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How have you been feeling? Not a bad trip getting to your visit.
I'm doing well, thank you. This therapy is a walk in the park compared to daily chemotherapy and radiation, I should see improvements soon compared to getting my butt kicked and trying to recover from the poison that hopefully worked.

I'm just happy I have my little whaler and a boat ramp 3 miles away from the farm.

I'll bring the harbor master a rib steak tomorrow, and hope he's not vegan,🤣🤣🤣
Damn tourists!!🤣🤣

Cruise ships are in town every other day.
I was in Ketchikan AK when one of the very first cruise ships docked there. I was in the Fo'c'sle bar which was the logger hang out and a pretty tough place. Only women there were hookers. So in walks some prim a proper looking old lady who I assume came off the cruise ship. the place goes dead quiet. She climbs on to a bar stool and orders an Anheuser Busch. The bar tender grabs a Bud out of the cooler, bites off the cap, slaps it down on the bar in front of her, and says, "I suppose you want a F***ing glass." Tourist lady slides off the bar stool and walks out the door. When the door closed the place erupted. I don't think the tourists wanted to see real Alaskans.