fair time

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Oct 21, 2012
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In a little town in the middle of WI

Since they don't have open class beef at the county fair here, I always take something to get the cheaper fair pass.
Decided to do this, this year.
We'll see how the judges like it.
That is really nice, Anne. The soft edges really express the fondness between a cow and her calf. I like the message, too. I smile everytime I see a cow gently lick her calf or a calf reaches out its nose to the mother. There has got to be love at some level there.
We have a creative arts department at our fair too.
Your painting is very sweet. I agree with inyati13. You certainly captured the moment.
Good Luck! Please let us know how you do.
I too like it. Good contrast, and good focus on the subject matter, and I really like the emphasis you got with the calf's shoulders--and you did a great job with the ears. You kept it simple, yet with enough nuance of detail to make it interesting if the person viewing it simply steps back a little and pays some attention to the painting as a whole. A wise move to treat the eyes as you did--I am not an artist, but have noticed way too many times that people try to capture in a painting, what real eyes look like and it almost always ends up badly, detracting from an otherwise great painting. You did a good job keeping the right perspective in the lines of momma's neck too--shows her length without making the painting too large and loosing size contrast with the calf.

As a single parent with 4 kids,each year I had to judge several crafts exhibits at local fairs, as well as photo entries when my kids were in school and 4H/FFA. The first couple, I fell victim to the "oh how cute" syndrome, but then got some tuteledge from an old hand at judging amateur crafts and photos. First thing she said was ignore the cute--they were always a dime a dozen, like everyone's newborn baby (human) photos are. (every parent firmly believe's their baby is the cutest, most beautiful picture in the world, but most folks cringe when someone says "Oh, you just HAVE to let me show you the pics of the new grandbaby--she's just GORGEOUS!!" They all look exactly the same--even mine )
If I had $1 for every photo I saw of a pretty kid in Sunday dress sitting in a swing, with a puppy dog in her lap, I could pay for a round bale.

She also gave me some tips. Start off with a blank slate, where every entry is 10 pts, then look for obvious glaring defects, taking a point away for each. (defects isn't the word she used but I forget now what it was) Narrow it down to 3 entries with that, then look at the positives in each of those 3.
Good work. I'm always amazed at talent like that. Stick figures is about the best I could ever pull off and even then they look like they've had a bad accident.
Great painting! I admire folks with that kind of talent. Now not a complaint... just an observation... but ah.. they ain't black? :)

By all means you should be proud to hang that picture anywhere.
glacierridge":2yuypeah said:
Thanks Ron. :)
I took my time with it, I think I want this gracing the wall of my home after the fair :)

Anne, the responses are encouraging. I bet the judges like it too. Greybeard outdone us all, you excepted of course.
Thanks all!
alisonb I did it with pastels, yes. Not the oil ones tho.

It was judged this morning, I got first place :)

Just got the market calves off the trailer, the kids will have their beef judged tomorrow...

I'm anxious for them, I hope they'll all do well too.
glacierridge":1wwyrtf8 said:
Thanks all!
alisonb I did it with pastels, yes. Not the oil ones tho.

It was judged this morning, I got first place :)

Just got the market calves off the trailer, the kids will have their beef judged tomorrow...

I'm anxious for them, I hope they'll all do well too.
Way to go Greybeard and Glacier.

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