Feeding Weaned Calves

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Cattle need salt, too. I try to keep these in front of cattle...
-trace mineral blocks
You can also use 55 gallon closed top plastic barrels, cut them using a jigsaw following the seam from when they were molded. This is a cut from top to bottom lengthwise, use some small bolts and put the two halves together. Drill some drain holes in them and you have a cheap feed bunk.
I use those often, they are very portable and easy to move around and very durable, mine are about 12 years old now.

In prior years when I weaned on alfalfa hay I had more problems with coccidiosis and occasional pneumonia cases. Now when they go to the weaning pen, they get free choice grass hay and a stress tub. Has been pretty much hassle free. I don't push them to gain because if they get fleshy, they bring less per pound. They need to frame up and go to the sale barn in green condition to get the best price.

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