Ft Payne tomorrow

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Sent 6 open yearling heifers to Arab . Just don't know what to expect. I saw those Brahma. Ft Payne has 2-3 herd sell outs tomorrow. Some good looking cows and pairs .
Sent 6 open yearling heifers to Arab . Just don't know what to expect. I saw those Brahma. Ft Payne has 2-3 herd sell outs tomorrow. Some good looking cows and pairs .
Yeah I saw those. I wanna go tomorrow, bad, but my daddy has been in the hospital since last Wednesday. He had fell and hurt his arm,. but they found the reason he fell is he had a stroke. One day this week, possibly tomorrow, they gonna move him to a rehab.
Does anyone know how those Brahmans did?
@Warren Allison asked me to post that report. He was in the act of posting it when he got banned. Neither one of us got to go but dang I wish I had., if the bred Brahmas were $1550 or less, and the Brahma pairs were $1600 or less. It could be that they were "No Sale-ed" though. Or that someone bought them private sale and they weren't run through, therefor their prices wouldn't be included.
@Warren Allison asked me to post that report. He was in the act of posting it when he got banned. Neither one of us got to go but dang I wish I had., if the bred Brahmas were $1550 or less, and the Brahma pairs were $1600 or less. It could be that they were "No Sale-ed" though. Or that someone bought them private sale and they weren't run through, therefor their prices wouldn't be included.
Damn, I didn't know he got banned. I tried to give him a call, I'll try tomorrow.

Why did he get banned? Things weren't any more out of hand than they ever are in this place.
Damn, I didn't know he got banned. I tried to give him a call, I'll try tomorrow.

Why did he get banned? Things weren't any more out of hand than they ever are in this place.
WHoever that Mod3 is did it. He showed me a message he got from he/she/it/ a couple of days ago. Said your post was edited because it violated the rules against politics, religion and cussing. He messaged back and asked what post? What did I say? Mod3 never answered, Then yesterday he got one that said 2nd warning. 2nd time I have had to edit a post. Again he asked what post and what did he do? No response, He said he read over his posts to see if any were changed or deleted, He said he found one where he had said someone was good Christian people, and it had been changed to just good people. If THAT is considered talking religion, then everyone on here ought to push back. If he had said " a good Mormon couple" or a " kind Amish couple", or goof Jewish people, I doubt he would have been censored. Today, that Trvlr bozo posted that non-sensecle rant, filled with nothing but lies, and personal attacks. A concerted effort at character assassination. Warren typed out a very well written response to each lie and half-truth the idiot said, proving everything the man said to be a lie, and a personal attack on him. I went back to read it later in the day, because I thought it was so good and should put an end to what those few have been doing, and it was gone. I called him to see if he had taken it down, and he told me he got another message from MOD3, saying he was banned for 5 days. He can see the posts as a guest, and he said that one and a reply to Lannie had been taken down. Warren is a CT sponsor. Pays money to help support this forum. Trvlr is not a contributing member financially, and most certainly he has no knowledge of cattle to contribute, but his post attacking Warren is still up. This man contributes nothing of value to these threads, He just lobs out insults and tries to stir the feces in the room. He is what is called an internet troll, yet he is given free rein to do and say what he wants. Warren, who is the most honest man you could meet, a decorated hero, who has probably given away 90% of his wealth to help those in need, is now banned. I have never in my life heard the man ask anybody for any kind of help. He is the one that gives it, Hardly a weekend goes by that he isn't putting on a benefit concert or a bike ride, for someone else. A biker is hurt or killed, someone's house burns, someone is diagnosed with terminal cancer...he is there to try to raise money for the cause. Rides a toy run about every Saturday and Sunday in November and December, on any club ride he can find. You know people see the social media posts or FB event about these rides and concerts, and so many from other towns will say " I can't be there, but I want to help. I have a (whatever) I would ;love to donate for the auction." Or, "I am from out of state and want to help. How can I send a donation?" Most of them don't know Warren or the person the benefit is for, either. NEVER has anyone EVER said that these events were SCAMS. Or questioned the integrity of those putting them on, like some of the low-life's on here have. @Marie , you need to replace or retrain some of your mods. It looks like you have some FB fact checkers or Twitter censors on your staff. Someone with an agenda. Better do something about that one in particular, or you may lose a chunk of your donors.
I do not come here to air my dirty laundry. I am interested in forages, soil, livestock and related issues. I have enough trauma and drama in my personal life to not come here and see that as a focus of all discussions. Maybe I am looking for some escapism. But I don't watch soap operas and do not need to establish a personality here to discuss cattle and such. Just my take on it.
I'm gonna stay out of it mostly, but I will say I agree with a lot of what @Sthrncwboy said.
I didn't see a lot wrong with Warren's posts. But I may have missed it.

The mods are put here for a reason. I get that! But if two or three folks wanna sling mud at each other let em take it to the political nonsense arena!
I am basically with @MurraysMutts and @Sthrncwboy on this. I am a little tired of reading constant "stirring the pot" comments, when they offer nothing than to pick on someone who said something. And judging people because they get a little enthusiastic about things they do and all that. I offered to do something for a person, granted I did it via PM, and was thanked but turned down.... but I didn't think that person would take the swipe at someone else on here that they did.
Maybe time I take a break from here and the BS that is allowed and the banning of people that are pretty forthcoming with things of interest.
I talk to other farmers/ ranchers about things that are not always cattle oriented... That is what the Coffee shop/ Politics and other threads are for. If all you want is to talk about cattle forages and crops then don't read the other threads. Since the original discussions concerning @warren started with the whole situation with Zeke and Miss Mattie... and the subsequent acquiring of the Jersey cow he named Gail... if you are not interested.... THEN DON'T READ IT. No one is forcing anyone to read things on here... or participate at all.
Could be why some have left.... I miss some of the controversial ones that are gone... certainly did not agree with them sometimes... but .... still learned some things. Took what I wanted and left the rest.
This is no different a place than any other where folks talk. No matter if on the right of way, the jobsite, the cafe, or the local watering hole. There are going to be people who confer the most they can in as few words as they can and there are going to be people who enjoy chewing the fat. There are going to be people who won't share anything about themselves and people who if you (physically or metaphorically) lock eyes with too long you're about to start swapping stories from your lives. There is also every combination possible of these types, with infinite variations in human behavior.

There's sections of the site for jawin' our bones for a reason. Some of us come here to talk to "our people" just as much as we come here to read and learn. I view at least as many threads as I post in, probably more, and don't post in them because 1. The topic has already been resolved or the question answered, 2. I'm also curious and learning, or 3. I know that somebody who is more of a SME expert on said topic will be along to answer it 20x better than I can.

I reiterate, if you don't want to hang out in the misc sections and shoot the bull until we're dried up on cartridges, there's a whole 75% of the site where most discussion is serious.

You can even block and ignore people you don't like.

Sometimes a little patience is worth it, some people on here who I initially disliked I now value heavily the presence of because I can tell that the reason they're so gruff is because they know what they're talking about and this is the 999,999th time they've had to answer this question or rehash this topic.
WHoever that Mod3 is did it. He showed me a message he got from he/she/it/ a couple of days ago. Said your post was edited because it violated the rules against politics, religion and cussing. He messaged back and asked what post? What did I say? Mod3 never answered, Then yesterday he got one that said 2nd warning. 2nd time I have had to edit a post. Again he asked what post and what did he do? No response, He said he read over his posts to see if any were changed or deleted, He said he found one where he had said someone was good Christian people, and it had been changed to just good people. If THAT is considered talking religion, then everyone on here ought to push back. If he had said " a good Mormon couple" or a " kind Amish couple", or goof Jewish people, I doubt he would have been censored. Today, that Trvlr bozo posted that non-sensecle rant, filled with nothing but lies, and personal attacks. A concerted effort at character assassination. Warren typed out a very well written response to each lie and half-truth the idiot said, proving everything the man said to be a lie, and a personal attack on him. I went back to read it later in the day, because I thought it was so good and should put an end to what those few have been doing, and it was gone. I called him to see if he had taken it down, and he told me he got another message from MOD3, saying he was banned for 5 days. He can see the posts as a guest, and he said that one and a reply to Lannie had been taken down. Warren is a CT sponsor. Pays money to help support this forum. Trvlr is not a contributing member financially, and most certainly he has no knowledge of cattle to contribute, but his post attacking Warren is still up. This man contributes nothing of value to these threads, He just lobs out insults and tries to stir the feces in the room. He is what is called an internet troll, yet he is given free rein to do and say what he wants. Warren, who is the most honest man you could meet, a decorated hero, who has probably given away 90% of his wealth to help those in need, is now banned. I have never in my life heard the man ask anybody for any kind of help. He is the one that gives it, Hardly a weekend goes by that he isn't putting on a benefit concert or a bike ride, for someone else. A biker is hurt or killed, someone's house burns, someone is diagnosed with terminal cancer...he is there to try to raise money for the cause. Rides a toy run about every Saturday and Sunday in November and December, on any club ride he can find. You know people see the social media posts or FB event about these rides and concerts, and so many from other towns will say " I can't be there, but I want to help. I have a (whatever) I would ;love to donate for the auction." Or, "I am from out of state and want to help. How can I send a donation?" Most of them don't know Warren or the person the benefit is for, either. NEVER has anyone EVER said that these events were SCAMS. Or questioned the integrity of those putting them on, like some of the low-life's on here have. @Marie , you need to replace or retrain some of your mods. It looks like you have some FB fact checkers or Twitter censors on your staff. Someone with an agenda. Better do something about that one in particular, or you may lose a chunk of your donors.

Sounds like a ''time out'' instead of a ban. A ban is permanent not 5 days.
WHoever that Mod3 is did it. He showed me a message he got from he/she/it/ a couple of days ago. Said your post was edited because it violated the rules against politics, religion and cussing. He messaged back and asked what post? What did I say? Mod3 never answered, Then yesterday he got one that said 2nd warning. 2nd time I have had to edit a post. Again he asked what post and what did he do? No response, He said he read over his posts to see if any were changed or deleted, He said he found one where he had said someone was good Christian people, and it had been changed to just good people. If THAT is considered talking religion, then everyone on here ought to push back. If he had said " a good Mormon couple" or a " kind Amish couple", or goof Jewish people, I doubt he would have been censored. Today, that Trvlr bozo posted that non-sensecle rant, filled with nothing but lies, and personal attacks. A concerted effort at character assassination. Warren typed out a very well written response to each lie and half-truth the idiot said, proving everything the man said to be a lie, and a personal attack on him. I went back to read it later in the day, because I thought it was so good and should put an end to what those few have been doing, and it was gone. I called him to see if he had taken it down, and he told me he got another message from MOD3, saying he was banned for 5 days. He can see the posts as a guest, and he said that one and a reply to Lannie had been taken down. Warren is a CT sponsor. Pays money to help support this forum. Trvlr is not a contributing member financially, and most certainly he has no knowledge of cattle to contribute, but his post attacking Warren is still up. This man contributes nothing of value to these threads, He just lobs out insults and tries to stir the feces in the room. He is what is called an internet troll, yet he is given free rein to do and say what he wants. Warren, who is the most honest man you could meet, a decorated hero, who has probably given away 90% of his wealth to help those in need, is now banned. I have never in my life heard the man ask anybody for any kind of help. He is the one that gives it, Hardly a weekend goes by that he isn't putting on a benefit concert or a bike ride, for someone else. A biker is hurt or killed, someone's house burns, someone is diagnosed with terminal cancer...he is there to try to raise money for the cause. Rides a toy run about every Saturday and Sunday in November and December, on any club ride he can find. You know people see the social media posts or FB event about these rides and concerts, and so many from other towns will say " I can't be there, but I want to help. I have a (whatever) I would ;love to donate for the auction." Or, "I am from out of state and want to help. How can I send a donation?" Most of them don't know Warren or the person the benefit is for, either. NEVER has anyone EVER said that these events were SCAMS. Or questioned the integrity of those putting them on, like some of the low-life's on here have. @Marie , you need to replace or retrain some of your mods. It looks like you have some FB fact checkers or Twitter censors on your staff. Someone with an agenda. Better do something about that one in particular, or you may lose a chunk of your donors.
Just to be clear... I never said the Zeke thing WAS a scam, only advising caution. And I didn't get to see the @warrenallison reply and wish I could. It's hard to be honest on a forum when people can't be honest without being banned. But as far as being a troll, I doubt you can make that case. You not liking what I have to say is no worse than me not liking some of the things said by those you run with... and I figure I'm more polite about it.

So thanks for being direct and using the @Travlr so I didn't miss your post (Oh... wait)
WHoever that Mod3 is did it. It looks like you have some FB fact checkers or Twitter censors on your staff. Someone with an agenda. Better do something about that one in particular, or you may lose a chunk of your donors.
After reading your post and thinking about it, I agree that I would have liked to read the post done by @ Warren Allison especially if he explained his ideas.

It doesn't seem fair that he was suspended since I have some pretty thick skin and could have more than likely handled whatever he said. Since I never intended the comments to go as far as they did, but they did go too far, I think I'll impose my own 5 day suspension. Seems only fair.

Please feel free to discuss everything that happened and assign blame as you wish while I'm gone. See you next Tuesday.

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