Another Fly Tag Post

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Sep 13, 2004
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I am trying to figure out which fly tag might help with horse flies. Before, I did not think that they phased them. But I found a chart that tells that there are a few that have control of these nasty creatures. I think God created mosquitoes and horse flies and sends them to he77 to torment those down there. :lol2:
Anyway, here is another chart I found that lists a couple of tags that control horse flies. I want to know if anyone has found this to be true.

I am not as happy with my fly rub as it seems some cows do not want it to touch their back. They will squat and run so fast underneath it, and then I keep lowering it. Then I have the "Antelope Angus that can leap over the top. Some love to just stand under it with the rub on they back and then the others go under the rub as it does not touch. I have one heifer that will not go under it unless she can run along the side of another cow to keep it from touching her.

I am considering a pour on that lasts 7 weeks along with the tags, but I will test these tags all the way first. Look at the bottom of the chart and the tags that list "C or "AC."
What cannot be seen at the bottom of this chart is the legend. Do you see less horse flies or none at all using the bottom two tags? The flies are here now, and it is time to get the tags on them. I was concerned about doing too early as it can cause resistance if they are on too long.
"C-Control(blue), AC-Aids in Control(yellow), NC-No Control"

Thanks for posting the chart.
The way I get mine to use the rubs is to have a mineral feeder built with an overhang where the rub is attached.My cattle always shy from things hanging over a gate.Maybe they think its carrying electricity?I got the idea from P H White website.
JW IN VA, the way I get mine to use the rub is to put their water in a lot that there is only one opening to that area. They must go through the rub to access the water. But still, I see about three of these that seem to not hit it. My bull at first was to jump over the top of it until I raised it up then he could get the top half, but not the back half. He soon realized that it felt good to his back as would the others if they would quit obsessing about the roundness of it. But to be honest, I had much more luck with the ear tags when I used them. They were fly free for the entire summer months for less than $50.00 vs, the fly dope and the diesel that I continually mix to put in the rub.
As always,it depend on what works for the individual.If you can fly tag for a lot less than using a rub and it works ,that's the way to do it.It would cost me around 400.00 to tag.Plus tme as I work most of my cattle by myself.
Horse flies are just starting here. They only last about a month before a good thunderstorm takes care of them in early July, so I likely won't have any results as to the effectiveness of the Python Magnum tags on them. Although I do have those tags in my fall cows right now and will keep an eye out on how they do with them.
Chuckie what pour on is it that you mention to use with tags that last 7 weeks. Thanks
Look at this one. Ultra Boss. If anyone has used this product, maybe they can give us more information on it.

Here is another article on the number of flies found each week on the cattle after treatment of several pour ons...

Sometimes trying to find the best fly control will make your head swim. I can read so many reviews, and articles on it, that it is truly difficult to figure out which one is most effective. I still think the ear tags were by far the best choice of all. It is good to see your cows grazing and not throwing their heads back all the time and constantly trying to get alway from the flies.

Some of the pour ons are very bad for aquatic life, and be careful what you use if you have a pond with fish in it. Often I see people fence in a small are of a pond for the cattle to get in so they don't destroy the sides of the pond, but still use the pond to fish in.
I use Ultra Boss quite a bit. It does a fantastic job, within a couple hours the flies have dramatically decreased. By the next day it's tough to even find one. However, it has never lasted anywhere near 7 weeks for me. On average, I only get about 2 weeks out of an application. I only have a handful of cows, so applying out in the pasture every couple weeks is easy for me. For larger operations, I can see it being a pain.
I use the Ultra Boss also. I do not think that I even get 2 weeks out of it...........seems like just a couple of days.
Maybe our flys have resistance to it.
The bags with powder hanging in a run in shed work good for me. My cows are good about powdering their faces on a regular bases.