Are you vindictive?

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Well-known member
Jul 11, 2009
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South Africa
Are you a vindictive person or are you able to let 'things' go believing each person will have their day or the wheel will turn for them someday?
alisonb said:
Are you a vindictive person or are you able to let 'things' go believing each person will have their day or the wheel will turn for them someday?

I'm a forgive and forget type until someone "pokes the bear".
No , holding a grudge or being vindictive only hurts you because the other person does not know how you feel and could care less how you feel.
I never forgive or forget. But I also avoid people as much as possible. Cows keep me happy and sane.
Aaron said:
I never forgive or forget. But I also avoid people as much as possible. Cows keep me happy and sane.

I forgive but I don't forget.
I also follow the hit me and I hit back 10x rule. People tend not to attack when they know your gonna fight back.
I will just walk away, don't follow!
I am very Libertarian in my thinking.
If I wash my hands of you it is forever, life is too short to deal with annoyance.
I am generally a forgive and forget person. Always forgive. The forget depends on the situation. But very likely I will forget I ever knew them.
Good article. Very informative. I have met a couple of these types, and it is true, they will stop at nothing to destroy you.

As for me, personally, no I am not vindictive. It is a waste of time & energy. If I'm hit, I will hit back to defend myself. I will then go on my way and walk away. I will forgive, but I will not forget so as not to let it happen again.
I always look at giving someone a second chance, anything more than that, its game on, give a third chance then it's on you.
Not at all. And if someone is vindictive towards me I don't wonder why or engage, I simply go on my merry way. As with the others, I don't forget but I also don't care. Life is too short!
I've never taken any satisfaction in "getting even". It just doesn't do anything for me. If someone makes me mad they know it at the time. After that it's over, but the memory will remain.
Silver said:
I've never taken any satisfaction in "getting even". It just doesn't do anything for me. If someone makes me mad they know it at the time. After that it's over, but the memory will remain.
do you remember that time me and you had it out??
Silver said:
I've never taken any satisfaction in "getting even". It just doesn't do anything for me. If someone makes me mad they know it at the time. After that it's over, but the memory will remain.
do you remember that time me and you had it out??

Nope. Which leads me to believe I wasn't seriously wronged.
Silver said:
Silver said:
I've never taken any satisfaction in "getting even". It just doesn't do anything for me. If someone makes me mad they know it at the time. After that it's over, but the memory will remain.
do you remember that time me and you had it out??

Nope. Which leads me to believe I wasn't seriously wronged.
I remember it. All he really said was that you were close kin to Justin Beiber and Celine Dion.
:hide: ;-)
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