“Losing Ground” Time to wake up!

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Congratulations on beating the big C! As to Almond milk I believe the Keebler elves diversified, they take their little hammers and beat the milk out of the almonds then use the rest to put in their cookies. Those elves are smart little guys.

gizmom said:
Congratulations on beating the big C! As to Almond milk I believe the Keebler elves diversified, they take their little hammers and beat the milk out of the almonds then use the rest to put in their cookies. Those elves are smart little guys.


So obvious I can't believe I missed it.
Texasmark said:
gizmom said:
If you don't think fake meat is a threat, ask the dairy farmers what they thought when mfg. started promoting almond milk.


I was on Chemotherapy for a really bad case of Lymphoma in 2013, (been clean since Sept. 2013) and did the Almond Milk for awhile. Great tasting stuff. Couldn't figure how you could get that (and white colored at that) out of an Almond!

Good for you texasmark, glad you beat it!!

I just finished 7 months of mild Chemo and had to give up beer. No way was I going to drink almond or soy milk. NO WAY :tiphat:
Named'em Tamed'em said:
Texasmark said:
gizmom said:
If you don't think fake meat is a threat, ask the dairy farmers what they thought when mfg. started promoting almond milk.


I was on Chemotherapy for a really bad case of Lymphoma in 2013, (been clean since Sept. 2013) and did the Almond Milk for awhile. Great tasting stuff. Couldn't figure how you could get that (and white colored at that) out of an Almond!

Good for you texasmark, glad you beat it!!

I just finished 7 months of mild Chemo and had to give up beer. No way was I going to drink almond or soy milk. NO WAY :tiphat:

Congrats to you too!
TennesseeTuxedo said:
Named'em Tamed'em said:
Texasmark said:
I was on Chemotherapy for a really bad case of Lymphoma in 2013, (been clean since Sept. 2013) and did the Almond Milk for awhile. Great tasting stuff. Couldn't figure how you could get that (and white colored at that) out of an Almond!

Good for you texasmark, glad you beat it!!

I just finished 7 months of mild Chemo and had to give up beer. No way was I going to drink almond or soy milk. NO WAY :tiphat:

Congrats to you too!
Thanks tt,just a little bump in the road. I'm in 4wheel drive ready for the next rough spot. :nod:
gizmom said:
Congratulations on beating the big C! As to Almond milk I believe the Keebler elves diversified, they take their little hammers and beat the milk out of the almonds then use the rest to put in their cookies. Those elves are smart little guys.

That's just what Keebler wants you to believe...here's how it really happens....I'll show you a nut milker...(that didn't exactly sound right.... )


Congrats to those that have done well on chemo!!
Texasmark said:
gizmom said:
If you don't think fake meat is a threat, ask the dairy farmers what they thought when mfg. started promoting almond milk.


I was on Chemotherapy for a really bad case of Lymphoma in 2013, (been clean since Sept. 2013) and did the Almond Milk for awhile. Great tasting stuff. Couldn't figure how you could get that (and white colored at that) out of an Almond!
You ought to see the milking machine they hook up to the almond trees. Quite a show
Named'em Tamed'em said:
Texasmark said:
gizmom said:
If you don't think fake meat is a threat, ask the dairy farmers what they thought when mfg. started promoting almond milk.


I just finished 7 months of mild Chemo and had to give up beer. No way was I going to drink almond or soy milk. NO WAY :tiphat:

My GP doctor solved my beer problem, having been an avid lover most all my life. I had just bought a 30 pack the night before and had it unopened in the bottom of the ref. in my shop. Went to the Dr. the next morning (Feb 16, 2015) and had a blood test as part of the visit. Dr. came in and said that I had slipped over the Blood Sugar limit of 130 and was at 136. Dr. said that Type II Diabetes starts at 130 BS. My grandmother on daddy's side had the insulin syringes on the back of the commode in her house, my daddy died with it at 72 and NO WAY baby did I want any part of it..................The 30 pack is still in my ref. unopened, Within a week or so I was back into the correct BS range (she wrote me a prescription for a personal BS tester), no medicines, just naturally receded, and I can't believe that I don't miss it. I really don't and I'm free.

On why it's still there, we all know how our ID, EGO or Super EGO goes nuts when deprived of something we love......I tricked it. I told the three of them where it was and that I could go and get one anytime I wanted......that shut them up. Grin.

On the crap they feed you on TV about booze being a disease.....baloney. It's all in your head. You just have to decide on your priorities.

Like when I quit smoking after 35 years back in '88. Bought a new F 150 with Velour interior captain's chairs and all the whistles and bells. Decided I didn't want to stink it up.......I didn't. Free of that too and nice to think about something but "lung lust" all the time.
Texasmark said:
My GP doctor solved my beer problem, having been an avid lover most all my life.
I was an easy doer i reckon..
It only took a quad bypass for me to learn to give it up..

(I do not miss it 99% of the time, tho there is an occasional holiday once or twice/year that I would like to have a Crown and water.)
greybeard said:
Texasmark said:
My GP doctor solved my beer problem, having been an avid lover most all my life.
I was an easy doer i reckon..
It only took a quad bypass for me to learn to give it up..

(I do not miss it 99% of the time, tho there is an occasional holiday once or twice/year that I would like to have a Crown and water.)

Those thoughts come around here too. Like smoking, I don't want to "play with fire" so I choose to abstain. One of the neat things about where I am is that I don't have guilt pangs in the morning wondering what did I do the day before of which I was unaware........along with a clear head and no addiction to Maalox.
Bright Raven said:
ddd75 said:
no lab grown meat injected with hormones and bathed in antibiotics 24/7 will ever be as healthy as real meat.

1. Antimicrobial will be ultraviolet light.
2. Homones are not used. It is reconstituting protein into a form that simulates steak or hamburger, etc.

I agree with Brook, that there is likely to be a long term market for real live animal beef as a luxury. But the vast population on the planet with never see a steak in 50 years.

There are some real problems with this. The big companies want this as they get control of food. However, nearly all cropped land in the world is seriously degraded. Then UN has predicted that much of this land only has 40 to 60 years production left. If this is true or not? However, there has been no new herbicide developed in the last ten years. So the current trend of GMO's will end. Then there are the other diseases that stop crop production. There is some really productive land that will no longer grow certain crops. Then there is climate change. In the US the dry zone between east and west is moving east. This will reduce the yields of major grain-growing land. If there are more weather pattern changes such as increased drought, rain events then crops get harder to grow.

Today we grow food to feed nearly 10 billion people, lots is wasted in the western world. The yield gains that have largely been in corn will flatten out. Wheat and soybeans have made little ground in the last 20 years. Bill Gates pumped vast amounts of money into rice to gain very little.

Pasture on the other hand if there is a change from set grazing to rotational grazing can increase productivity and it does not require chemicals. Changing from set grazing to highly intensively managed systems can increase production twice or four fold. Then there is the benefit of increased soil organic matter that reduces the effect of seasonal differences due to the weather. So in order to overcome food production problems in future the best way is to increase the number of animals we graze, which may decrease the price we receive. I just hope that I have become viable and paid down my debt before that happens.
************* said:

What you said is true, and there is nothing wrong with the Impossible Burger.

Why you ask? Because there is no way in h.ll that current beef production will ever keep up with demand. Beef consumption is predicted to grow significantly in the next 10 years, so is the world's population.

I predict that a prime Angus rib eye or filet mignon in 20 years will be a very expensive luxury, but it won't go away.

Is this Thanos speaking?😙😋

People forget, meat is a luxury, most of the world will never be able to head into a steakhouse, EVER! People that have not traveled outside the United States have NO CLUE how fortunate we are here, and how readily available meat is to U.S. citizens.

I'm not losing sleep over fake meat, but I am concerned about human encroachment.

I've mentioned this before, but nobody says a word about it, but I think humans and the growth of the overall population on Earth poses a far greater risk than cattle ever will. If we had 1 billion people on the planet, I seriously doubt we would have the problems we face now. It's a conundrum that is far beyond my ability to solve.

Getting rid of cattle is not the answer. Take Lexington, KY for example, not a huge city, but consider this, probably 300k vehicles are driving into the city on a given day. That's a lot of emissions, I doubt the Kentucky herd puts out that much pollution, I could be wrong, who knows?