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Jul 12, 2004
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Baker County, Oregon
This is the 6th picking of raspberries off the wife's little 30 foot row of raspberries. After three pickings she said she had enough. Some neighbors came and picked twice. She picked these this morning so apparently she wasn't done picking them. Been getting about that many berries every other day.

I LOVE Red Raspberries.... Looks REAL GOOD. I think Red raspberry jam is my favorite...
Want to put a row in here at the house.... black raspberries grow wild around here so often get a good batch or 2 and the blackberries also. Right now the wine berries are all coming ripe....
This year I put in a 50' row of Boysenberries. Canes bear on the second year. They are a blackbery rasberry cross. Raspberry on the Oregon coast put out a only a few berries, not like the OP

The boysenberry /ˈbɔɪzənbɛri/ is a cross between the European raspberry (Rubus idaeus), European blackberry (Rubus fruticosus), American dewberry (Rubus aboriginum), and loganberry (Rubus × loganobaccus).[2] It is a large 8.0-gram (0.28 oz) aggregate fruit, with large seeds and a deep maroon color.[3][4]

I don't know why anyone would cross in Dewberrys. In Texas they are small, sourish and low growing with only a couple of weeks of a season.
This year I put in a 50' row of Boysenberries. Canes bear on the second year. They are a blackbery rasberry cross. Raspberry on the Oregon coast put out a only a few berries, not like the OP

The boysenberry /ˈbɔɪzənbɛri/ is a cross between the European raspberry (Rubus idaeus), European blackberry (Rubus fruticosus), American dewberry (Rubus aboriginum), and loganberry (Rubus × loganobaccus).[2] It is a large 8.0-gram (0.28 oz) aggregate fruit, with large seeds and a deep maroon color.[3][4]

I don't know why anyone would cross in Dewberrys. In Texas they are small, sourish and low growing with only a couple of weeks of a season.
I don't know why raspberries wouldn't produce on the Oregon coast. They grow tons of them on the Washington coast. I spent every summer from the time I was 10 until I was 16 and could get a good job picking berries. A lot of them were raspberries.
My son and I put in a 40 foot row of raspberries that we dug off my mother's yard. About half took. Looking forward to berries. In the mean time my daughter has been picking wineberries and is selling them to a local market.
I put in a bunch of grape vines here, but they have not done much. I had all the cordon arms grown out and then they froze that next winter. Just have not had time mess with them. I only got grapes off them one year, but not enough to make any wine. I have been thinking of ripping them all out and planting raspberries.
That's too bad. It's a lot of work to grow grapes. Wyoming winters must be pretty hard on them.

This year I'm putting in a 40 plant home vineyard. I started 8 varieties of muscat table grapes from cuttings. This is an warmer interior valley of a Mediteranian microclimate There is a gigantic Concord grape vine when we moved here so grapes must do OK. This whole thing is an experiment. Some vines might make it, some probably won't but I am pretty determined.

Muscat grapes-- some might remember from childhood some large greenish gold grapes mom brought home from the grocery. They smelled sweet like roses and tasted like honey. Then when people got too lazy to spit out seeds. All the distinctive flavors of Muscats, Red Tokays, Black Riberiers, Ladyfingers were no longer grown because they had seeds. Now all the grapes you can buy are seedless and taste about the same. The only way to get these old varieties is to grow my own.

Good lord growing grapes is complicated. https://extension.oregonstate.edu/catalog/pub/ec1639
That's too bad. It's a lot of work to grow grapes. Wyoming winters must be pretty hard on them.

This year I'm putting in a 40 plant home vineyard. I started 8 varieties of muscat table grapes from cuttings. This is an warmer interior valley of a Mediteranian microclimate There is a gigantic Concord grape vine when we moved here so grapes must do OK. This whole thing is an experiment. Some vines might make it, some probably won't but I am pretty determined.

Muscat grapes-- some might remember from childhood some large greenish gold grapes mom brought home from the grocery. They smelled sweet like roses and tasted like honey. Then when people got too lazy to spit out seeds. All the distinctive flavors of Muscats, Red Tokays, Black Riberiers, Ladyfingers were no longer grown because they had seeds. Now all the grapes you can buy are seedless and taste about the same. The only way to get these old varieties is to grow my own.

Good lord growing grapes is complicated. https://extension.oregonstate.edu/catalog/pub/ec1639
There was a small vineyard here in Riverton, but they laid down all their vines every fall, and I believe they covered them with straw. I tried to get by without doing that. There is a farm south of Torrington that grows grapes and they have their own winery, but they don't get as cold as Riverton does.
My "boys' have already gotten away and I just planted them a few months ago. I have to buid a 2 wire trellis. Apparently like grapes and blackberries, boysenberries fruit on their second year canes. So I am going to gather up these haywires of canes on the lower wire this year then move them to the upper wire the next year. AFter the second year canes are done with berries you prune them off and move the next generation of canes.
I planned on doing similarly building a 2 wire trellis. Since I am new to this I did some reading on primocane and floricane care specifically pruning. Is there any way to know which variety you have?
Dave, I have twelve plants of 1st year Boysenberries. I got them mail order from Stark Bros. I planted the 3" tall plants this spring. They just sat there but suddenly sent out canes in every direction.

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