Sales canceled

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Tonight I have been advised of 2 cattle sales being canceled this week. One in KY and 1 in TN..Its only in the low 90's but they are saying its because of the heat. Im sure the TX sales see hotter than that many weeks a year.
Low 90's we're pulling out hunting clothes.
A 800 lb yearling would at least not be scared at the water trough if there is one. A 550 lb trailer weaned calf would not get close to the water trough and lose 10 to 12%
Unless the water at the barn has a different smell or taste. Calves here start drinking from a trough at a week old or so. I don't think that any animal from a farm with troughs will not know how to drink. The question is if they will accept the differences in the water and if there are boss animals standing at the tank for the cooling effect. We bought a bull years ago from an area that had odd tasting water. In visiting the folks and drinking water and tea it was quite obvious. When we got home, the bull refused to drink our well water for 3 days. I guess ours didn't have that smell or taste that he thought was indicative of all water.
The bully at the trough is what I was referring to Eb. Not knowing how to drink is a different problem all together. One reason I like the OKC sale is they don't commingle. Your calves are in their own pen with their own water and feed. The water is fresh and plentiful. They are out in the open though but it doesn't seem to bother them as much as you would think. Your shrink there is very low even when its hot if they are long weaned.
Gotten so crazy I try to wear something orange if I'm fixing fence or hunting a cow down in the woods from October- January.
I love the ones that say I didn't know anyone owned this. That's when I reply the GW is fixing to educate you on how stupid you really are! There is no such thing as unowned land in Texas.
You have to wear orange during firearm and muzzleloader season here. Not during bow season. I guess because you have to be so close to shoot one with a bow, there is little chance of mistaken identity. I wear camo when I hunt squirrels and shoot doves. Quail and rabbit, I wear jeans, camo, really doesn't matter. Late season I will most likely wear Carhart overalls.
I love the ones that say I didn't know anyone owned this. That's when I reply the GW is fixing to educate you on how stupid you really are! There is no such thing as unowned land in Texas.
I get that real regular. It is BLM next to me to the west and about 13-14 miles up the canyon to the next ranch. Lots of BLM but the part with No Trespassing signs aint the BLM.
Not just Camo but the latest Camo. 🤑
I had a camo cast on my arm all summer a couple years ago (actually 4 they would stink), it was super popular with the women at the grocery store and taverns in Central Oregon for some reason. My single buddy I was rock hounding with says "pull that thing off and let me borrow it, I might get lucky!" 🤣🤣🤣