Redmonds salt vs White salt

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Well-known member
Nov 12, 2021
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Riverton Wyoming
I just bought some Redmond's salt blocks to put out with the cows this summer. This is the first year I have ever used Redmond's, I have always used the white salt. What is your opinion of the Redmond's? I paid $7.50 per block.
Loose is best. It takes too much licking to get their salt requirement.
What is in the Redmond salt that makes it any different than white salt?
What are the ingredients beside sodium?
If salt blocks are cheaper, use blocks. Cattle don't need as much as they will eat, just like people. And it's a good thing that they have to work at it to get their salt.

Redmond salt has natural mineral content so it varies some, but as I said cattle don't need much to thrive and that includes any trace minerals. Personally, I'd still be using a magnesium block until the end of June.
White salt is a no-no unless you're getting iodine into them in some other form.
Cows can get plenty of salt off a block. All you have to do is the math on tons consumed vs. your cow numbers to prove that.
Redmond is a brand just like John Deere is a brand . As the old saying goes. The devil is in the details. What is the guaranteed analysis?
The answer, as with many of the posts/questions within the forum is: "depends". In this case its going to depend on deficiencies within the soil where you are. The best source for you to figure that out is going to be your local extension agent. Once you have that answer, look at the analysis of the different salt blocks and see which one contains more of the deficient nutrients within your area. You could even go as far as having the soil tested on your farm. Do also consider if you feed hay produced elsewhere that this may/will have an impact on what minerals your livestock may/may not be deficient in.
I suppose that "Redmonds" is the same as we would refer to (around here anyway) as "Trace Mineral Salt"?
Nope Redmond's is a brand of salt.
They own a salt mine in central Utah . That has numerous natural occurring minerals. But they also produce numerous salt products , including various different salts for human consumption. Numerous different salt mixes for transportation depts to spread on the road to reduce icing and car crashes, multiple different salt mixes both loose and block for livestock, everything from natural salt rock, to various salt blocks of various mixtures, natural, trace mineral,selenium, garlic, also salt with bentonite clay added.
But no sense in letting the facts get in the way .
No sense in shooting off at the mouth when someone asks a legitimate question either. Unless I'm mistaken, that's the purpose of these forums.
So how is providing factual actual information and stating that additional info ,guaranteed analysis/ type of salt would be needed to actually answer the question, shooting off at the mouth?
So how is providing factual actual information and stating that additional info ,guaranteed analysis/ type of salt would be needed to actually answer the question, shooting off at the mouth?
Let's not go here please. I think your comment "But no sense in letting the facts get in the way ." was seen a a little bit on the blunt side, although I might not have the correct wording here. I think Cowboy was thinking there was some nutritional difference between the salt blocks based on brand and might not have even considered to look at the guaranteed analysis. I know you were only pointing this out. It might have been you choice of words to accomplish this that made it seem like you were "shooting off at the mouth". No harm, no fowl. Lets stay civil and help each other.
Let's not go here please. I think your comment "But no sense in letting the facts get in the way ." was seen a a little bit on the blunt side, although I might not have the correct wording here. I think
I have never been one to use 1000 words when 10 will do . And become even more blunt if you continually nit pick my posts or repeatedly post incorrect facts or opinions that are contrary to the known science and research.
I am here to learn and share correct factual info. Based on scientific research and documentation.
I am not here to hold everyone's hand and sing Cumbia
My second post was in direct response to my first post .
Not to the original poster.If you missed it hear it is.

Redmond is a brand just like John Deere is a brand . As the old saying goes. The devil is in the details. What is the guaranteed analysis?
Well, there are many important traits. Knowledge, experience, communication ability, tact, good sense, honesty, humility, helpful attitude, compassion, and a long list of others. Being somewhat balanced in most of those traits might bring more success than being good in some and p*ss poor in others. Carry on.

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