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Richnm said:
We gonna need help at harvest 1250 plants per acre. I have a crew of Natives that can outwork any crew around. We ( I help) have hauled 5,000 bales a day out of the field on a 24 foot gooseneck by hand. Need to cut each plant at the stock with a saw and hang upside down.
I don't mean to be discouraging but do you have any idea how much labor is involved in cutting and hanging. And where are you going to hang it? Do you have a 10 acre covered area? That's how burley tobacco is done. The largest tobacco producer in my area does only 150 acres and there is massive labor involved. Littletom and a few others here know all about that.
kenny thomas said:
Richnm said:
We gonna need help at harvest 1250 plants per acre. I have a crew of Natives that can outwork any crew around. We ( I help) have hauled 5,000 bales a day out of the field on a 24 foot gooseneck by hand. Need to cut each plant at the stock with a saw and hang upside down.
I don't mean to be discouraging but do you have any idea how much labor is involved in cutting and hanging. And where are you going to hang it? Do you have a 10 acre covered area? That's how burley tobacco is done. The largest tobacco producer in my area does only 150 acres and there is massive labor involved. Littletom and a few others here know all about that.

For any of you that have ever harvested tobacco, that is something that I never want to go back and do again. But I must admit, with tobacco, the topping and suckering was worse than the harvesting. I have no idea how hemp is grown.

I can tell you that with the popularity of CBD oil, the price will drop very quickly with everyone jumping on board.
kenny thomas said:
Richnm said:
We gonna need help at harvest 1250 plants per acre. I have a crew of Natives that can outwork any crew around. We ( I help) have hauled 5,000 bales a day out of the field on a 24 foot gooseneck by hand. Need to cut each plant at the stock with a saw and hang upside down.
I don't mean to be discouraging but do you have any idea how much labor is involved in cutting and hanging. And where are you going to hang it? Do you have a 10 acre covered area? That's how burley tobacco is done. The largest tobacco producer in my area does only 150 acres and there is massive labor involved. Littletom and a few others here know all about that.
I helped a guy last year to try and learn......It's about 2x maybe 3x the labor involved in tobacco. After harvest you need double the space as you do with tobacco because the plants are so much bigger. Unless you buck it in the field then you need drying racks. You get behind on the weeds... the crop is done. You have to check your plants at least once a day hoping one of the female plants don't turn hermaphrodite on ya. If you miss one single plant your whole crop is done!!

I would like to do about 9/10 acres but I just don't know if I can do it working a normal 9-5'er. It is A LO T of work.
I know nothing about hemp. So I found a guy that owns a CBD extracting company. So I am depending on him. My losses are already covered. So he is very certain of it.
One of my tobacco friends growing some. I'm going to pass this year and watch. I would have to pull boys out of tobacco not ready to do that. Some are saying they are getting bulk barns form flu tobacco to cure it.
I know nothing beyond checking the plants daily and hanging. I covered my hay crop in contract thats where I am at. I assume the market will be flooded quickly.
Richnm said:
I know nothing about hemp. So I found a guy that owns a CBD extracting company. So I am depending on him. My losses are already covered. So he is very certain of it.

Again I wish you the best but that's almost like asking the owner of a steakhouse how to raise cattle.
I hope we all become rich enough to buy SAV President sons lol. What I love about this forum is we are all motivated , aspirational, and not greedy with knowledge. And it is a risk I agree.
Just for what it's worth, Danny Ford (ex Clemson Football Coach) is the largest grower of hemp in South Carolina
It's getting going in Malawi too, where labor is couple bucks a day. They make it rough on tobacco too, my workers regularly make 100 plus a day.
CBD oil. Been using it for almost 2 weeks. I sleep lots better. Dropped the Arthritis meds too but I'm not sure it's doing as good as the meds but very close
What arthritis meds did you drop...
I have Rheumatoid
I am on two...one is methrotrexate and I would like to get off of that...I forget what the other one is...hydrochloro something.