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Well-known member
Jul 12, 2004
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Baker County, Oregon
We had a different one earlier this week. So around midnight on Monday the wife said she could smell skunk. She went around a closed any open windows. Tuesday morning there was a slight skunk odor outside. Then Tuesday afternoon I was walking up the driveway along the corral fence. There right beside a railroad tie post was a dead skunk. When I put it into a garbage bag to haul it off I notice that its neck and one shoulder had been eaten on. I always heard that Great Horned Owls are skunks biggest predator. My theory is an owl caught the skunk. Killed it. Ate its fill while on top of that post. When done it dropped the skunk and flew off. Leaving me a dead skunk to deal with. When the boys were down here hunting they saw a coyote packing a dead skunk. I told them what ever you do don't shoot that coyote.
We flattened one with the combine yesterday. Yuck!
Coyotes will steel skunks out of traps. I usually shoot them then come back in a couple days after the smell has dissipated. More often than not I'll just find a leg.
Cutting hay a few years back the grass was deep and starting to bed down . Our friend who cuts hay for us ran through a family of skunks ; 3-4 adults and 5-6 babies . I never have seen or smelled such a mass killing . Was really dreading raking and baling that field . 2 days later the buzzards and other scavengers had them all cleaned up . Thank Heaven for small blessings !
Cool side effect after Covid-can't smell skunks or rotting meat or dog crap. Disadvantage is when that is your warning about if it's safe to let the dogs out at night or not...guess it's good we don't have many visitors 😆
When I was growing up I didn't know we really had skunks were I lived. (Cut that laugh off) people would say "skunk" when it stuck real bad like a skunk. I swear I thought it meant a car passing smoking some Mexican skunk. 🦨🤷🏽‍♀️🤡🙌🏾🤣 🤦🏽‍♀️

It wasn't until I was 20 or 21 I actually saw a real live skunk!!! It spray my car. I had it repainted twice. Took down to bare metal and it still showed that skunk spray threw the paint. 🦨
We had a different one earlier this week. So around midnight on Monday the wife said she could smell skunk. She went around a closed any open windows. Tuesday morning there was a slight skunk odor outside. Then Tuesday afternoon I was walking up the driveway along the corral fence. There right beside a railroad tie post was a dead skunk. When I put it into a garbage bag to haul it off I notice that its neck and one shoulder had been eaten on. I always heard that Great Horned Owls are skunks biggest predator. My theory is an owl caught the skunk. Killed it. Ate its fill while on top of that post. When done it dropped the skunk and flew off. Leaving me a dead skunk to deal with. When the boys were down here hunting they saw a coyote packing a dead skunk. I told them what ever you do don't shoot that coyote.
I have come upon horned owl nest in the woods. You can smell the skunk.
When I was growing up I didn't know we really had skunks were I lived. (Cut that laugh off) people would say "skunk" when it stuck real bad like a skunk. I swear I thought it meant a car passing smoking some Mexican skunk. 🦨🤷🏽‍♀️🤡🙌🏾🤣 🤦🏽‍♀️

It wasn't until I was 20 or 21 I actually saw a real live skunk!!! It spray my car. I had it repainted twice. Took down to bare metal and it still showed that skunk spray threw the paint. 🦨
I didn't think you had grown up Shell.

Before you set the trap put a tarp over the back half. Long rope or string tied to the tarp stretched out. Once the skunk is in the trap pull the rope covering the trap with the tarp. Run a hose from an exhaust pipe under the tarp and gas the stinky guy. Or just shoot him and let him spray.
Before you set the trap put a tarp over the back half. Long rope or string tied to the tarp stretched out. Once the skunk is in the trap pull the rope covering the trap with the tarp. Run a hose from an exhaust pipe under the tarp and gas the stinky guy. Or just shoot him and let him spray.
Lady I lease land from caught it she was trying to catch a ground hog... I shot it in trap waited 4 days then dumped it. Told her anymore skunks dont call me
I have heard, that the farther North one goes, the more often you see white skunks.
Genetic adaptation to blend in to the snow.
(don't take that to the bank tho.)

I've only seen a few around my place, but a few months ago, on a trip thru Central Texas, it seemed there was a dead one on the road every mile.
I didn't think you had grown up Shell.


Really?! Shoot maybe not. Maybe it's to late.

I look at other people my age I believe I'm grown up. 🙌🏾 What they think as important and top priority is strange to me at my age. That was more middle and high school things. I'm not saying all people my age. Just different goals. Mine isn't going out party every weekend, having the newest trend clothes and shoes, buying a new car ect. Mines more family life, vacations, and working on retirement.
Really?! Shoot maybe not. Maybe it's to late.

I look at other people my age I believe I'm grown up. 🙌🏾 What they think as important and top priority is strange to me at my age. That was more middle and high school things. I'm not saying all people my age. Just different goals. Mine isn't going out party every weekend, having the newest trend clothes and shoes, buying a new car ect. Mines more family life, vacations, and working on retirement.
You got a bit of character about you Shell which is what I like.

You got a bit of character about you Shell which is what I like.


Yea, I'm different I don't fit the mold. The director told me our family didn't fit the mold at their school. 🤣😂😅😆 That's funny cause she doesn't have a clue how much we don't fit a mold. We are our own people not cookies. 🤣
When they didn't feed my son lunch amd gave my daughter something she was allergic to. The principal told me let's just forget this happened and start fresh tomorrow. Never once apologized or asked if my daughter was okay. I'm thinking I'm not a pencil I don't erase and start over. 😆🤡 A game restart tomorrow. 🤣 seriously if I don't feed my children I'd go to jail. The least I'd expect a private school I'm paid for is to feed my child lunch. That's serous to me to be over looked at kindergarten. Than she kept digging a deeper hold by continuing by saying they can't watch ever student. 😲😓
I'm really thankful to have my children out of that school. Its sad to me they don't see nothing wrong with anything.

I like ya'll too! ☺😍
Animals that are all white or white in unusual areas, in other words, without melanin in their hair, fur or feathers where it normally is, are said to be leucistic. Leucism is often caused by an epigenetic change during development as a fetus as a result of exposure of the mother to certain environmental toxins. Areas where there are lots of leucistic wild animals, are likely not healthy for human babies or domestic animal young either.
My Dad had miniature mules, that he showed at many fairs throughout Missouri and Illinois. He had some back issues and it bothered him using a tractor but he could ride horse drawn equipment, which wasn't all bad as this is how we worked them, we think it made them better for the driving classes at the shows. We had a 5 ft sickle horse drawn mower. I was mowing some pearl millet with them and when I was making the final swath in the middle of the field, I stirred up two polecats. We were all petrified! They went one way and we went the other! Fortunately I think they were so surprised they didn't spray.
Pole syringe the stinky little guys with aspartame in the lungs. They'll just kinda crumple up and go to sleep... Dead. Don't spray.
You can use one of the cheap (blue) tarps sold at farm stores, hold it in front of you where they cannot see you, and walk right up to the trap and lay the tarp over the cage. Skunk won't spray and pick up the trap by the handle through the tarp and carry it to a location where you can flip it without him seeing you. He will come out of the tarp, you will be upwind, and can eliminate the problem. I've done it numerous times and never been sprayed.

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