Bottle calf to grain...??

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Well-known member
May 5, 2018
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west Tennessee
............Well, my first bottle calf in many years(not by choice) A nice AI bull calf that's 5 1/2 weeks old....coming along well on the bottle but I'm having trouble getting him to pick up on the grain. Tried Calf Manna, 1/3 2/3' oat/crushed corn with molasses blend, and another processed sweet no avail. I can force a partial handfull between bottle episodes, but he's just not going there voluntarily. He does go out with a small group of cows/calves during the day and is adjusting well with them.
Any tricks, suggestions..??? Thanks in advance
The thing that works best for all my bottle calves is a grain bottle. It's a bottle with a big spout for grain. I attach them to the fences. After they suck their bottle I will keep them sucking myself finger and walk them up and attach their sucker to the grain bottle. They will suck that thing dry most times then I slowly pull their sucker over to the bucket of grain over a week or two.

Another option, as you are doing grab grain in your fingers and allow the calf to suck the grain off your fingers.

Calves also like to eat grain out of a dish they can see the bottom of. Leave the grain in a shallow dish with a thin layer to grain in it.
BlondeD - How much milk is the calf getting a day? You mention that the calf goes out with the other animals...have you noticed it grazing?

cowgal604 - At what age do you introduce the grain bottle to your calves?
alisonb said:
BlondeD - How much milk is the calf getting a day? You mention that the calf goes out with the other animals...have you noticed it grazing?

cowgal604 - At what age do you introduce the grain bottle to your calves?

Basically right away. I show it to them at day 3 when I get them. Start pushing it on them at 7 days old. Some will start right away. Some of not. The only issue I have had with bottle calves on grain early is for whatever reason every few years I'll get one with an abscess in their jaw from grain getting jammed in to their gums. It only ever happens to me little ones. Twins etc. So I try to go slower with my little bottle calves.
Thanks for the suggestions......had to detour in efforts as the little guy developed a respiratory & vet got right on top of it and got him back to normal. Will resume the transition soon....
My heifer would only take grain by hand.
I locked her in a small pen with water and a bucket of grain. Only took a day for her to decide she liked what was in the bucket. Been easy sailing since. I guess when that's the only choice of what to eat, they figure it out pretty quick.

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