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  1. Saltydawg

    porcupine quills

    I've never had a problem with quills in my cattle but porcupines are pretty common around here and one of my dogs is really good at finding them :( . Old Sam just doesn't learn and he tears into every porcupine he finds. The porcupine always dies but Sam is usually in a big old mess...
  2. Saltydawg


    I have a small operation but I can do both round and small square bales. I prefer to feed the small squares because it is less waste for me. Trouble is the small squares take much more labor to put up and I've been having trouble finding enough help this year. The cows waste a lot more of my...
  3. Saltydawg

    Cows have the right of way?

    Wish they'd adopt that policy in upstate New York.
  4. Saltydawg

    Typical mineral budget

    I use a mineral prepared at the local feedmill tailored for my region and cows eating mostly grass (Timothy, Orchard, and clover). I offer it to them free choice. It costs me about $17 dollars for 50lbs and includes the salt for the cows (my cows get no other source of salt other than what...
  5. Saltydawg

    Global Warming,,,you think????

    As long as scientists receive the bulk of their funding through politicians their research will always be questionable. Usually the most significant scientific discoveries come from scientists who present ideas that ARE NOT accepted by the scientific community. Being accepted by a peer group...
  6. Saltydawg

    Global Warming,,,you think????

    If Al Gore were reading this thread he'd turn to his buddies and holler " Fish On !!"
  7. Saltydawg

    Global Warming,,,you think????

    I live in western/upstate New York and yea we've been getting a lot of snow. We get it every year however for as long as I can remember, average annual snowfall for my little "mountain" is about 300 inches. It normally doesn't make the news until other parts of the country start getting hit...
  8. Saltydawg

    water in winter?

    I have a frost free faucet with a garden hose setup to fill the water tanks when i go down each feeding. I just unhook the hose from the faucet after each watering and the hose is run on a downhill slope to allow the water to drain out so it isn't frozen the next time i need to water them...
  9. Saltydawg

    has anyone noticed

    Agree 100% with Caustic's post. Find a mirror if you want to blame someone, otherwise roll up your sleeves and go help yourself or someone else.
  10. Saltydawg

    Low Priced Bulls. Are they worth it?

    Designer labels cost more when you buy a pair of jeans and they cost more when you buy a bull. They don't always give you a better end product however.
  11. Saltydawg

    Cattle Expenses

    What sort of software are you guys using for your cattle business? I've seen Quickbooks mentioned several times. What sort of tracking software are you using for the animals? edit: I did a search for software on the boards and got lots of info. Didn't realize how often this topic comes...
  12. Saltydawg

    Whats the happy medium here with animals per acre

    It's about the same in western New York although it can vary a lot depending on how much time and money the farmer wants to put into his pastures. The weather for any particular year has a big effect, if it gets too wet or too dry it hurts carrying capacity of the land. On really nice fields...
  13. Saltydawg

    Cattle can be dangerous

    You guys are certainly right it's not just the big ones that are dangerous. Just thought I'd post a reminder that even the best of us(not that im in this group) can find ourselves in a bad situation. Be careful and always respectful of what could potentially happen....even the little guys...
  14. Saltydawg

    Cattle can be dangerous

    Given the number of new people who post here with dreams of having cattle of their own just thought I'd post a reminder as to what can happen even with the most experienced farmers. There was a 45 y/o Dairy farmer found dead in his pasture near me this last week. (dairy farmer his entire life)...
  15. Saltydawg


    I've only have one that will stand there and allow you to pet her and she's the boss of the herd. The others will allow you to approach them but they watch you and if you reach for them they'll move, some quicker than others. None of them are flighty or spooky though.
  16. Saltydawg

    what to do? getting started.

    I would suggest spending more time at the dairy farm you mentioned learning everything you can about caring for the animals. If you help out there I'm sure you can work a deal with the owner of the dairy to get a couple holstein steers for very little money. You can make a little money off...
  17. Saltydawg

    ??? PROFIT ???

    Spend less money and do more work.
  18. Saltydawg

    Beginner questions on keeping Highlands.

    You can get a lot of opinions so I'll just throw my two cents in...... I'd go with the Highlands unless you really want horses to ride. The Highlands should be lower maintenance and you can keep your freezer full with them. I'd go with AI. Find someone in your area who does it and then just...
  19. Saltydawg

    How much will I spend for some "good" bred angus h

    If they are all bred and have calves at their sides you did ok in my opinion. Yes the Herefords will be shorter than the average Holstein, your Charolais might get close to same height. I think you'll find the Herefords much easier to keep than the Holsteins and you don't have to milk them...
  20. Saltydawg

    How much will I spend for some "good" bred angus h

    You're close to Erie? If so that seems like a solid deal you have lined up. I wouldn't worry about the papers or not. There's enough old farts buying up here to know papers are what you read while sitting on the throne. Baldies will get you an extra 100 bucks a calf over pure black or...