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    Calf with runs

    I have a calf that has the runs with blood mixed with it the stool looks like snot with streaks of blood mixed in I gave it a shot of al 300 is there any thing more I can do I just noticed it today
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    Warts question

    Ok I bought 2 bred Heffiers they have warts on them just wandering what I could do go get rid of them like a shot or something to give them
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    Culling cow heard

    I was wandering what process or things y'all look at to justify cull a cow from your breeding program/heard
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    Has anyone used or had the insurance for risk mangment on feeder cattle where if the price drops out it pays out the difference? Pros an cons to this insurance thanks for info
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    I have heard about insurance on cattle I'm guess kinda like crop insurance can anyone explain how this works an where do you purchase it at thanks
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    buying calves

    so what does everyone look for when buying calves to feed out / pre condition
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    Lease price

    It's in ky I felt pretty good about price still working out small stuff
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    Lease price

    The grass is not in bad shape water is great fence is barand new 4 strand barbed wire with a hot an 5 mile form my house
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    Lease price

    I was just offered 50 acres of paster for 50 dollars an acre is this a good price
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    Need help

    I gave a tetanus shot when they was banded they ant fell off yet the thing I don't get when you go toward him he jumps up an takes off I see him pickin grass just can't figure it out
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    Need help

    I have a calf that we banded 3 weeks ago an he has fell off to nothing don't act like he is even interested in feed the rest of the calfs are gaining good is there anything I can try I have already separated him out from the rest thanks
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    M-5 I understand where your coming from was just alittle confused
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    This is interesting I do injoy all the above but it does take money an profit to keep the tracks greased an for people to do it for a living which I would like to do some day
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    I haven't bought any when prices where high but thinking of picking some up. Just trying to figure out how to reduce the risk. I know there's always risk but just want to put the odds as much in my favor as I can
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    So everyone just roles the dice an hopes for the best?
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    How do you know when to buy an sell an manage risk
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    Is there any true an accurate way of predicting the cattle prices an can y'all explain how it works thanks
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    Post removed?

    Well pipe was the title I looked all over for it this morning not try to cause trouble just get info lol it may still be on here I just couldn't find it
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    Post removed?

    Did my post about pipe get removed I can't find it any where one here? If it did did I do something wrong thanks
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    cow/calf vs stockers/precondition

    whats every one think which makes more money cow/calf or stockers/ precondition looking to expand the operation trying to figure out buy more cows or go into the stocker/ precondition calfs thanks