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  1. Kathie in Thorp

    Another valued member passed yesterday (Hillsdown)

    Not an old post; Wanda died the day after here birthday this year, January.
  2. Kathie in Thorp


    Wanda (Hillsdown) passed away yesterday -- day after her birthday. She fought a long fight earning her angel wings.
  3. Kathie in Thorp

    Another valued member passed yesterday (Hillsdown)

    Never had the privilege of meeting Wanda in person, but had the privilege of being a woman in ag that received good advice and encouragement from her over 10 years or so. And she shared great recipes, too. This is going to be very hard for her husband, and all the people that cared much for...
  4. Kathie in Thorp

    My heart hurts for one of ours . . . .

    Where's my head at today . . . nearby, I'm butchering apples to dehdryate. One load done; another on the way. Not far, a fam member will have some major surgery in a week or so and I'll be travelling to be a helper with that for a few days. Far away, Canada, a lady and her fam I have soooo much...
  5. Kathie in Thorp

    Got a message from Angie on the CTB board (maybe her/maybe not) asking about my health . . . .

    Don't think that question has anything to do w/ cattle, and not anyone else's business. Maybe a scam message? And by the way . . . I'm still here, still alive, with only a few beef steers and no production cattle, retired, sold the farm to the son, looking forward to some travel in the...
  6. Kathie in Thorp

    Yesterday was fall...

    Coming soon to a theater near us, too!
  7. Kathie in Thorp


    Not as big as a grizz/brown bear, but still . . . I don't think I'd have kept him or any other bear for 23 years. Just finished reading Alaska Bear Stories for the umpteenth time. ;)
  8. Kathie in Thorp

    So Long, My Old Friend

    Just heard about this today. What a great guy -- Dun/Don! He grew up out here in the Pac NW. Think he'd have liked to come back towards the end. Sorry I never got to meet the man.
  9. Kathie in Thorp

    Just check'n in . . . it's been awhile

    I do want to do some touring in the South and Southwest -- check out some civil war history spots, find bass and/or catfish holes here and there, meet some of the folks I've "met" here and on other cattle pages or via business with them. Not many of the fam left in MO. Like I said, it's been...
  10. Kathie in Thorp

    Just check'n in . . . it's been awhile

    Hi, CTB folks. I do check in to see what you have to say now and then, but w/out cattle, I don't have much to contribute. I do miss the cattle -- hugely -- but they are well-taken care of nearby and I can pretty much have as much interaction as I want to with them. I choose to have little, as...
  11. Kathie in Thorp

    Put In An Offer

    If any of you want to move on over to Oregon to get cozier to Dave, see the same realtor web site that he posted and look up the 57 and Meadow Grass River ranches. Those belong to my sis and her husband.
  12. Kathie in Thorp

    Put In An Offer

    I never expected retirement to be so busy, Jan! Have accomplished very darn little of what was on my "list." Just in the last month, a 10-day trip to Hawaii and 2 trips to Idaho via Baker City, OR, near Dave's new place.
  13. Kathie in Thorp

    Put In An Offer

    Congrats, Dave and Mrs. Dave! May see you over there when I visit fam at the Baker City area ranches, travelling to/from Idaho. Beautiful country there.
  14. Kathie in Thorp

    Kathie in Thorp

    Thx! I'm fine! I haven't been on much -- haven't had much to contribute. Finally at Medicare vs. COBRA coverage. Well ... not sure if the last 6 mos. from my retirement have been productive, or just getting along. I was not happy about selling the cattle (yes -- to younger folks nearby...
  15. Kathie in Thorp

    Me & retrospect

    Greybeard, thanks for sharing your story -- I'm sure it wasn't easy to "take stock" and pass it along. Hope you are able to get everything back to normal quickly.
  16. Kathie in Thorp

    Retirement -- More changes than anticipated

    I'll never be gone . . . just quiet now and then! I've learned so much from the people here over the years . . . thank you all!
  17. Kathie in Thorp

    Retirement -- More changes than anticipated

    That's how I feel, TG -- like I could not have scripted the outcome any better than it happened. I feel like God's watching over this girl.
  18. Kathie in Thorp

    Retirement -- More changes than anticipated

    Not even sure where to start w/ this. 30 days into retirement, there has been so much going on, plus change, that I'm pretty much dizzy. Spent 1st week with a brother in Oregon, who's going through a nasty divorce, and just trying to be what help I could -- like cleaning out fridge, freezer...
  19. Kathie in Thorp

    I Retired!!!!!

    Haven't been on much lately. Love you all, but don't need as much help as I used to, and not as much time to chat -- some of you I talk to on FB. ANYWAY . . . . I retired today!! 40 years in the legal field is long enough. I am happy to wake up, not having someone unahppy w/ me every day...