Pink eye

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Oct 11, 2018
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New Mexico
I had an out break of pink eye. I purchased a heifer and she brought it with her. I controlled it pretty well in almost all the cows. Except a yearling bull and now my best heifer. I gave her la 200 A few day's ago and washed the eye out. It is the same blueish and watery. What should I do ? I will post pics in a while. All black angus cows. Draxxin , Nuflor gold?
Draxxin sub Q, if you aren't seeing any result from LA200. We use the LA300. Also, we have had good luck with using a 1/2cc penicillin with 1/2cc dex in the eyelid with an 18 or 20 gauge needle. And use some mastitis tube medicine, "today" or "tomorrow" just squirt it on the eye... It does not sting or burn and is like a medicated salve. And we patch just about everything we treat now. Got 1 that has been treated 3 times and will lose the eye. But nearly all will respond. Also, I am a firm believer in a shot of Vit A & D sub Q.... both support healthy eyes. You can get the vit a&d at the feed store here...
Hope you can get it cleared up.
I had an out break of pink eye. I purchased a heifer and she brought it with her. I controlled it pretty well in almost all the cows. Except a yearling bull and now my best heifer. I gave her la 200 A few day's ago and washed the eye out. It is the same blueish and watery. What should I do ? I will post pics in a while. All black angus cows. Draxxin , Resflor
Draxxin sub Q, if you aren't seeing any result from LA200. We use the LA300. Also, we have had good luck with using a 1/2cc penicillin with 1/2cc dex in the eyelid with an 18 or 20 gauge needle. And use some mastitis tube medicine, "today" or "tomorrow" just squirt it on the eye... It does not sting or burn and is like a medicated salve. And we patch just about everything we treat now. Got 1 that has been treated 3 times and will lose the eye. But nearly all will respond. Also, I am a firm believer in a shot of Vit A & D sub Q.... both support healthy eyes. You can get the vit a&d at the feed store here...
Hope you can get it cleared up.
This was the worst thing I have ever seen. Will the cloudiness ever go away ?
50 - 50 ,,, if it is that bad, maybe not. Hope she gets peripheral vision if the cloudiness goes away. I had a bull calf that got it in both eyes and was walking into things... about fully blind. Treated both eyes with shots, a squirt of tomorrow in each, patched the one he had no reaction in, the other there was a little tiny bit of reaction to waving a hand in front of it... and a good shot of Draxxin... he got back most all the vision in both eyes.... just spots in each. I wouldn't have given you 10 cents for him getting more than "shadow vision" .... so it's a chance. But hit it hard asap....
Draxxin is expensive, but it is our go to if it is bad. Don't overdose, but don't skimp... I think it is 1 cc per 100 lbs or maybe a bit more... go on the heavy side for the weight... if she weighs 700 go with 8 cc's.... not alot over but a little extra. That is what our vet said... if they are smaller calves we "guess" /"eyeball" their weight and go on the heavier side.... we both are pretty accurate in the ball park when we sell calves so it might not be exact, but close.
I use the glue from the stockyard. Have you ever tried to get the back tags off?
One of the mistakes I see people make is trying to use too much glue and the animal rubs the patch against something since it can't see well and the glue hadn't dried yet so it doesn't hold.
If you will ask the guys or gals tagging the cattle for some of their tubes when they get done with them they usually have plenty left in one to do an eyepatch. They use what's easy and throw them away. Always some left but they are too busy to work it down and use.
Yeah, we use the glue from the stockyards too. Bought a tube from them when they didn't have any that were 3/4 used up.... and @kenny thomas is right... don't use too much so it dries pretty quick.

@gcreekrch ... funny you should say that about the vaccine. We had a seminar here not too long ago about that and the vet from VaTech, gave all sorts of studies and statistics... and when it came down to it... he said that the vaccine works for some and not for others... until you get a varaint and it doesn't work period. They have done several of their own tests with some good sized beef herds there near the vet school, and had several years of students doing monitoring and all that... he said that pinkeye is something that the whole vet industry should have been doing alot more of studying and finding a better solution than they have done over the years. He was instumental in doing one of the studies that went for something like 7 or 8 years on 3 separate herds, plus a do nothing baseline herd....

We have found no benefit in the vaccines. Used the standard one for a couple years and a vet "made" one for 2 years after that. Had as many cases on average as before and since. Some years we have next to none, this past year has been a real b#$*h here for us and several other farmers in this general area. I have found that the one place where I consistently used a mineral mix from the one feed company for 5 straight years... with added vit A to the maximum, KELP, and DE, the cases of pinkeye were next to none....This is the only pasture where I used this particular mineral as I bought it and put it out regularly because my son didn't think it was any better than what he was getting. He still doesn't think it was that mineral but I did not use it this year and the pinkeye was as bad there as anywhere else. Next year I will go back to it and see.... but then there is always years when you don't seem to get much problems......
I think that fly tags in the calves ears does help them. At least here there is one small herd we work for the owner every year and he wants fly tags and he has very very few pinkeye problems. We don't use them in ours.... he also uses the generic pinkeye vaccine some years... but he has sometimes forgotten to get it and so they get worked and then put out....but can't remember him not having the fly tags.

We have alot less pinkeye in calves from older cows that have been born and raised here. Natural immunity maybe? We nearly always have pinkeye in some of the bought cows and calves..... not having any natural immunity to our area/strain of pinkeye???? Who knows for sure. Also found that if a cow gets it, her calf nearly always gets it too... lots of coincidences
Jan I do feel they develop some natural immunity. I didn't vaccinate for pinkeye and use fly tags and have had 0 pinkeye this year. Not recommending that's the correct thing to do but I just didn't do it this year.
I always involve my vet when something comes up that gets me wondering about medications. We are really remote so he is happy to talk to me on the phone and tell me what I need. He has never sent me in the wrong direction and he has never billed me for a phone call.

In the future I would quarantine any animals coming on to the farm.

Sometimes pinkeye will work itself out. Sometimes they lose the eye. I would be on the phone first thing tomorrow.
I have not had any pinkeye this year...first time since I can't remember. Usually I'll have 3 or 4 severe cases in calves every year. no vaccines, no fly tags... I did make a couple of management changes.
Jan, we started to get pinkeye in our 140 yearling heifers last year, brought them in, vaxxed them all and treated what needed treating. Went away. Vaxxed everything this year and had 3 out of 260. Will keep using until we notice a difference.
More than one thing can cause pinkeye. Flies. IBR for instance.
I learned this after having a bad outbreak of pinkeye many years ago (before we started
feeding mineral) in Hereford cows and calves. We had to rope them to doctor them, good
thing we had help. Then we vaccinated for IBR, BVD, PI-3 and didn't have that happen again.

IBR Can Cause Eye Problems

More than one thing can cause pinkeye.
I have wondered about some sources. One day calves are all fine. Then a calf ends up with a manure face and it's in their eye. Before I know it, one calf has a cloudy eye and watery eyes are beginning to spread through the calves.
I vaccinate with a custom autogenous that targets both moxarella bovis & bovoculi. Last year was bad in this area and I even had a few calves get it, but that was the first time in probably 8 years that I had to treat for pinkeye. Zero this year. If I have to treat for pinkeye, I generally use LA300 and have tried mastitis cream. If I have to rope a calf in the pasture to treat, I use Draxxin (one shot 'n done!).
I have wondered about some sources. One day calves are all fine. Then a calf ends up with a manure face and it's in their eye. Before I know it, one calf has a cloudy eye and watery eyes are beginning to spread through the calves.
Then I would get them in and treat them all for IBR, BVD PI-3. It sounds like more than pinkeye when that happens.

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