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Apr 28, 2014
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I did a search and found one thread about it a few months ago. Has anyone used it yet? Have heard a lot of good results from several in this region. Most who have used it say it works. One who buys 600-800 a week say they have dropped death rate from 5% to 2%. I ordered a bottle and applicator and plan to use it next week on a group. Have heard some vets feel if you do have one it lowers the effectiveness of some drugs. Interested in the results of anyone who has used it.
I was very skeptical as well, but interested. I had heard the buzz around it but not convinced until a very reputable seed stock dealer that I know and trust endorsed it. Then, after I bought it but before I used it, I happened into an opportunity to meet an owner of the company that researched and produces the product here in Texas. Myself along with the mentioned seed stock producer got the chance to tour the facility where the product is made and bottled. The science behind the product is amazing. But even more amazing is the way the product works. The calming effect it has on fresh weaned calves is very noticeable and amazing. I have also heard, and believe it works well to reduce stress on other classes of cattle and other species as well.
Bottom line is it cost +/-$3 per head to apply and the reduced stress alone will make you money.
I can't exactly explain it but listening to Felipe tell about the science and research behind the product made me feel better about the initial cost and trial, and I am now sold on the product.
The only thing I would say to be cautious about, the cattle that are being treated almost have to be caught with a head gate as the produce goes in specific spots on muzzle and top of head. Placement is important.
I tried it when we weaned last week and feel it helped quite a bit. The calves seemed less stressed and didn't bawl near as much. They also cleaned their feed up the first day. I'll use it again next year.
I tried it when we weaned last week and feel it helped quite a bit. The calves seemed less stressed and didn't bawl near as much. They also cleaned their feed up the first day. I'll use it again next year.

If I say ''PLEASE'' would you post a couple of pictures of your beautiful cattle and scenery?
My youngest sons market steer lost his shyt when we got to the fair this year. Drug me clear across a parking lot and was on edge for days because of all the people and machines. The manager of the feed store I get feed from had a bottle and applied it to the steer. I know its just one case and there were other factors, but that steer did fantastic, waiting in line to show for 20 minutes and then walking around the arena with 6 other steers with speakers blasting. If I'm not mistaken, packers have started using it before slaughter.
So how long does it last? If you put it on a batch of bawlers, took them to the sale barn, four hours later they sell, would it make a difference in how they look/act in the ring?
How about the shrink? That may be the best usage?
So how long does it last? If you put it on a batch of bawlers, took them to the sale barn, four hours later they sell, would it make a difference in how they look/act in the ring?
How about the shrink? That may be the best usage?
The advertised effective duration is 14 days.
Have read some reviews and watched some videos on their site since posting. Then have talked to some who are using it. On their site saw where it was being applied in an alley and not in a chute. One man in this area applies it in his trailer and said it works fine. We will see how it works for us. Have already weaned about half so will use it on some we have left to wean. One producer who buys from 600-800 weaning calves a week during the fall on calves around 6 and under gas cut the dosage in half. Has seen no difference in results. Reduces cost to $1.50 per head. Will post an update after we use it.
One barrel racer in this area has used it on hyper barrel horses with good results.
I also have used it for show cattle. One of "my juniors" is now a full vet and is part owner of it. It not only calms them, it increases appetite. It does not affect them like a drug/tranquilizer. They don't act any differently, just stay calm.
My heifer we took to KY, was frightened at anything. She would duck and scoot faster than you could blink. I walked her back and forth to the trailer pen we had in KY, which was maybe 20 minute walk. LONG ways. Had cars, tractors, other cattle, flags on roped off areas, people/cattle popping out of trailers, etc. Even had to walk her OVER one of the roped flags. Nothing made her duck & dive. She was "normal". It was WONDERFUL!
I just use a syringe to apply.
It was developed for weaned calves stress, new feedlot arrivals stress, etc. Business is growing leaps and bounds.
I also have used it for show cattle. One of "my juniors" is now a full vet and is part owner of it. It not only calms them, it increases appetite. It does not affect them like a drug/tranquilizer. They don't act any differently, just stay calm.
My heifer we took to KY, was frightened at anything. She would duck and scoot faster than you could blink. I walked her back and forth to the trailer pen we had in KY, which was maybe 20 minute walk. LONG ways. Had cars, tractors, other cattle, flags on roped off areas, people/cattle popping out of trailers, etc. Even had to walk her OVER one of the roped flags. Nothing made her duck & dive. She was "normal". It was WONDERFUL!
I just use a syringe to apply.
It was developed for weaned calves stress, new feedlot arrivals stress, etc. Business is growing leaps and bounds.
I've heard of those using it for several uses. They say when you have to separate one. If you will give them a dose in 2 hours they are settled down.
What about giving a shot to a steer the day before before it goes to the processor ? Does anyone think that it would help with the quality of meat ?
I got some dehorning to do so we're going to try it.
I don't think it would hurt. It would improve the quality only if he was so nervous, he was going to be a dark cutter. But, this is new and they are finding more and more things that it is beneficial to.
But, it is NOT a shot. You can draw the dosage with a syringe and squirt it around the poll and down the front of the face/nose.
What about giving a shot to a steer the day before before it goes to the processor ? Does anyone think that it would help with the quality of meat ?
I got some dehorning to do so we're going to try it.
Been told it is effective up to 2 weeks.
I don't think it would hurt. It would improve the quality only if he was so nervous, he was going to be a dark cutter. But, this is new and they are finding more and more things that it is beneficial to.
But, it is NOT a shot. You can draw the dosage with a syringe and squirt it around the poll and down the front of the face/nose.
Jeanne one woman said she is going too rub it on her husband before they work cattle again. LOL. Knowing cattle men and women they will find many uses. Heard you can use it on pets and loud noises like fireworks don't bother them as bad.
I was wondering if it would be worth it to put some on the calves just before taking them to the sale barn. I wonder if it would add any value, the stuff is pretty pricey.

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