I got the bad bits out, hopefully.

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Well-known member
Mar 20, 2011
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S.E. Queensland, Australia
My Kelpie bitches are about 3.5 years of age and to date I have not had problems with them when they come in season with male dogs around however Jedda is a real bitch of a dog and will dominate the others. If she was a girl at school she would be the leader of the "Cool girl group" and say who was aloud to join and who would be kicked out. This dominance seems to vary with what stage of the month she is at so today I decided to spey the two Kelpies. I'm hoping I got the bad girl bits. I set up a coffee table on some chairs in the kitchen which made a great operating table. I won't say "I still got it" as I did struggle a bit with my double vision but I got it done and am happy with the job I did. Now to try to keep them from doing too much for a few days. I took a short video at the end to show my setup
Reminds me of the Baxter Black joke about the cat and the cowboy boots " I know it works, I have done it, I have a closet full of boots"😂😂😂

Fine job, glad you are keeping your skills honed!
The first time I went to a friend of my father's, that lived across the river, he was sitting on his porch steps with a cat-in-a-boot, doin his knife thing. I asked "Tired of litters of kittens?"
He: " Naw, I castrate every male that shows up around here"

I got back in my truck and left.
Dad and I cut about 6 tomcats one day. We shoved them into a cream can and held back legs against the rim and Dad did the knife work. Just like cutting calves except a little more precise operation. Even peeled the nut same way we cut calves. Put on a little blood stop and turned them loose. They all seemed to survive just fine.
Dad and I cut about 6 tomcats one day. We shoved them into a cream can and held back legs against the rim and Dad did the knife work. Just like cutting calves except a little more precise operation. Even peeled the nut same way we cut calves. Put on a little blood stop and turned them loose. They all seemed to survive just fine.
As @gcreekrch would say no matter how hard we try we can't kill them all.

The first time I went to a friend of my father's, that lived across the river, he was sitting on his porch steps with a cat-in-a-boot, doin his knife thing. I asked "Tired of litters of kittens?"
He: " Naw, I castrate every male that shows up around here"

I got back in my truck and left.
Neighbors tom cat would come over and stay. He would almost beat you home when you took him back, two miles cross country. One day Dad had enough of him backing up on the driver's side wiper and marking the windshield. In a boot he went, after he healed up took him back home and he stayed.
I could never keep the little buggers in a boot. Hence the cream can - they can't get any traction once you get the front half of the tomcat in it.
Ive heard tying a knot in a sweater sleeve works good. Last Tom cat we put a little green ring on didn't end well for the cat. Accidentally slipped it over too far and pinched off his bathroom capabilities. Didn't realize till later what we done. Felt terrible for that one. Miserable way to die.
Many many moons ago, I had a neighbor was one of those guys would give ya the shirt off his back. Nicest fella ya could ever meet.

Discovered he hated cats. How you ask??

Asked about his 55 gallon drum hidden behind the shed. He made no bones about it. Half full of water. With a lid.
Toss the cat in, close the lid, come back later to dispose of cat.

Guess he never learned how to spay/neuter.
Damndest thing I ever heard of
When I was growing my Dad would neuter the male cats we kept.. Any stray toms that showed up were treed by the ranch dog, when they
came down out if the tree they had a piece of lead in them. The ranch dog never bothered our cats, but knew which ones didn't belong.
Came home from school one day and noticed some of our cats were missing, asked my Mom where they were, she said she got rid of them.
Asked her how, she said she sat them on a barrel and shot them. That bothered me alot. Not so much that they were gone,
but it had fallen on her to get rid of them. She was not the sort of person that would have wanted to do something like that.
I ran the names of my two cats by her, she hadn't shot them.
How are your dogs doing ?
Hardly missed a beat, I made them ride a bit instead of run initially but it is hard to keep a Kelpie pinned down so I did sew them up pretty well and kept the opening to a minimum. As far as Jedda's dominance, little change so far but time will tell, I am expecting to see improvement with not getting the exaggerated behaviour depending on the time of her oestrus cycle.

Really? People stuff them in a boot? I thought that was a joke.
I used freezer tape. Taped both front feet together and both back feet together. A razor blade, two slits, just like a calf and some
rubbing alcohol. "Grubby" healed up just fine. No hard feelings, same friendly cat.
Gotta say, I admire the skills of people that spay their own dogs on a kitchen table. My wife's dad took out his kid's tonsils similarly when they were small.

As for cats, I didn't like them for a long time. (warning, long story) I gentled horses for extra money in high school and when I came home from boot camp I was allergic to horses and cats. Don't know what triggered that, but it is what it is. So being allergic made it miserable visiting people with cats.

My wife is a cat person, but the cats had to be outside. I started being interested in cats due to my wife's appreciation of them, but the allergies prevented them being something I could handle. One year when we'd been married for a dozen years or so, the kids wanted to give my wife a kitten. A cute little calico and I didn't seem to be allergic like with an adult. So I told them we could have it in the house until I showed signs of allergies.

I played HARD with with that kitten, and it grew. As it grew, and I played with it, the cat shredded my hands and arms with its claws... and I never had allergies again. My allergies to horses disappeared too. The allergens getting into my bloodstream from playing with the cat cured me.

When we bought the ranch in South Dakota we didn't realize the people that had been living there before us had hoarded cats and everyone in the surrounding area knew it. The ranch was a dumping ground for cats. When the former tenants moved they took most of their cats with them, but we'd see people stop at the top of the 1/4 mile driveway and in a short time there would be another cat hanging around.

I didn't want them, so at first we'd trap them and take them into Sturgis, to the animal shelter. The guy at the shelter let it slide that all the cats were euthanized as soon as we left them because the shelter was overrun with people dumping cats. And It was a long drive to take them in, and time and money adding up. So I started shooting every new cat that showed up. One week I had nine new cats that were dumped, and it was a rare week when we didn't have at least two. We let it be known in town that we were shooting cats and we got some evil looks... but eventually the dumping slowed down even though it never ended completely.
At one time mom had 40 cats here on the farm. A few were dropped off, but most were raised here. One day dad had enough, and told mom that they had to go. We placed an add in the newspaper, and within about a week they were all gone. One lady even came up from Casper, she wanted all white cats, and at the time we had a bunch of them. She didn't care if they were wild. Dad was out catching cats with the fishing net, I would have loved to see that, it would have been good watching. Now I think we are down to three lazy toms.
Wow, Traveler, that is incredible.

Feral cats--- people feed them when they live in public spaces, they breed like flies and huge colonies result. People do the trap, neuter and return thing but they are still infected with incurable contagious cat diseases and have a short life span of maybe a year and a half. A cat kills about 3 song birds a day, thats billions of song birds each year.

My elderly bachelor uncle started feeding a feral cat that was injured. He tried to help it and it scratched and bit him. Of course being a man with no woman making him go to the doctor at the point of a gun his arm swelled up at home and he was very sick. My aunt came to visit, was horrified and took him to the ER and he was admitted to the hospital where I worked. They said I had a new patient I went and looked and said I can't be his nurse because he's my uncle. Medical people are not supposed to take care of family. He had cat scratch fever and a wound infection, then they found out about a heart condition and had to have a quadruple by pass. So maybe it was a good thing he was scratched by the feral cat.

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