Happy Thanksgiving

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We are too far from family. The closest are 200 miles away. The rest are 400+ miles. But there is a family here who cook dinner for anyone who wants to come. They supply turkey, stuffing, and gravy the rest is pot luck. It is held in the old school (community center). There will be about 30+ people there. We eat around noon. Some people leave to do ranch chores. The food is moved into the old gym where it is pretty darn cool. About 6:00 the food is pulled back out and we do round #2.
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. It's a casual get together over a four day weekend, without expectations of "gifts".

I enjoy this time with family. I do. It makes my heart sing.

Christmas!? I'll leave it with you. I can celebrate the reason for the season without all of the burden that society attempts upon me. I'm just a man.
Happy Thanksgiving.
We are very thankful for the friends we have made along this trip called life.
Eat BEEF....🦃🦃🦃🦃 is overrated
Yes, turkey is overrated. We are having Indian Tacos for our Thanksgiving today. Paper plates and red cups. Other than real eating paraphernalia, no bells or whistles at this house. Just a bunch of grandkids.
Please tell me what Indian tacos are ??
Sounds interesting.
Beware! Don't Google it. Be very aware!

It's regular taco fixin's on fry bread instead of shells. Usually with a larapin dallop of sour cream and a bait of cow butter slathered on the bread.

Oh, and some of that salsa that Texan's kill for.
Happy Thanksgiving!!
I am temporarily back in the humid, dripping from trees land of the tall pines for Thanksgiving with my 2 wonderful sisters and all their families. (My nearest son lives in Tomball but he and his wife went to Louisiana this year to be with his wife's family for turkey day.)
We had our traditional 'Mexican night' last night, and will do the turkey, ham and dressing thing later today and then wife and I will go back West. I have missed my sisters so much the last 6 months and am happy to be here but will be happy to get back out in a dry open land too.

Glad to be here, but had almost forgotten just how damp it stays here. Back in my new place in Cove, I may not have room to fart without a neighbor smelling it, but at least I can see the sun come up and the most mornings the clear spacious sky. Not so here. 7 am and the light sensitive outside lights still on.


We are too far from family. The closest are 200 miles away. The rest are 400+ miles. But there is a family here who cook dinner for anyone who wants to come. They supply turkey, stuffing, and gravy the rest is pot luck. It is held in the old school (community center). There will be about 30+ people there. We eat around noon. Some people leave to do ranch chores. The food is moved into the old gym where it is pretty darn cool. About 6:00 the food is pulled back out and we do round #2.
Same here. Have a large family but they are all a long ways off with us having to feed cows every day. The wife and I have anew tradition of going to the Chinese buffet with a few close family members.
Beware! Don't Google it. Be very aware!

It's regular taco fixin's on fry bread instead of shells. Usually with a larapin dallop of sour cream and a bait of cow butter slathered on the bread.

Oh, and some of that salsa that Texan's kill for.
I had to google it, the results were as I expected, recipes and pictures of fry bread Indian tacos. You know google learns your algorithm and knows what YOU are searching for usually so it can find the results YOU want. So if yours brought up anything besides the Indian tacos we are discussing, it probably has something to do with what you usually search :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: