some things a cow can get into

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Well-known member
Dec 26, 2003
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i didn't know where to post this.....i got up the other morning and one of my 1st calf heifers came up and she had something hanging from her eye. i went out to look and it was a piece of a dog chain, hanging in front of her eye from her eyelid. it went under her upper eyelid and through the lid and was fastened on it. it only had about 4 links hanging from it. i put her up and tried to figure how to get it out, i cut the little flap piece off and tried to push it through the hole( i guess she was wanting a piercing like all the teens). i finally got it out and it did no damage she is fine. then i was trying to figure where she got it :???: and how she did this :?: . i had a piece holding the bottom of a panel if that was it, she had tore the gate down, it was there,,,,,then i remembered that i had found a piece laying out in the field and had hung it on the corner post wire and forgot it. well the wire was broke where she pulled it off, i guess she was scratching on the post and some how ??????? i am amazed sometimes what they get into :lol2: .
We have one gate that's just a piece of chain slipped over a short T-post to keep it closed. We had the vets cows her last year and one of them loved to scratch on that short T-post. Didn;t take long and she worked the loop over the top and the gate opened up and away she went into a field we didn;t want the cows in. I figured it was a fluke so I put her back and dropped the loop over the T-post. Half hour later she was out in the other pasture again, so I put her back and slipped the loop over the post and watched. She'ld gotten it figured out and walked right up to the post and slipped the chain off and away she went. I ended up putting a longer chain on it and passing it all the way around a heavy post about 6 foot high. I saw her working at that chain a couple of times before she finally gave up. OK, that's the background. This year the vet brought some cows over and she was one of them. First thing she did when we turned her out was to walk down to that gate and worry the chain for close to half an hour before she gave up.
They're like kids..give em an inch and they'll take a mile and never forget you gave them that mile.

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