Checking your blood glucose

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I 'm not diabetic, and this may be a little off topic, but this is what I think are the worst foods for anyone, especially diabetics!
A, artificial sweetener.
B, corn syrup sweetener
C, white processed flour bread.

Got anything else to add??
My fasting blood sugar was pegging the scale. After Thanksgiving dinner last year it was near 300.
After 3 months of eating nothing but meat , eggs and REAL cheese. It was less than 100. I'm off of all diabetes meds, blood pressure meds, cholesterol meds . Near my ideal weight and feel outstanding. The food pyramid we have been taught is wrong. Plants and their fruits and seed are not good food imo. Try it for one week , I dare you... last visit to my doctor...if you don't step in front of a bus , no reason you won't live to a hundred. Type 2 diabetes is not's a product of your diet.
Would you describe this diet as keto or carnivore? I've been trying to talk the wife into trying this and it wouldn't hurt me to try it either.
My fasting blood sugar was pegging the scale. After Thanksgiving dinner last year it was near 300.
After 3 months of eating nothing but meat , eggs and REAL cheese. It was less than 100. I'm off of all diabetes meds, blood pressure meds, cholesterol meds . Near my ideal weight and feel outstanding. The food pyramid we have been taught is wrong. Plants and their fruits and seed are not good food imo. Try it for one week , I dare you... last visit to my doctor...if you don't step in front of a bus , no reason you won't live to a hundred. Type 2 diabetes is not's a product of your diet.
I've tried that diet, but I get plugged up so bad it takes a block of C4 to brake me loose.
and I drink a lot of tea & water & coffee, and a little long neck Bud!
Would you describe this diet as keto or carnivore? I've been trying to talk the wife into trying this and it wouldn't hurt me to try it either.
The problem here is the word diet. Diets don't work only lifestyle changes work.
I had a really good Dr when I was diagnosed diabetic decades ago.
She had me testing four times a day at wake up and two hours after each meal. I found my triggers pretty quickly that way. I tried it all Atkins they work, it is it was hard to stick to when the world around you doesn't.
Diabetes is real!
You only make it worse with your diet!
I've tried that diet, but I get plugged up so bad it takes a block of C4 to brake me loose.
and I drink a lot of tea & water & coffee, and a little long neck Bud!
Same here! It does wonders on glucose levels but man oh i actually enjoy lettuce so a bowl of that w some meat on top, yum 😋
I've tried that diet, but I get plugged up so bad it takes a block of C4 to brake me loose.
and I drink a lot of tea & water & coffee, and a little long neck Bud!
Don't make sense why you'd get plugged up. Unless you're doing like most and eating the fat and still eating carbs and sugar.. diabetes is real but type 2 is not diabetes.
Don't make sense why you'd get plugged up. Unless you're doing like most and eating the fat and still eating carbs and sugar.. diabetes is real but type 2 is not diabetes.
Where did you get your doctorate?
Type 2 is diabetes!
You can loose all the weight you want, eat low carb you didn't cure you insulin resistance and you never will.
Would you describe this diet as keto or carnivore? I've been trying to talk the wife into trying this and it wouldn't hurt me to try it either.
So I started eating this way after talking with a cousin who is a surgeon . He gave me the one week challenge. I had never heard the word keto. After 3 days my blood sugar began to drop as well as my wieght. Joint pain went away. Mental clarity three days. After almost a year I would say carnivore if you need to lose some weight. After your wieght gets right keto.
Of course I'm a fence builder not a doctor. I've told many including my father. Try it one week without any cheating . If you don't see a difference quit. No harm no foul.
The benefits is you can eat all you want of good food. Just no plants with a few exceptions.
Where did you get your doctorate?
Type 2 is diabetes!
You can loose all the weight you want, eat low carb you didn't cure you insulin resistance and you never will.
My understanding is that insulin resistance is reversible unless you're no longer able to make insulin
Don't make sense why you'd get plugged up. Unless you're doing like most and eating the fat and still eating carbs and sugar.. diabetes is real but type 2 is not diabetes.
I have a weight problem, I'm not diabetic, I never use sugar in any drink, never eat a dessert, cake or anything like that, I don't eat white bread, whole wheat, rye only or real German pumpernickel when I can find it. I watch my carbs,
Same here! It does wonders on glucose levels but man oh i actually enjoy lettuce so a bowl of that w some meat on top, yum 😋
Sounds good! but I don't like lettuce, my salads or baby spinach or kale.
So I started eating this way after talking with a cousin who is a surgeon . He gave me the one week challenge. I had never heard the word keto. After 3 days my blood sugar began to drop as well as my wieght. Joint pain went away. Mental clarity three days. After almost a year I would say carnivore if you need to lose some weight. After your wieght gets right keto.
Of course I'm a fence builder not a doctor. I've told many including my father. Try it one week without any cheating . If you don't see a difference quit. No harm no foul.
The benefits is you can eat all you want of good food. Just no plants with a few exceptions.
Well, we really need to clean out the freezer anyway before the next cow comes in so why not.
Admit it, you don't actually LIKE lettuce. You like the stuff you can put on it.
Ive been known to cut a head of iceburg lettuce in half and eat it like
Biggest issue for me is pop, but man is a code red mountain dew is like heaven, ice cold while working. Trying to wean myself but not much progress as of late.
Ive been known to cut a head of iceburg lettuce in half and eat it like
Biggest issue for me is pop, but man is a code red mountain dew is like heaven, ice cold while working. Trying to wean myself but not much progress as of late.
You won't get anywhere drinking that, ever. Try carbonated water. And instead of lettuce eat a couple of eggs.
I didn't, it doesn't matter if it's diet, exercise or medication your still treating type 2 diabetes.
Ok point taken.
True diabetes can only be corrected with medication. Type 2 as it's called can be corrected without by diet. It's a product of a eating disorder called the American diet. Sure genetics is involved buts it's not diabetes.
Kinda like you have a genetic defect that prevents you from being able to admit when you're wrong... 😂
My understanding is that insulin resistance is reversible unless you're no longer able to make insulin
It's not really reversible but treatable. It's like being an alcoholic once one always one.
Your treating it through diet, exercise or medication.
You have to choose a course of action to treat it.
This is where an endocrinologist comes in.
Radical changes to diet and exercise can be even more life threatening than the current diabetes.
This again is where the doctors an nutritionist come in to play .
Your playing Russian roulette otherwise.
It's not really reversible but treatable. It's like being an alcoholic once one always one.
Your treating it through diet, exercise or medication.
You have to choose a course of action to treat it.
This is where an endocrinologist comes in.
Radical changes to diet and exercise can be even more life threatening than the current diabetes.
This again is where the doctors an nutritionist come in to play .
Your playing Russian roulette otherwise.
That's speculation imo.
I choose to place my faith in what makes me feel right and gives real results. Not what the doctors learned by studying the same ideas that taught us all processed grains where good for sure you're wearing the mask right now because the doctors told you to..................
Don't make sense why you'd get plugged up. Unless you're doing like most and eating the fat and still eating carbs and sugar.. diabetes is real but type 2 is not diabetes.
No fiber in that diet. Green vegetables will solve that without messing up your diet. Corn and potatoes are not vegetables. Lettuce, spinach, kale, etc. will work.

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