Now or first of year ?

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Well-known member
Mar 8, 2014
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Pisgah, Alabama
Got 10-12 4-5 weight calves , mostly heifers. Should I sell first of December or wait to January ? Anyone with any inside info ?
We seldom sell anything from first of Nov until January. Futures are up on cattle so anything we have is waiting. The numbers used by the LRP insurance are all basically up too so that is an indication of what they think the prices will do.
How is your tax situation? We have enough deductions that it never makes sense to sell this close to the new year.... and prices here tend to be down from "hunting season' through the first of the year.
Tax wise I'm good ; all still on their momma's. Got enough hay I think but 40-50 $ a head difference would definitely help buy rye grass seed and fertilizer for next year .
Those I talk and listen too feel the demand for heavier cattle will continue and the premium for the heavier weights will increase. Our issue is we are having issues finding hay. Depending on the winter we could need every bite for our cows. We were hoping for wheat and finally got .85 on it Saturday. We are going to go ahead and sell the heavy end which is 60-70% of them. And grow the smaller end. Was going to retain more replacements but decided not too keep as many.
Finally getting a little rain with a forecast of storms Tuesday/Wednesday. Sending at least 8 ; 6 heifers and 2 bulls , and an older cow who is having issues with her back legs. Able to walk , just stiff legged . If I can catch another group will add 7 more , mostly bulls tomorrow. Already keeping 20 heifers so I'm out of room and need these guys off their mommas . Another group I'll wait till January. Thanks for everyone's input .
Got 10-12 4-5 weight calves, mostly heifers. Should I sell first of December or wait to January?
Depends on your local market and your COG. Here, 450# were selling for almost the same $/head as 550#, so you could not afford to feed them.

What is your current market price for those two weights?
We seldom sell anything from first of Nov until January. Futures are up on cattle so anything we have is waiting. The numbers used by the LRP insurance are all basically up too so that is an indication of what they think the prices will do.
Jan feeder futures were U$S 176 last time I looked. How is that up? Or were you looking at fats?

So, coach should hold his 4 wt. calves till fall?
It would depend on his circumstances. But I have been buying 4 wt. steers with the plan of holding them until late summer. I have a friend who has been buying the heck out of 5 wt steers. Only buying weaned and vaccinated steers. I don't know what his plan is but up to a couple years ago he had a trucking company with 6 or 7 cattle pots. As a result he has contacts all over the west. I am certain he has a plan which will make money.
I have been buying 4 wt. steers with the plan of holding them until late summer. I have a friend who has been buying the heck out of 5 wt steers. Only buying weaned and vaccinated steers.
I like more challenge, so I have been buying unweaned heifers.

LRP paid off this fall. Will I need it again in 2023?

So, coach should hold his 4 wt. calves till fall?
His choice but what I'm saying is the demand for 4wts will get better as the winter goes along because of the futures prices for next fall. Just like many times the load lot price for 8wts will depend on the live price when the cattle finish months later.
The drought cow sell off in 2021, and the furfures prices, will tempt a few folks into grass cattle. Gamblers are loaded up on light calves already. I asked my insurance agent today if she was selling much LRP lately. She said she has had a few calls, but no sales.

I think the smart money is buying discounted 6 wts. and putting them into grow yards.
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How'd they do? And did you take them to Ft Payne? Mr TC's cousin got spanked but he also has Charolais, and I don't know how well they do in your area.
I don't sell at Ft Payne , Arab will come pick my cattle up so I've always done better there . I've been down with the flu so I didn't call . Should get my check tomorrow. I'll let you know . Market report looked better than I expected. Ft Payne had issues with USDA so they don't do the USDA report but do their own report ?
2 bulls in that group ave 1.65 and ave weight of 495 . Heifers ave 137.5 ave weight 480 . 1 light one weighed 360 off a first calf heifer that calved late on us . Not great but not as bad as I was expecting. They had 1400 at the sale with1200 calves . All black with 2 baldies . Guess what did the best ?

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