day labor

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Feb 20, 2005
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couple of weeks ago i needed some day labor aropund my place (the kind ya pay cash for and that is it)
there are places that ya can find them, usually have abuse problems)
anyway i hired 2 at $10.00 per hr just to clean up juhnk around my place! nothing major!
after about 2 hrs one came up to me and said "senor this is to much work for us to do for the money! (trash pic up things like that) needless to say i hauled them back to town paid them end of story?
2 days later a friend called me saying he had 2 guys that worked their fanny's off for him did i have any thing that could help them move along
long story!!!
i knew they were illigals!!! they done more in 5/6 hrs than the day labor guys would have done in 20 hrs!
i gave them lunch paid them and they were gone!!!!!
i paid them $15.00 an hour ,
after i saw what they had done in the time frame!!!!!!!!
was i wrong!!! no i do not think so the CITIZENS had the job, too much work!!!
memanpa":36q63sun said:
was i wrong!!! no i do not think so the CITIZENS had the job, too much work!!!

Well if you judge right and wrong by the law, then yes you were wrong. Employing illegal immigrants is against the law. Using your logic, you would find no problem with me firing the US citizens that work for me if I could find illegals that are willing to work harder? Is that true? Would it be okay for Walmart, GM, Ford, Brown & Root, etc to do the same? or is it only okay for you to break the law??

I am in the construction business and 95 % of our workers are mexicans. We would hire locals but they do not want to work and don't show up most of the time. Most of the mexican labor we use are paid by piece work and take home checks in the $1,000 range per week so people that say we under pay do not know what they are talking about. The President of Mexico hit the nail on the head when he made a comment that " the mexicans do the jobs that the whites and blacks will not do"
We treat them as a subcontractor so we do not withhold taxes but I do carry workmens comp on them. Most of them even have bank accounts so we wire their money each week. They are the best workers and some of them have become personal friends after working with them so many years.
Seems like there has always been folks that are willing to do the work that is beneath some other folks...we're not going to change that. " A good man is hard to find" still rings true.
Growing up in Arizona, I'm all to familiar with the Illegal issue...go find someone to cut lettuce or pick citrus at the local job bank and see what the cost of your groceries is.
Give jobs to the Americans who want them....a broad statement but face reality, some just don't want to work.
Easy to soapbox on this subject....and I said that I wouldn't be enough said.
All I know is all illegals need to be sent home now and our border closed and guarded. Shoot to kill if necessary to stop all crossings, but as far as Mexicans coming over leaglly and taking jobs from Americans, it's fine with me. Even if it's a temporary pass to work in the U.S. as long as we know who is here, when they are leaving and that sort of stuff, then go for it.
My dad who is in construction has hired illegals and helped them get their green cards, so they could stay because they were such great workers. I have seen 50 year old Mexican men work circles around 25 year old white boys and do things that most wouldn't do not matter what the pay was.

This is a big problem though and needs to be taken care of.
Let's distinguish the difference between hiring legal immigrants of mexican (or any other) decent, and hiring illegal aliens. The former is probably good business sense, and the later is unquestionably against the law.

As long as there is someone that is willing to work cheap because they are here illegally there will always be cheap jobs. Send all illegals home, try to find Americans to fill those jobs, the pay for these jobs will work out and go up.

Once we have did that and we still need workers, then allow people from other countries to get work permits if we need them. But everyone pays taxes and everyone holds out taxes. And everyone is legal.

We do not have to allow illegal people here to do our work for us. Sure they will work hard and for less, just like the kids in China do. Starvation is a strong motivation, if we cut out food stamps and welfare checks, people here would be fighting the illegals for jobs.

I have had hard time finding workers for my cleaning business and illegals were an option, could have hired some of those that lost there jobs at wal-mart, but I will fold and downsize before I do that! Actually I have downsized due to worker problems. Easier to do more myself and keep it smaller now than in past with problems finding workers. But until we all refuse to hire illegals soon we will be a country of illegal immigrants pushing labor prices down, and sending money home and paying no taxes.

I say if someone hires an illegal immigrant then they should have there possessions confiscated and sold at auction just like someone selling illegal drugs.

Sorry if I sound extreme, but owning a Janitorial Company I am very close to the Illegal immigrant situation, this is a big area they swarm.
i do not think you can equate my hireing 2 people for 5-6 hrs to walmart, gm etc etc et hireing lots of them for weeks on end !!!
i do not believe that i am on a level with DRUG dealers as was suggested !!!
yes i suppose i did break the law! no i did break the law!!!!!
it seems that most feel i did do wrong and that was the response i was looking for!!!!
I notice a few mexican familys in the malls --in Brandon manitoba Canada we have a hog killing plant built about 3 years ago here ,Im sure they were brought up here legally BY THE COMPANY (MAPLE LEAF FOODS)but by what I see they seem to be hard working decent people -kids are polite but MAN it must be cold for them are winters get to minus 40 degrees
aplusmnt":3p0m0wkp said:
if we cut out food stamps and welfare checks, people here would be fighting the illegals for jobs. .
But we Will not cut food stamps and welfare checks. The liberal congress won't do it.
you are familiar with the illigal movment???
they swarm into KS?
try living in the douglas az, nogales az , to phx. az corridor !!!!
We do not get anything like those kind of numbers, but I live just 30 minutes from OK, KS, AR, MO in the 4 state area. And we have some pretty large amounts in this area, lots working in the Chicken industries, just a few miles away in MO, in Noel MO chicken plants (Tyson i think) have bought old motels to turn them into apartments for workers from Mexico. Commerce OK 18 miles away is probably above 50 % Mexicans now due to some plants like a mushroom plant that hires them.

I know they are not all illegal, some are here legally but with the swarms legal, come lots of illegal relatives.
Here in Australia we have what we call "dole bludgers",ones that get paid by the government and happy to sit on their bums and do nothing. We are lucky in this country that they have to come by boat to get into the country. So we don't get as many as the US would having land borders.
Good workers are hard to find as I've seen posted already in this topic. Earlier this year I wanted a young person or just anyone to help me exhibit our show team. I approached our local employment agency for someone. I had no help from them. Most persons that they aslked saifd that it was too far to travel,we live ten miles out of town. I advertized myself and got two excellent workers.
memanpa":r4kcs3g9 said:
you are familiar with the illigal movment???
they swarm into KS?
try living in the douglas az, nogales az , to phx. az corridor !!!!

Well it was their's first and if some had not stood a wall in an old Texas mission next to a bunch of white boys or charged across a Texas parrie. Wouldn't have to worry about much of the Southwest under the current flag. I guess your ancestors didn't come here either looking for a better life for their families.
Funny 200 years ago your family was the illegal movement into Texas, NM. Az. Ca. but that was OK.
Mexico lost much of its territory in the war, leaving it with a lasting bitterness towards the United States. Santa Anna fled to exile in Venezuela. General Porfirio Díaz, President of Mexico from 1877–1911, would later lament: "¡Pobre México! Tan lejos de Dios, y tan cerca de los Estados Unidos." ("Poor Mexico! So far from God, and so close to the United States.")
It is hard to form opinions and policies based on what happened 200 years ago. That is all settled, all those people dealing with that are dead, now we have established borders, we recognize them and so does the Mexican Government.

When we go visit Mexico we have to obey their laws so with reason if they wish to visit us they should have to obey our laws. The border issue or who owns what is settled. It means nothing now days.
aplusmnt":2m9njjqe said:
It is hard to form opinions and policies based on what happened 200 years ago. That is all settled, all those people dealing with that are dead, now we have established borders, we recognize them and so does the Mexican Government.

When we go visit Mexico we have to obey their laws so with reason if they wish to visit us they should have to obey our laws. The border issue or who owns what is settled. It means nothing now days.

Wow based on your logic we should throw out the constitution or the bill of rights as they were written over 200 years ago the people that wrote and signed it are dead also.
It was OK for your ancestors to be low life illegals but when the shoe is on the other foot you don't like it.
Your ancestors might not have been illegals or just to cowardly to fight for it and came after it got easy. Just depends on whose glasses your looking through.
But you sure do take a high and mighty view of immigrants when every family in the USA was an immigrant at one time.
My family were immigrants, but they were LEGAL immigrants. I have not problem with LEGAL immigrants. But people coming across our border ILLLEGALLY! I do have a problem with!

You argument about throwing out the constitution is stupid! We are talking about borders that are agreed upon now in this year 2005. Everyone in the world including U.S. and Mexico recognize the Mexican and American border. This is the world we live in today not 200 years ago.

200 years ago lots of battles and wars were fought to decide who had control of what. And it was settled the old fashion way, Texans kicked Mexico's butt! Texas won and it is over!

If the Mexicans want Texas back so bad then let them go to war to win it. Or otherwise recognize their sovereign land and we will recognize ours. We will not go to Mexico and disobey their laws and they should not come here and disobey our laws.

And if a Mexican or anyone from any country wants to come here and work then go through the proper channels to get a work permit, green card or whatever procedure they need to to be here.

But we can not just throw out all our laws and rights because 200 years ago some dispute happened over land in Texas/Mexico border. By that reasoning then we would have to give the U.S. back to England since they are the ones that claimed it first.