Amazingly tough

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Feb 14, 2006
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A 5 year old simmental cow that my neighbor had given me a few years back, had a beautiful black white faced bull calf about 3 days ago. I had just opened up my 80 acre hay pasture for them to start grazing it, and the grass was fairly thick and about 2 foot high, and some places had Johnson grass about 3 feet tall and thick. Well, this mama cow was down there, grazing with the herd, and I went down to check them all. While being careful driving thru all that high grass, my worst fear came to be. I felt the bump and as soon as I did, I stopped, go out, and yep, sure enough, I had ran over that bull calf. DAMMIT I thought... made me sick. there it was laying there all peaceful, and now it was just twisting and turning around, not getting up with, blood running out of its nose and mouth. I tried to get it on its feet, but it just felt like a rag doll. figured it was paralized.. or hurt internally. I drove back to the house to get the .22, (thought I would have to put it out of its misery) Said a prayer as I was driving back down to the pasture.. and when I got back.. it was laying there, blood still coming out of its nose and mouth. Mama cow was licking it. So, I let well enough alone. It was almost dark, so I thought "its either going to make it or not" . Yesterday evening, when I got down there, that calf was all cleaned up and on its feet, sucking mama, and moving around like nothing happened!
Those little dude are sure tough... still amazing to me even after all these years of raising them!
Glad the calf was alright. Buddy about mowed a twin the other day. She got up as the front wheels of the tractor went over her and she squeezed out the side before the back tires got there. Lucky!
My heart would sink as well, they are remarkably tough animals, I hope this guy makes it.

I've been lucky with wildlife, never yet mown over a fawn
It never makes me as sick mowing over a fawn , as it did when I ran over that bull calf. I guess because I dont sell the fawns.. only shoot em to eat when they get bigger.
You got lucky! It is probably safe to assume that most of us here that have been in the cattle business for more than a day will have similar stories to tell. Glad your little bull is OK!

As far as the wildlife goes... I have had my fair share of fawns and turkey that didn't fair as well as you bull calf!
I did hit a fawn once, but it was dead before I hit it... a few rounds later I found the bones of it's mother.. have no idea what got it in the middle of a hay field.. perhaps she had complications with the birth that got her?
Almost hit a fawn one year cutting wheat. It jumped up when I was on top of it hit the reel and ran off as I stopped. That would have been nasty.
Rafter S":1sfep8xv said:
Nesikep":1sfep8xv said:
I've been lucky with wildlife, never yet mown over a fawn

I have. It'll make you sick.
That's for darn sure. Last year I was brushhogging a little patch behind the house that has feild fence all the way around. A fawn jumped up right in front of the tractor and ran off to an area I wasn;t going to mow. Next pass another fawn jumped up and ran to the same place. I just shut it down and figured I could clean it up in a month. These were tiny little fawns so the doe had to have jumped the fence into that area and fawned back there, not 50 feet from the house.
The year before I hit one with the disc mower, sickening.
I usually hit grouse once or twice a year, especially the chicks.. not much I can do about it, if I know they're in an area I'll stand while I mow to try and catch any movement.. some you win, some you lose.
Few years back around here there was a toddler aged child run over by a school bus. No serious damage done. Child was fine in a couple days. I imagine when they are young everything is pretty flexible. Glad to hear to real damage to your calf.
We usually hit a fawn or two, pheasants, turkeys and rabbits each year when we chop the winter rye which makes ya feel bad. I have tried getting out when I see the doe break and look but either can't find them or if I can run them out they go right back into the rye farther down.

An old farmer told me he mounted a long metal bar on the front of his tractor and hung tin cans and other nose makers off it to scare stuff up before it got to the mower. Said it worked good but don't know if it would help with how fast you can now anymore.
Yep, that little bull is up and around, not acting like anything is wrong. He's growing and running around with his tail up with the other calves his age now.. :banana:
Limomike":12887jcs said:
Yep, that little bull is up and around, not acting like anything is wrong. He's growing and running around with his tail up with the other calves his age now.. :banana:

he's just waiting to grow up so he can run over you!
That is a miracle! I am so thankful that little fellow is okay. I warn my husband every time he drives out in the pasture when we have newborns. I am so afraid he will hit one.
Glad your calf is ok. I am always worried about running a calf over so far I have been lucky. I did run my dog over last week with the 4 wheeler. I thought I had killed her she was just laying there shaking on the ground, but she got back up and is doing ok besides limping on a back leg.
wacocowboy":2iaiu2tw said:
Glad your calf is ok. I am always worried about running a calf over so far I have been lucky. I did run my dog over last week with the 4 wheeler. I thought I had killed her she was just laying there shaking on the ground, but she got back up and is doing ok besides limping on a back leg.

Oh I have done that before too. Ran over my favorite lab one time and she tumbled under my truck and that made me sick. thought for sure she was a goner.. but nope.. she limped home and she was sore for a few broken bones.
Willamsv - yep.. now my wife tells me that darn near everytime I go out.. :lol:

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