Ringworm in baby calves

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Well-known member
May 19, 2009
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BC Peace River country
I guess it's not terribly uncommon but it's a first for me. I had ringworm going through my first calvers this spring (usually they get it as yearlings but this year was different) so perhaps that's how the calves are getting it. With luck my replacements won't get it this coming winter.
I'm assuming that's what this is anyway.

Looks like ringworm to me. We usually will scrape it and coat with anything that will smother it... vaseline.... some old motor oil we use with a paintbrush to put it on... it's unsightly but around here in a couple months it's gone... one place we get alot of it and some places nothing...some years more than others...no rhyme or reason
I have had it in my herd one year pretty bad, I called the vet and he told me not to worry about it, and that it would go away after the it quit raining so much.
I have one calf with it now, it's on the face like yours.
Used to see it quite often in bottle raised dairy calves kept inside. Have seen it in a few yearlings coming through a wet and cloudy winter stretch. Vet always said that unless you are showing or gonna sell them soon, it's something that will clear up on its own with some sunny weather.
Ya, I have never interfered with ringworm and have no plans to. Just never seen it in baby calves so thought it was interesting. And it makes me hopeful that it won't go through them this winter, it sure takes away from the eye appeal of some otherwise nice looking replacements.
Iodine spray
I tried that one year as an experiment on one of my super docile cows. Probably the first time I had it in the main herd, not weanlings. And not just iodine but scrubbing the area with a toothbrush after I sprayed (like I read about on so many posts on a Facebook cattle site). Neither one of us enjoyed it much, but she was a trooper. Yup, hers cleared up pretty much the same time as the others. The only benefit to her was she got a lot of extra cubes while I was scrubbing away.

Ringworm (fungus) and warts (virus) = do nothing.
This is the first time I have EVER seen ringworm on my newborn calves also. They are covered all over their face like yours. But, like you said, we won't have to see them go thru it as yearlings! It's like a childhood disease - "generally" they will never get it again.
Years ago, we purchased a used tractor from a dairy farm. We used it to feed bales out in the fields. My adult COWS got covered with ringworm. They had never had it before - picked it up from the tractor from the dairy cows.
I bought the absolutely UGLIEST calf at the sale one time. COVERED in warts. EVERYWHERE.
Face, shoulders, sides. It was absolutely the worst case I've ever seen.
100 bill

Sold him for 650 (6 years later) :)
fixed it for you :)
Did you kiss him and name him Prince?
All the cattle around here have it very bad this year. Even closed dairy herds I know got it going on. Even in their young bottle calves. Our herd got it pretty bad including our calves. Never seen it in such young calves or this bad before. Interesting it's not just here.
Thought you were going to say, you kissed the little toad and he magically grew :)

Few months. Give or take.... 😆