Cow not eating after birth

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Feb 17, 2021
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We had a cow that had a calf about a week ago. Since then she will not eat. She wasn't drinking either. We contacted our local vet - he suggested putting water in a tub and she did finally drink about 2 - 5 gallon buckets of water. Our vet came today - put her in the shoot to check her out. We thought it could be hardware disease but he said her heart & lungs sounded good. He sleeved her to make sure she had cleaned herself good after the birthing and that was fine.. He gave her 2 bottles of calcium thinking maybe she was deficient because of nursing the calf but that did nothing. He mixed up several things and gave her a shot in her neck. She did have a fever. She got down in the shoot and we couldn't get her up. We went over a couple hours later and she still had not gotten up so we pushed her back into the stall and propped her up so she wasn't laying on her side. The vet said he had no idea what it could be.
The cow was about 6 years old. My husband was not sure what was in the shots the vet gave. The calf was able to nurse until late yesterday afternoon - when she went down & wouldn't get up. We're located in South West Indiana. The mommy cow was dead early morning. The only good thing is another cow adopted this calf!
Do you have a regular mineral regimen that you follow for the herd? If not, it woujld be a valid consideration.
Good Luck
Welcome to the CT forum and sorry that mommy didn't make it. glad the calf at least has been adopted by a herd mate and hopefully does well for you. Sometimes finding the cause of an illness/injury can be difficult to diagnosis and unfortunately it does not always end well. Hope your next post has a much better ending.