Grazing wheat field

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Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
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I have never grazed cattle on wheat before. Any advice would be appreciated. Is bloat something to worry about ? Should I put out certain minerals ? I don't know wether to graze calfs, cow/calf pair, weaned calfs ? Anyone familiar with grazing cattle on wheat ?
You'd get the most bang for your buck grazing calves on it. I do believe you have to worry about bloat and use a different mineral, but I've never grazed wheat myself.
I know a lot of people do it around here. My best friend turns out her bred heifers & cow/calf pairs but also keeps a bale of prairie as roughage, similar to what I do if I turn out the weanlings on brome. No bloat blocks, just free choice mineral (I use mineral with CTC from appx April-Nov).
Does wheat hay cause bloat? I'm getting ready for my first try with wheat hay this spring.
Not to much concern. It can happen , but it can happen on most lush grass. We used to put our rumesion blocks but gave stopped that. Make sure their not hungry when you open the gate. Let them eat hay until their laying around chewing cud then open the gate and leave them in. Best way to have a problem is repeatably pulling them off and putting them back in.....imo.
I turned all my moma cows some with new calfs out on my wheat field. Set a couple of round bales out so they could have hay too. So far everything is going ok. Seem' s like cows and calfs have more energy .

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