Branding day morning

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Jul 12, 2004
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Baker County, Oregon
Once again the sun is just starting over the hill as I head out to check for new calves. There is 45 cows out there and only 5 who haven't calved yet. No new calves but lots of calves laying around this morning. Little do they know that later this morning they will all get branded, vaccinated, and hauled off to the summer pasture.

Well the calves were all branded, give 3 vaccines, a fly tag, and those that were still bulls are now steers. They got hauled to a place with a thousand acres of grass to munch on. See you again in three and a half months. Started at 6:00 AM and finished at 5:45 PM. No cows to feed tomorrow. No calf check to do. Relaxation....... well irrigation starts tomorrow morning. I guess I get the night off.
You know being retired and owning a ranch is truly an oxymoron.
Looks like it was a great day for it. I was going to try to work all our spring calves this weekend but canceled it because it looked like a wash out.. now they changed the prediction to just a few showers after I called off my help and made other plans 😠
Looks like fun. I am planning to brand my calves the 28th of May. Going to drag them to the fire this year, although I won't be doing the roping; I could not catch the broadside of the barn with a rope, heck I probably could not hit the barn with it.
What's happening with the 5 that haven't calved yet Dave?

They got kicked up on the hill behind the house. We will wait until they calf, then gather them, work the calves, and haul them over to where the ones went yesterday. Last year there was 15 that went up the hill. This year only 5.
Dave, would it not be easier to use that chute for working the animals?
I'm a greenhorn of coarse. Bear that in mind. 😆
I must say, when I tag and band new ones. It is MUCH easier doing it on the ground compared to using a chute as compared to older calves using a chute. Chute never seems smalle enough for lil calves.

I probly just answered my own question eh?

Great pics! I really like seeing how you guys operate up there!! Thanks for posting them!
Dave, would it not be easier to use that chute for working the animals?
I'm a greenhorn of coarse. Bear that in mind. 😆
I must say, when I tag and band new ones. It is MUCH easier doing it on the ground compared to using a chute as compared to older calves using a chute. Chute never seems smalle enough for lil calves.

I probly just answered my own question eh?

Great pics! I really like seeing how you guys operate up there!! Thanks for posting them!
Easier? Probably not. It does take a bigger crew to rope and drag to the fire. At the bigger brandings where we do 200-300 a day it is faster to rope because we have a much bigger crew. Those also become a community event and that helps to build community. Which just as important as getting the calves branded. We might use the calf table to do the calves from the five which got turned up the hill. One of the advantages is roping and dragging to the fire makes rope horses and cowboys. Both of which are needed around here when cows are out in the hills. For 40 calves we didn't need much crew. Three guys roping. The ground crew was like the walking wounded. B who has a bad knee from getting wiped out by a cow this week, a high school kid who works for B he has a broken finger on his right hand, and me, I am 70 years old fat and slow. The big brandings will have 12-16 ropers. With 6-8 in the pen at a time. There will be 6 to 10 people taking turns on the ground. Plus there is always a bunch people too old or too young to help hanging around.
I think I own the only calf table in the area. At least I haven't seen one on any of the other places.
Saw one of my friends in town last night, he was going to help another friend of mine brand today. Been a while since I've been to a branding event
I have been to 6 brandings this spring not counting these yesterday. There was 3 others I would have gone to but I had some sort of conflict.
I have been to 6 brandings this spring not counting these yesterday. There was 3 others I would have gone to but I had some sort of conflict.
Do you make the ropers take off the rubber wrap around the saddle horn. According to my uncle the rubber does not allow the rope to slip a little, and it causes injury to the calves by stretching them to hard.

I think the last branding I was to was in 2014; I have a great photo of my son wrestling some calves. I think he was 16 at the time. I wish he was here in Wyoming, I could use his help branding on the 28th of May.




That was a fun branding. I am thinking using the head catches this year.

When dad worked at Warren's they would brand 600 head in two hours, I think he said there was six calves on the ground all the time; they had a pretty big crew when they branded.
Easier? Probably not. It does take a bigger crew to rope and drag to the fire. At the bigger brandings where we do 200-300 a day it is faster to rope because we have a much bigger crew. Those also become a community event and that helps to build community. Which just as important as getting the calves branded. We might use the calf table to do the calves from the five which got turned up the hill. One of the advantages is roping and dragging to the fire makes rope horses and cowboys. Both of which are needed around here when cows are out in the hills. For 40 calves we didn't need much crew. Three guys roping. The ground crew was like the walking wounded. B who has a bad knee from getting wiped out by a cow this week, a high school kid who works for B he has a broken finger on his right hand, and me, I am 70 years old fat and slow. The big brandings will have 12-16 ropers. With 6-8 in the pen at a time. There will be 6 to 10 people taking turns on the ground. Plus there is always a bunch people too old or too young to help hanging around.
I think I own the only calf table in the area. At least I haven't seen one on any of the other places.
6-8 in the pen at a time? WOW. They must know what they are doing and/or have a big pen.
That's pretty amazing. I've seen problems with 3 ropers in a pen.
It's getting hard to get branding help here anymore. I can remember when the guys wouldn't go to a branding if the owner of the cattle used a branding table, but they have gotten more common as help is hard to find. Some ranchers pay the school to get the ag kids to come an help.

Mr. Fh says, "when I was young, the old guys roped and the kids wrestled. Now I am old the kids rope and the old guys wrestle." Seems to happen a lot.

There certainly is 'branding etiquette, some of which has been lost.
Why would a roper go into the pen, go clear through the cattle and rope a calf on
the backside of the pen? I've never figured that out. I've been to brandings that were
so good, the calves laid down in the middle of the pen, things have been so calm,
but I've seen more of the other way. I love the 'art' of roping to brand calves and keep
them calm.
Yes, 3 ropers in the pen at a time was plenty here. Back in the day with good ground crew we would brand 100 calves an hour, later years we had a harder time keeping irons hot, we blamed it on less btu's in the propane. I don't know.
I agree with the loss of branding etiquette, around here it was a big deal. You didn't rope unless the job was offered to you by the owner (it was a compliment to be asked), if it was offered you didn't spend too much time up there as there were other people there that would like to rope and were deserving of the opportunity.
We could probably start a thread on branding etiquette.
Do you make the ropers take off the rubber wrap around the saddle horn. According to my uncle the rubber does not allow the rope to slip a little, and it causes injury to the calves by stretching them to hard.
These are all cowboys not team ropers. I have never seen anyone show up with a rubber wrapped saddle horn. If they did I believe they would be invited to leave their horse tied to the trailer
6-8 in the pen at a time? WOW. They must know what they are doing and/or have a big pen.
That's pretty amazing. I've seen problems with 3 ropers in a pen.
The pens vary in size. But it is not uncommon to have 3 calves lined up. Things do move right along and if you are on the ground you need to keep your head on a swizzle. I know that you very rarely have time between calves.
Saddles around here have had their horns wrapped since rawhide ropes became obsolete. If a fella can't heel a calf and drag it to a pair of wrestlers without doing damage he doesn't belong in the pen to begin with. Nothing needs to happen fast for things to go fast.
That first picture would make a painting. I've gotta hang around some cattle being worked so I have some images worth putting on canvas.
That would make a pretty cool painting. As you can probably tell he is a Broncos fan. My avatar photo was taken at that same branding; that was a little to close for comfort. I had calf pulled into, and it just rolled me out of the way.

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