Can't catch a break

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Wow TC, does he have problems with his bone density or is he just awkward at falling. I know when I fall these days I seem to go down harder and faster. Look after yourself TC and I hope Mr TC heals fast with minimal pain. He seems to have healed well from previous injuries.

Wow TC, does he have problems with his bone density or is he just awkward at falling. I know when I fall these days I seem to go down harder and faster. Look after yourself TC and I hope Mr TC heals fast with minimal pain. He seems to have healed well from previous injuries.

I don't know if it's a bone density problem or just atrophy from not using his leg muscles like he used to. We're chalking up the 2022 compound fracture to just getting bifocals and he said he felt like he was walking on a ship at sea. I do know he doesn't have the reaction time prior to his spinal surgeries and his hands get numb if it's below 50 degrees. And he's a hot mess!
I don't know if it's a bone density problem or just atrophy from not using his leg muscles like he used to. We're chalking up the 2022 compound fracture to just getting bifocals and he said he felt like he was walking on a ship at sea. I do know he doesn't have the reaction time prior to his spinal surgeries and his hands get numb if it's below 50 degrees. And he's a hot mess!
I can relate to the eyes bit TC, my double vision affects my judgement of distances and I am always misplacing my feet and tripping over and as I said earlier the speed that you go down seems to be faster. One thing I don't tend to do and that is to put my hand out to try and break the fall.
Give Mr TC my regards

WOW and double wow... thoughts with you TC and your husband. Hoping that the stint in the therapy/rehab will help him build up his strength and help him heal better.... maybe they have come up with some newer ways of coping/dealing with his reactions and balance issues.
You are an angel, my wife would have trailer weaned me 2 years ago. Prayers for healing going up.

Only kidding about the bride, she's a pretty good ol gal.
Prayers 🙏🏻 for both of you . Going through a scary situation with my Kathy . Rapid heart rate , up and down blood pressure, anxiety attacks , you name it . Probably putting up with me for 50 years , 45 married and 5 dating. She's as tough as nails but this has really been tough on her .
WOW and double wow... thoughts with you TC and your husband. Hoping that the stint in the therapy/rehab will help him build up his strength and help him heal better.... maybe they have come up with some newer ways of coping/dealing with his reactions and balance issues.
Even while he's still in the hospital where EMS took him in Wichita, the PT they started the day after his 2nd surgery has been a game changer. And he's bound & determined to regain as much as his independence as possible, so that's a plus. He can only use his left side, but he'll continue rigorous PT even after he's graduated from a wheelchair.
Prayers 🙏🏻 for both of you . Going through a scary situation with my Kathy . Rapid heart rate , up and down blood pressure, anxiety attacks , you name it . Probably putting up with me for 50 years , 45 married and 5 dating. She's as tough as nails but this has really been tough on her .
Prayers right back at you & Kathy! Is she going to a specialist in Scottsboro?
Hang in there you're tough as they get.
Only because one of my stepdaughters came down Monday and another one flew in from Michigan today, and because of an incredible support system of friends & neighbors. I was thiiiis close to just losing my shyt. Sleep has been optional.
Only because one of my stepdaughters came down Monday and another one flew in from Michigan today, and because of an incredible support system of friends & neighbors. I was thiiiis close to just losing my shyt. Sleep has been optional.
Gotta admit that as I get older it's getting weird...

One day it will be balance and nausea getting out of bed and another day it will be nerves shooting electrical charges down limbs, and then another day it will be painful gas that's hard to get rid of or sinuses or hearing or feet that are impossible to keep warm.

And some of them pass in an hour and haven't come back, and others hang on and become chronic unless you find some way, that the doctors will never share with you, to alleviate the issues.

I've had docs tell me all kinds of things, and want to prescribe, and yet I've found ways to deal with failed ablations for AFIB, with severe leg cramps, and with hearing loss until it's almost normal... all without being on meds. And my wife is the same. She gets cankers in her mouth and the docs have said it's "cold sores" or allergies or contagious, which is basic ignorance since cankers are none of those things. And they don't know they run in families. a genetic trait, and what triggers them or what can be used to prevent them.

As they say, old age ain't for sissies. Best wishes to your old man, and give him a big hug. I've always found laughing is better medicine than pills.
Only because one of my stepdaughters came down Monday and another one flew in from Michigan today, and because of an incredible support system of friends & neighbors. I was thiiiis close to just losing my shyt. Sleep has been optional.
I am so sorry that you and Mr. TC are going through this. This would be rough on any couple that was retired and living in a condo in Florida. But to maintain a ranching operation AND deal with this, takes a special kind of people. Y'all truly embody the pioneer spirit that made this country so great. Don't neglect to take care of yourself, too, @TCRanch. I do pray for y'all in my prayers every night. And you and Kathy too, @coachg.