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    Unconventional Cross

    I am fortunate to have one of these gorgeous girls, she is actually a maroon color
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    Meet Hera

    Thanks for introducing Herra & Zecca, gorgeous!
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    New year new calves

    Very sorry for your losses.You've certainly experienced both the highs and lows in this season. Glad you have your "sweetest girl".You do have a beautiful herd, would enjoy updates on them, with pics.
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    Some Fire Sweep cattle pictures

    Thanks for pics, Congratulations!
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    Black white face gelbvieh??

    Thanks B&G, Really good lookin'! My fave is Quarter Horse :)
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    Our first calf of the year

    Quote sorry e="SPH"] On the flip side though the mud claimed a victim as our top first calf heifer we found dead just 5 hours after chore time Wednesday night when we did 10pm checks on the maternity ward. We think she was laying down near the hay feeder where the cows had been tromping around...
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    Black white face gelbvieh??

    If you don't mind saying, where in KS are the gelbfords?
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    Black white face gelbvieh??

    Would sure like to see a pic of that calf
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    Picture Day

    Incredible pics! My fave is the "flush sister". 913 -Wow- never seen anything like her, glad she's docile!
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    New year new calves

    Absolutely gorgeous calves, thanks for sharing
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    New year new calves

    X2 Reds :clap:
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    I think I won a convert

    Charley's is a wonderful place to eat, but only open on Friday & Saturday nights, from around march to november, so call before you head out there! Problem is sometimes the line is Extremely long, I've waited over an hour,But it was worth the wait! The food was originally all cooked by the...
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    I think I won a convert

    Cfpinz, saw your post & 'Tightwad' avatar. Was wondering if you've ever eaten at Charley's Buffet? It's not far from your neck of the woods. It's closed for the winter, but I think opens back up in March. One of my favorite places to eat :D
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    MSU purchases first Red Angus cattle herd

    Sorry Dun. I edited the link. ... -s-history If all else fails, Google. It's on
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    MSU purchases first Red Angus cattle herd

    Sorry TG, my bad. I edited the link. ... -s-history If all else fails, Google
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    I think I won a convert

    Congrats Dun! Red Angus is my first love too. :banana: A neighbor has a huge all Red herd that's beginning to calf, one of the most beautiful sights I've seen in my entire life is his pasture filled to the brim with Red mammas & new babies!
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    MSU purchases first Red Angus cattle herd

    Yes, Red Angus :clap: Try this link: ... -s-history If link doesn't work, should be able to Google: msu purchases red angus cattle herd first in universitys history Story if from Montana University