cattle pictures

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if we dont like somebodys cattle picture what should we do

  • make up something nice to say anyway

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • tell the truth even if they may not like it

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Well-known member
Jan 9, 2005
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First off this poll thing is not very easy to do is it?? Hope it comes out like i meant for it to look. And #2...this posting is not aimed at anybody in particular but comes up because of lots of stuff I have seen here since I started making postings....dont want anybody to have there feelings hurt. I like to look at peoples cattle if I have time....but I figure if they put them out there to see we should tell them what we think if we care one way or other. Seems like some people get there feelings hurt pretty easy and lots of others jump on somebody for saying what they think even if its not there cattle. I wanted to see what everbody thinks we should do...and notice there is only 2 picks. Didnt make a place for "try to find a nice way to tell them it stinks" or "if you cant think of something nice to say just go on down the road"
I did that because I say whats on my mind and i respect that in others...guess some of you dont though. Some peopel here dont like the way I talk..I tell it like it is according to my eyes and my experences...if I dont like something I tell you but if I like it I tell you that to. Some of you act like you think we should like a cow or calf or bull just because you do or just because it is "pretty" or just becasue some of your running buddies like it. And then theres always a bunch of you that dont know a prolapse from a popsicle that will make a posting with all of that ooey gooey braggin and tail waggin

Sometimes I have to wonder how some of you that get your feelings hurt so easy would ever make it in the real cattle world. When i call a buyer to show him a set of cattle Ive got ready to sell and he doesnt like some he wont say
"would you please be so kind as to sort off the ones that display spotting that I deem excessive to the phenotype that I was led to beleive in our conversation over the phone that i would find in the cattle that you have on offer"
He is more likely to say "where did you come up with those ugly son of a better peel those milkcow looking junky a**ed blanking blanks off of that load if you want me to bid on the rest of em"
This doesnt make me sull up and argue or pick up my toys and go run for makews me try to learn from that mistake and do a better job of selecting next time. Dont any of you learn from negative comments?? At cow shows the judges point stuff out they dont like...thats how the kids learn. My thinking is there is nothing wrong with pointing out faults in cattle...I think that is worth more than all the nice gushy stuff from people that might just want to make somebody feel good. But i want to hear what the rest of you think. Thank you in advance for telling me
Frankly, I don't pay much attention to pictures. First, they take a long time to load on my computer. Second, a picture is only as good as the photographer, and third, it can't show you how the animal moves, whether she's a good mom or fertility, etc. Having said that, when I have time to look at pictures, I enjoy them. But, I'm in the category of "if you don't have something good to say, don't say anything at all." IMO, if people post them, they shouldn't expect all positive comments.
You can say what you want to say respectfully, and without calling the owner derogatory names. The phrase, "In my opinion," is in order, since that is really what it is. There are no cattle that I am aware of that have absolutely no flaws. That is why we select the right bull for the right set of cows.
I don't think pictures can do justice for all Cattle. Depends a lot on the photographer. Problem is it might not be an accurate decription of the animal thru a camera lens.I'm going to try and post some of ours this weekend, and believe me you wont hurt my feelings. I'm darn proud of em'.
tapeworm":30wephqz said:
First off this poll thing is not very easy to do is it?? Hope it comes out like i meant for it to look. And #2...this posting is not aimed at anybody in particular but comes up because of lots of stuff I have seen here since I started making postings....dont want anybody to have there feelings hurt. I like to look at peoples cattle if I have time....but I figure if they put them out there to see we should tell them what we think if we care one way or other. Seems like some people get there feelings hurt pretty easy and lots of others jump on somebody for saying what they think even if its not there cattle. I wanted to see what everbody thinks we should do...and notice there is only 2 picks. Didnt make a place for "try to find a nice way to tell them it stinks" or "if you cant think of something nice to say just go on down the road"
I did that because I say whats on my mind and i respect that in others...guess some of you dont though. Some peopel here dont like the way I talk..I tell it like it is according to my eyes and my experences...if I dont like something I tell you but if I like it I tell you that to. Some of you act like you think we should like a cow or calf or bull just because you do or just because it is "pretty" or just becasue some of your running buddies like it. And then theres always a bunch of you that dont know a prolapse from a popsicle that will make a posting with all of that ooey gooey braggin and tail waggin

Sometimes I have to wonder how some of you that get your feelings hurt so easy would ever make it in the real cattle world. When i call a buyer to show him a set of cattle Ive got ready to sell and he doesnt like some he wont say
"would you please be so kind as to sort off the ones that display spotting that I deem excessive to the phenotype that I was led to beleive in our conversation over the phone that i would find in the cattle that you have on offer"
He is more likely to say "where did you come up with those ugly son of a better peel those milkcow looking junky a**ed blanking blanks off of that load if you want me to bid on the rest of em"
This doesnt make me sull up and argue or pick up my toys and go run for makews me try to learn from that mistake and do a better job of selecting next time. Dont any of you learn from negative comments?? At cow shows the judges point stuff out they dont like...thats how the kids learn. My thinking is there is nothing wrong with pointing out faults in cattle...I think that is worth more than all the nice gushy stuff from people that might just want to make somebody feel good. But i want to hear what the rest of you think. Thank you in advance for telling me
Tapeworm, I am glad you asked. I think you were cowardly and rude when you critiqued GW's heifer. I am not the defender of Thomas but when you criticise a man who 1. puts his cattle picture on here for someone to see and 2. uses his real name , ranch , and state, I don't think your being observent. Any moron can see faults in cattle. Breeders find cows or bulls to use as tools in their herd to make improvements. Blasting a picture of a cow in person is your choice. If you want a fat lip then go ahead and questions a man about whether the cow is on adequate grass ...etc... In my part of the woods that will get a knot on your other wise useless head.
That's one of the few articles I have written. I used to take lots of catle pictures and it is really an art... one I never mastered! Penny Bowie was just about as good as anybody I have ever seen at cattle photography. Most of these tips come from her.

Solid black cattle are much harder to photograph than others. I found Hereford the easiest. Good pictures help sell cattle. Bad ones are much worse than no pictures at all.

Here's the link:
Most all cattle have some flaws. If you can be respectful and point out both the good and bad in a picture, it can be a helpful opinion. Just sugar coating, doesn't help any one improve their animals. Just bashing them because they are not the breed you prefer doesn't help either. IMHO. :)
My answer is not here either. My answer is not to say anything one way or the other unless asked. Sometimes people show pictures of show stock, commercial stock, rodeo stock, fat stock, skinny stock. I have seen people show pictures of pampered cattle that I thought "if turned out to be on their own, they wouldn't make it". Pictures really don't mean much. On feed? On grass? On implants? No or little exercise? It can be nice to look at some pictures but they really don't mean anything other than what breed they are.
M Gravlee":yaf5mkzf said:
Solid black cattle are much harder to photograph than others. I found Hereford the easiest. Good pictures help sell cattle. Bad ones are much worse than no pictures at all.

I have found that to be true, particularly with a digital camera. Seems that if the sun is in the wrong spot, all you get is a black shadow when you take pictures of black cattle. I also think I must not be very good with a camera. I have some black cows I think are pretty decent but they never look quite as good in the picture.
Tell the truth, but be respectfull. As others have indicated, there aren't any perfect cattle. Not everyone is raising cattle in the same conditions. Certain cattle do better in certain parts of the country than others do.

There are many who post pics or make comments on this board who include who they are and are not simply hiding behind some screen name. I admire and respect those who include who they are. I don't place much credibility in those who hide behind their screen names.
"And then theres always a bunch of you that dont know a prolapse from a popsicle that will make a posting with all of that ooey gooey braggin and tail waggin"

I know that I am going to be more careful who I ask to go to the freezer to get me something cold to eat---lol
Chuckie said....."You didn't have my answer in the polls. That is: Say something nice if you like her, if you don't, then make no comment."

I know I didnt put all the answers in there chuckie..that is one of them. Maybe that is what I should do...make no comment....or even better not even look at any pictures. LOL Tell you why I disagree with you chuckie.....If we do what you say then the only talk about pictures will be the ones saying "Oh that is so pretty" or "you should show that heifer" or "that is the best looking blank I have ever seen." Nobody would tell people any different. Lot of newcomers here that would think that what they were reading was 100% correct. Sorry but its not always true...somebody needs to be honest about faults so that everbody can learn. Example...I post a picture of my sorriest black brockleface cow and say "what do you think about my nice Angus cow". Chuckie if all of the people did like you suggest they would say stuff like "that is the most prettiest Angus cow I ever saw"or "are you going to show your cow" or something like that....or else they would be like you suggest and laugh at me but not say anything. People new to cattle would look at that and read that junk and go away thinking that was a nice Angus cow worth showing. i jsut dont think thats right but I may be wrong chuckie..thank you for your comments


ollie said......"Tapeworm, I am glad you asked. I think you were cowardly and rude when you critiqued GW's heifer. I am not the defender of Thomas but when you criticise a man who 1. puts his cattle picture on here for someone to see and 2. uses his real name , ranch , and state, I don't think your being observent. Any moron can see faults in cattle. Breeders find cows or bulls to use as tools in their herd to make improvements. Blasting a picture of a cow in person is your choice. If you want a fat lip then go ahead and questions a man about whether the cow is on adequate grass ...etc... In my part of the woods that will get a knot on your other wise useless head."

Hello again ollie...thank you for taking the time to vote. Guess from what you are saying that we should count you as one of the few that will just make up a nice mushy lie instead of telling the truth?? Im glad that most people didnt vote like you did ollie....Im glad to find out that the biggest group of people voted to tell the truth about faults even if that makes us "morons" to you ollie

But you seem to have a personal problem with me me

you think Im a "coward" because i dont give my real name and location like Greenherefords does?? Sorry ollie..I admire him for doing that but i dont think it is very smart for everbody to do. If people that are always wanting to advertise their stock for others to look at feel good giving there name its okay by me...I just dont have anything to try to sell you people so Im just not comfortable doing that okay?? to each his own I guess but seems like a lot of others agree with me because a lot of folks dont give there name and ranch and state. What about you ollie?? Is ollie your only name?? No last name?? What about YOUR ranch and state ollie?? Dont be a "coward" ollie...tell everbody your name and where your from if its so important to you that others do that

You think Im "rude" ollie?? Ive always said that lots of people dont like the way i talk...Im blunt and get to the point..thats the way I am. I said that i respect that in others long as they dont have a double standard. Do you know what a double standard is ollie?? A double standard would be something like your doing ollie..fussing about me not giving my name and state but you dont do it either. Also you tell me I was rude but I didnt call him "useless" like you did me. I didnt talk about somebody getting a "fat lip" or a "knot on there head". Have you ever heard me do that ollie?? Another example of a double standard might be like the posting right here by Greenherefords. He said that a person should say what you want to say RESPECTFULLY and not call names didnt he?? But then he didnt say anything to YOU about your post here that isnt very respectful. Wonder why its not important to him for YOU to be respectful ollie?? Could it be because you are taking up for him ollie?? LOL
Do you understand now what a double standard is ollie?? Dont worry though ollie....most of us have probaly been a hypocrite at some time or other...I know I have. Thank you for your comments anyway ollie..I believe a man should say whats on his hard feelings

Thank everbody
I try to be honest, pointing out the faults and the good points that I see but if I really dont like an animal I prefer not to say anything because I dont want to appear churlish, if someones posted a picture then they are obviously proud of it.
Definately tell the truth. If they are asking for your opinion, they need to be prepared for some negative feedback as well as positive. Just like showing, just one persons opinion. One may say its the worst animal ever, another may say its the best ever.
For me I say you never have to back away from the truth. Having said that, there's a great deal to be said for saying what you need to say with some tactfulness. If someone asks for honest opinions you answer with constructive things to say, never attacking, or running anyone or anything down. Only small minded people make themselves look greater at someone elses expense.

As far as Thomas at Green Willow, I've talked with him on the phone several times. He's sincere, friendly, willing to help, even when there's nothing in it for him. I'm sure there are many more out there the same way, and my hats off to Thomas and them. We could all use more people like those around.


If you think this board id tough, you won't want to show cattle either.
RainMan":3bmsiupk said:
As a newbie I've already learned this lesson. I'll never post a picture. You guys/gals would break my heart :p

You think this board is toubh, you ought to show breeding cattle. I heard a judge tell a guy one time that his heifer was all messed up on the front end, but that he had done a great job of trying to hide it. :lol: Consequently he placed this heifer at the bottom of her class.

The judge was completely wrong about those particular statements. This heifer was a little sore from riding in a trailer for 1,200 miles to get to the show.

But that is the way it goes. They are being judged based upon the opinion of the judge at that time of that day. Maybe different tomarrow or with another judge.

Constructive criticism helps each of us to grow and expand our thoughts.

Don't be afraid to post your pics. Some of us enjoy looking at them. We can't all like the same thing. That why they make vanilla and chocolate.

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