east and bark. There's usually nothing over in the neighbor's yard. The kids ask what Gracie's barking at. I say "I don't know, but the cemetery is off that way......"
Nothing better than scaring the kids. I bet our oldest boy (14) $100 that he and a buddy that was staying over wouldn't spend the night in this house.. they finally worked up the nerve and said that they would and I drove them to the farm.. when we got there neither would get out of the truck 😄
There was an abandoned shed out in the bush where the land was once settled but reclaimed for water catchment. It was said to be haunted so of course a magnet to curious teenage locals. One day a group of locals drove out in a bush bomb and the shed was 20 foot high and had a small opening at the top near the roof. One of the guys climbed up to peak through the window to look inside, he got up, looked in and there was a person looking straight back at him.

Now i know this guy and he wouldn't make up stories. Don't know what it was he saw, maybe his reflection, but whatever it was scared the living daylights out of him. His mates said he literally turned grey.