Deworming timeframe prior to new Pasture turnout

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Oct 5, 2004
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I need some expert advice on this as I have one chance to get it right.

I will be moving some pairs to pastures that have not had any grazing animals for over 10 years, only hay cut and bushhogging. I want to deworm them where they are currently, and then haul to fresh pastures. Most of the mommas were vaccinated in April with Dectomax injectable, calves were less than 60 days old at time and not vaccinated at that time but will be when going through the shoot prior to moving.

So time wise to leave the majority of worm parasites behind, do I worm the day before, 2 days before, 1 week before moving? Do I use a combination of dewormers, if so which? I am in the Deep South, South Mississippi. I was thinking of Safeguard paste to get in their gut along with other (maybe Dectomax injectable again)? How long does it take to get most of the worms out of their bodies, or are only dead ones expelled after deworming?

Thanks to all that respond.
i just read in a cow magazine about this and it said 2 weeks. I know with sheep its 3 days.

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