Herens cattle (video)

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Well-known member
Dec 13, 2008
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Lillooet, BC, Canada
Here's a breed of cows you don't see much of.. No altitude sickness in these

Skip to about the 4 minute mark to get to the good stuff
How did they get in such good condition? It seems like all they did was fight! HA!

Life lesson --- don't be the first one to fight if you can help it; you'll be too tired to win the last fight! Let everyone else duke it out first, then come in and clean up.
WalnutCrest said:
How did they get in such good condition? It seems like all they did was fight! HA!

Life lesson --- don't be the first one to fight if you can help it; you'll be too tired to win the last fight! Let everyone else duke it out first, then come in and clean up.

They're well taken care of... There's a few spots where you can see the exact instant a cow lost a fight, and they knew it too, a horn in just the right place, etc.

I wouldn't mind having a few of them, they're nice cattle
There is a guy that breeds them in West Virginia. I don't know if he still have them.
76 Bar said:
Cool video. Alps? Breed? Those are serious bells & collars.

Yes, alps, and the breed is Herens

holm25 said:
That clanging was so annoying I wanted to hit someone.
I don't mind it, I wouldn't want to listen to it at that intensity all day though.. still beats sirens and horns in the city.
When the cattle are just out grazing it's different
Very neat video. Beautiful scenery. Always nice to see how others do it.
Little piece of information.
In Switzerland, each herd had a "bell maker" design a ringtone for that herd. Each cow wore a bell and the herd stayed together based on the ring tone.
The song "Sounds of Music" was based on all the herds moving around up in the Alps.
Another tidbid - some people tried to get the bells removed because it was "noise pollution" (like in the 80's or 90's)
Jeanne - Simme Valley said:
Little piece of information.
In Switzerland, each herd had a "bell maker" design a ringtone for that herd. Each cow wore a bell and the herd stayed together based on the ring tone.
The song "Sounds of Music" was based on all the herds moving around up in the Alps.
Another tidbid - some people tried to get the bells removed because it was "noise pollution" (like in the 80's or 90's)
It was put to a referendum vote and kiboshed, thankfully! I actually voted on that.
CreekAngus said:
We're those Branded's moo monitors they were wearing?
Yes, it's low tech GPS!

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