Frost Seeding Perennial Grasses

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Well-known member
May 1, 2019
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Winchester, Ok
Anybody ever had decent success frost seeding perennial grasses (improved or native) via broadcast? Trying to decide whether not to give it a whirl on some smaller bare spots and may use a hand spreader...
Results will vary.
Depends on the weather and the grass variety and how much you apply and ...
Rye grasses and orchard grass may yield a 10 to 20% catch. Most others will be less.
Unrolling mature hay may be your lowest cost option.
We overseed with ryegrass in heavy use areas. Had excellent results. However, you need to make sure you do not let the cattle trample in the seed in those areas where it's knee deep to a giraffe where you've been feeding. In areas with pretty good sod, I'd say you're wasting your time and $$. Legumes do well, but the grass deal is just so slow to start from seed, that weeds and other established grasses oftentimes jump up and choke out new seedlings that do germinate successfully.
Perennials, no...other than legumes & timothy(which is barely more than an annual here)
But, as others have said, annual ryegrass may give a decent catch, particularly if there's quite a bit of bare ground.
Pull a grass harrow over it if you have one and or let cattle in those areas and tromp around on it if feasible.
Lucky_P said:
Perennials, no...other than legumes & timothy(which is barely more than an annual here)
But, as others have said, annual ryegrass may give a decent catch, particularly if there's quite a bit of bare ground.

Legumes aren't an option due to residual herbicide from a .5oz pa of CimarronMax in early September. Learned that lesson the hard way last summer. May end up going with rye grass or switch grass. Hadn't thought about Timothy but will check it out as well. Thanks!
That's a similar idea to what I have been thinking about doing next year. I bale graze on bahiagrass sod and I was thinking about spreading a mix of ryegrass, ball or durana clover, and crimson into the field that I'm about to turn the cows into to bale graze. I would only do this on my heavier souls because I don't think that it would work on my sandy soils that way.
I decided to skip frost seeding and instead will broadcast Red River Crabgrass in my high use areas as well as overseed my pastures. It is an annual but at least has a shot of reseeding itself w proper management and I don't have to worry about the herbicide of choice to control Sericea.

$5lb seeded at 3lbs per acre is hard to beat if it works. If I have another failed stand, my wife is going to skin me alive.
I'm thinking the same thing.

I broadcast annual ryegrass the into the hayfields in October. Plan is to graze them when hay runs out in a few weeks. Wanting to graze them all spring and not cut hay hoping it will reseed itself. Really been kicking around the idea of blending RR and QnB crabgrass seed and spreading on the hayfields before the RG plays out.

Self seeders have my interest. Some Crimson Clover might be bought in a week or two and added to the mud pit I've got currently.

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