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  1. branguscowgirl

    Red Bluff Bull and Gelding sale

    Awe thanks backhoeboogie! I didn't dump you guys! Just got super busy over the summer. I was trying to get some horses advanced in the bridle to do some showing in the Cow Horse Versatility classes. Well long story short, that came to a halt when I needed to go in for a major surgery. (Now 5...
  2. branguscowgirl

    Red Bluff Bull and Gelding sale

    Hi everyone! Good to see that most of my ole friends are still around! (Well, there might be a few that don't like me.......) :) I hope everyone is doing well! :cboy: I ask every year, (hoping to see some of you there) is anyone coming to our Red Bluff Bull sale this year in January?
  3. branguscowgirl


    Thanks Craig!
  4. branguscowgirl

    Happy Birthday Sophia Brooke

    Congrats Mdash! So very happy for you! :heart:
  5. branguscowgirl


    Thank you! I really miss all of you. Everything is good though. Doing a lot of riding these days, plus I lost my ranch hand so the work never gets done around here. Just workin hard and playin hard with no time left to follow the forum. Winter time should slow it down some and I will be back!
  6. branguscowgirl


    Thanks everyone! Sorry that I haven't been around much, but I still think about Ya!!
  7. branguscowgirl

    couldn't do it without my top hand

    callmefence that is a great pic of your wife! I think that it is fantastic when your partner, is truly your partner. I know that i will never be involved with someone that does not share the same passion for the livestock that I do. It just brings you closer and makes everyday life a fun...
  8. branguscowgirl

    wifes got stomach cancer

    Wow DB she looks great! So happy to hear that you all are doing so well! Awesome news to say the least.
  9. branguscowgirl

    Re: Calman

    :bday: Toooooo youuuuuu!!!
  10. branguscowgirl

    Craig Miller

    :bday: Hope you have a great day!
  11. branguscowgirl

    More Video of the Oregon Shooting Emerges

    Yep Ryder, that is exactly what it is! Glad that you posted all of that CF. I have read most of it before, and I am hoping that the shitz will hit the fan on these departments. It is my understanding that the orders to do what they had done to LF were sent from the White House. If that is the...
  12. branguscowgirl

    Could really use some prayers Today

    Best wishes and blessings 3way. Praying that all will work out well for your little guy.
  13. branguscowgirl

    More Video of the Oregon Shooting Emerges

    The ex FBI agent had also said that "there was no standby ambulance. Another protocol they follow when they do not expect to have a survivor." My understanding was that in the first stop, they only asked for the one man. They did not ask anything of Lavoy. I believe that they wanted him to drive...
  14. branguscowgirl

    More Video of the Oregon Shooting Emerges

    I listened to a report done by an ex FBI agent that said, "it was a dead mans road block that was set up." It was positioned beyond a curve in the road in a way that it would not be seen in time to stop the truck. Lavoy had to go off the road or hit them. He was not trying to "escape around the...
  15. branguscowgirl

    Could really use some prayers Today

    Prayers and best wishes from here also Vic. Glad for the good news!
  16. branguscowgirl


    Dang it! What did I miss this time!? I thought I was opening a "Happy Birthday" thread. Then I find out that one of my favorite people is gone! :shock: Mdash is correct, "anyone that wants to come back, does." Most of the regulars here have had several different names. :D
  17. branguscowgirl

    Cliven Bundy Supporters.

    The BS that is going on with these "land grabs" has very deep and crooked roots. There is so much more to it than what they are telling the public. If Bundy was breaking the law by not paying his bills, then they could have arrested him at anytime prior to the "stand off." Put him in jail until...
  18. branguscowgirl

    Kidding time!

    Love the pictures, the baby goats, and your little girl! Precious.
  19. branguscowgirl


    Yes Boondocks, this information just came out in the last few weeks. Add Garlic to the list of triggers for acid reflux! Garlic is hidden in everything also. You would be surprised. I love it, but it sets me off for days!
  20. branguscowgirl

    What this mean

    Ok I found him! His name is Mr. Green "Expressing a large amount of happiness".