Cow that hasn't been nursed for 12 days

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Texas PaPaw

Well-known member
Dec 12, 2005
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Central Texas
Have cow that calved on the 11th. Teats were a little big and on 12th had not seen calf nurse so brought them up, put cow in chute and tried to milk her. One teat was totally plugged and other 3 were so plugged it was almost impossible to get milk from them. Only microscopic squirts so I started giving calf 1 bottle/day but left him with mom, hoping he might get something going with her. After a few days had never seen calf actually get teat in mouth, just up there rooting around so went to 2 bottles/day. Pair has been in pen near house so we have been able to observe them quite a bit and until this morning, have never seen calf actually get teat in mouth. For other reasons, kept calf in adjacent pen separated from mom over night and after morning bottle turned them back together and calf went to mom like he always does after bottle. Much to my surprise he actually latched on to a teat and was nursing like no tomorrow. Have watched him nurse on both sides for over 10 minutes. Not sure he is getting anything but is sure putting in the effort.

My questions are:
1. Will restricted teats open up with calf nursing on them
2. If calf can suck milk out will cow produce more milk after 12 days of no activity.
A teat can be opened up from sucking and the moisture/warmth in a calfs mouth. She may come into some milk but not as much as she would have if she had been sucked regualrly.
x2 what dun said.. I do think they dry up much faster when they've been milking for 7 months than just after they've calved... We had one abort a set of twins, and then adopt another one quite some time later, and I think she came back into full milk, it ended up being about 650 lbs by fall.
Udders work on supply and demand. With time she'll make enough if her udder is working and the calf nurses it.
Amazing the calf lived, it almost had to of nurse at one time. With big teated cows, calves that survive can do so nursing one teat and once strong enough they will finally find the others.
cowgirl8":1k7nilrb said:
Udders work on supply and demand. With time she'll make enough if her udder is working and the calf nurses it.
Amazing the calf lived, it almost had to of nurse at one time. With big teated cows, calves that survive can do so nursing one teat and once strong enough they will finally find the others.

Per original post, Calf has been on bottle since 2nd day. Possible he has nursed before but until today had never seen him get teat in mouth. Has always rooted around but never seen him latch on until today. Saw him nursing hard 3 different times this morning so I know he has got it figured out now. Just hope he is getting enough to do some good. Sure hope you're right about supply and demand.

Think I will give him 1 bottle/day for the next few weeks and them turn them out with rest of herd. As I've got quite a few pairs at this time figure at worst he can steal enough milk if not getting plenty from mom.

Guess he got the memo as I had been planning to take him to the sale tomorrow if not nursing.
cowgirl8":20mv6w29 said:
Udders work on supply and demand. With time she'll make enough if her udder is working and the calf nurses it.
Amazing the calf lived, it almost had to of nurse at one time. With big teated cows, calves that survive can do so nursing one teat and once strong enough they will finally find the others.

We have several cows that just have far too much milk, the calf gets his fill of 1 quarter, and every week he finds another one... sometimes the milk thieves are smarter and will find the full ones first, nurse them down a bit and make it easier to find. As long as they fine ONE of them I'm happy in those cases.
Have seen calf nursing mom 5 times today and now her udder is sucked down considerably. Am hopeful that calf now has it figured out and has teats opened up. Now if cow will just produce enough milk to raise a nice calf. Gives me hope that all will turnout well.

I appreciate all the input. Your opinions and experience have been most helpful.
Took a bottle out this morning and calf came running. Didn't give him a bottle yesterday evening. Took all 2qts but didn't act so hungry as he did before he got hooked up with mom yesterday. Cows udder not full at all so baby must be getting all she has. Hopefully mom will produce adequate milk and we can stop the supplemental bottle in a couple of weeks.

Thanks again for every ones help.

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